Ticket #21024: 21024.diff

File 21024.diff, 3.3 KB (added by Tim Graham, 11 years ago)
  • docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/submitting-patches.txt

    diff --git a/docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/submitting-patches.txt b/docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/submitting-patches.txt
    index 8f8dddd..af2aa98 100644
    a b been discussed on `django-developers`_.  
    158158If you're not sure whether your patch should be considered non-trivial, just
     161Deprecating a feature
     164There are a couple reasons that code in Django might be deprecated:
     166* If a feature has been improved or modified in a backwards-incompatible way,
     167  the old feature or behavior will be deprecated.
     169* Sometimes Django will include a backport of a Python library that's not
     170  included in a version of Python that Django currently supports. When Django
     171  no longer needs to support the older versions of Python that don't include
     172  the library, the library will be deprecated in Django.
     175As the :ref:`deprecation policy<internal-release-deprecation-policy>` describes,
     176the first release of Django that deprecates a feature (``A.B``) should raise a
     177``PendingDeprecationWarning``. Assuming we have a good test coverage, these
     178warnings will be shown by the test suite when running it with warnings enabled:
     179``python -Wall runtests.py``. This is annoying and the output of the test suite
     180should remain clean. Thus, when adding a ``PendingDeprecationWarning`` you
     181need to eliminate or silence any warnings generated when running the tests.
     183The first step is to remove any use of the deprecated behavior by Django itself.
     184Next you can silence warnings in tests that actually test the deprecated
     185behavior in one of two ways:
     187#) In a particular test::
     189    import warnings
     191    def test_foo(self):
     192        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
     193            warnings.simplefilter("always")
     194            # invoke deprecated behavior
     195        # go ahead with the test
     197#) For an entire test case, ``django.test.utils`` contains three helpful
     198   mixins to silence warnings: ``IgnorePendingDeprecationWarningsMixin``,
     199   ``IgnoreDeprecationWarningsMixin``, and
     200   ``IgnoreAllDeprecationWarningsMixin``. For example::
     202    from django.test.utils import IgnorePendingDeprecationWarningsMixin
     204    class MyDeprecatedTests(IgnorePendingDeprecationWarningsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
     205        ...
     207Finally, there are a couple of updates to Django's documentation to make:
     209#) If the existing feature is documented, mark it deprecated in documentation
     210   using the ``.. deprecated:: A.B`` annotation. Include a short description
     211   and a note about the upgrade path if applicable.
     213#) Add a description of the deprecated behavior, and the upgrade path if
     214   applicable, to current the release notes (``docs/releases/A.B.txt``) under
     215   the "Features deprecated in A.B" heading.
     217#) Add an entry in the deprecation timeline (``docs/internals/deprecation.txt``)
     218   under the ``A.B+2`` version describing what code will be removed.
     220Once you have completed these steps, you are finished with the deprecation.
     221In each minor release, all ``PendingDeprecationWarning``\s are promoted to
     222``DeprecationWarning``\s and any features marked with``DeprecationWarning``
     223are removed.
    161225Javascript patches
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