Ticket #2070: 5722.2.diff
File 5722.2.diff, 22.2 KB (added by , 18 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/http/__init__.py
4 4 from urllib import urlencode 5 5 from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict 6 6 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri, force_unicode 7 from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParser, MultiPartParserError 8 import re 7 9 10 upload_id_re = re.compile(r'^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$') # file progress id Regular expression 11 8 12 RESERVED_CHARS="!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]" 9 13 10 14 try: … … 64 68 65 69 encoding = property(_get_encoding, _set_encoding) 66 70 67 def parse_file_upload(header_dict, post_data): 68 "Returns a tuple of (POST QueryDict, FILES MultiValueDict)" 69 import email, email.Message 70 from cgi import parse_header 71 raw_message = '\r\n'.join(['%s:%s' % pair for pair in header_dict.items()]) 72 raw_message += '\r\n\r\n' + post_data 73 msg = email.message_from_string(raw_message) 74 POST = QueryDict('', mutable=True) 75 FILES = MultiValueDict() 76 for submessage in msg.get_payload(): 77 if submessage and isinstance(submessage, email.Message.Message): 78 name_dict = parse_header(submessage['Content-Disposition'])[1] 79 # name_dict is something like {'name': 'file', 'filename': 'test.txt'} for file uploads 80 # or {'name': 'blah'} for POST fields 81 # We assume all uploaded files have a 'filename' set. 82 if 'filename' in name_dict: 83 assert type([]) != type(submessage.get_payload()), "Nested MIME messages are not supported" 84 if not name_dict['filename'].strip(): 85 continue 86 # IE submits the full path, so trim everything but the basename. 87 # (We can't use os.path.basename because it expects Linux paths.) 88 filename = name_dict['filename'][name_dict['filename'].rfind("\\")+1:] 89 FILES.appendlist(name_dict['name'], { 90 'filename': filename, 91 'content-type': 'Content-Type' in submessage and submessage['Content-Type'] or None, 92 'content': submessage.get_payload(), 93 }) 94 else: 95 POST.appendlist(name_dict['name'], submessage.get_payload()) 96 return POST, FILES 71 def _get_file_progress(self): 72 return {} 97 73 74 def _set_file_progress(self,value): 75 pass 76 77 def _del_file_progress(self): 78 pass 79 80 file_progress = property(_get_file_progress, 81 _set_file_progress, 82 _del_file_progress) 83 84 def _get_file_progress_from_args(self, headers, get, querystring): 85 """ 86 This parses the request for a file progress_id value. 87 Note that there are two distinct ways of getting the progress 88 ID -- header and GET. One is used primarily to attach via JavaScript 89 to the end of an HTML form action while the other is used for AJAX 90 communication. 91 92 All progress IDs must be valid 32-digit hexadecimal numbers. 93 """ 94 if 'X-Upload-ID' in headers: 95 progress_id = headers['X-Upload-ID'] 96 elif 'progress_id' in get: 97 progress_id = get['progress_id'] 98 else: 99 return None 100 101 if not upload_id_re.match(progress_id): 102 return None 103 104 return progress_id 105 106 def parse_file_upload(headers, input, request): 107 from django.conf import settings 108 109 # Only stream files to disk if FILE_STREAMING_DIR is set 110 file_upload_dir = settings.FILE_UPLOAD_DIR 111 streaming_min_post_size = settings.STREAMING_MIN_POST_SIZE 112 113 try: 114 parser = MultiPartParser(headers, input, request, file_upload_dir, streaming_min_post_size) 115 return parser.parse() 116 except MultiPartParserError, e: 117 return MultiValueDict({ '_file_upload_error': [e.message] }), {} 118 119 98 120 class QueryDict(MultiValueDict): 99 121 """ 100 122 A specialized MultiValueDict that takes a query string when initialized. -
TabularUnified django/oldforms/__init__.py
676 676 self.validator_list = [self.isNonEmptyFile] + validator_list 677 677 678 678 def isNonEmptyFile(self, field_data, all_data): 679 try:680 content = field_data['content']681 except TypeError:679 if field_data.has_key('_file_upload_error'): 680 raise validators.CriticalValidationError, field_data['_file_upload_error'] 681 if not field_data.has_key('filename'): 682 682 raise validators.CriticalValidationError, ugettext("No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.") 683 if not content:683 if not field_data['content-length']: 684 684 raise validators.CriticalValidationError, ugettext("The submitted file is empty.") 685 685 686 686 def render(self, data): 687 687 return u'<input type="file" id="%s" class="v%s" name="%s" />' % \ 688 688 (self.get_id(), self.__class__.__name__, self.field_name) 689 690 def prepare(self, new_data): 691 if new_data.has_key('_file_upload_error'): 692 # pretend we got something in the field to raise a validation error later 693 new_data[self.field_name] = { '_file_upload_error': new_data['_file_upload_error'] } 689 694 690 695 def html2python(data): 691 696 if data is None: -
TabularUnified django/db/models/base.py
13 13 from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict 14 14 from django.utils.functional import curry 15 15 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, force_unicode 16 from django.utils.file import file_move_safe 16 17 from django.conf import settings 17 18 from itertools import izip 18 19 import types … … 365 366 def _get_FIELD_size(self, field): 366 367 return os.path.getsize(self._get_FIELD_filename(field)) 367 368 368 def _save_FIELD_file(self, field, filename, raw_ contents, save=True):369 def _save_FIELD_file(self, field, filename, raw_field, save=True): 369 370 directory = field.get_directory_name() 370 371 try: # Create the date-based directory if it doesn't exist. 371 372 os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, directory)) 372 373 except OSError: # Directory probably already exists. 373 374 pass 375 376 if filename is None: 377 filename = raw_field['filename'] 378 374 379 filename = field.get_filename(filename) 375 380 376 381 # If the filename already exists, keep adding an underscore to the name of … … 387 392 setattr(self, field.attname, filename) 388 393 389 394 full_filename = self._get_FIELD_filename(field) 390 fp = open(full_filename, 'wb') 391 fp.write(raw_contents) 392 fp.close() 395 if raw_field.has_key('tmpfilename'): 396 raw_field['tmpfile'].close() 397 file_move_safe(raw_field['tmpfilename'], full_filename) 398 else: 399 from django.utils import file_locks 400 fp = open(full_filename, 'wb') 401 # exclusive lock 402 file_locks.lock(fp, file_locks.LOCK_EX) 403 fp.write(raw_field['content']) 404 fp.close() 393 405 394 406 # Save the width and/or height, if applicable. 395 407 if isinstance(field, ImageField) and (field.width_field or field.height_field): -
TabularUnified django/db/models/fields/__init__.py
707 707 setattr(cls, 'get_%s_filename' % self.name, curry(cls._get_FIELD_filename, field=self)) 708 708 setattr(cls, 'get_%s_url' % self.name, curry(cls._get_FIELD_url, field=self)) 709 709 setattr(cls, 'get_%s_size' % self.name, curry(cls._get_FIELD_size, field=self)) 710 setattr(cls, 'save_%s_file' % self.name, lambda instance, filename, raw_contents, save=True: instance._save_FIELD_file(self, filename, raw_contents, save)) 710 setattr(cls, 'save_%s_file' % self.name, lambda instance, filename, raw_field, save=True: instance._save_FIELD_file(self, filename, raw_field, save)) 711 setattr(cls, 'move_%s_file' % self.name, lambda instance, raw_field, save=True: instance._save_FIELD_file(self, None, raw_field, save)) 711 712 dispatcher.connect(self.delete_file, signal=signals.post_delete, sender=cls) 712 713 713 714 def delete_file(self, instance): … … 730 731 if new_data.get(upload_field_name, False): 731 732 func = getattr(new_object, 'save_%s_file' % self.name) 732 733 if rel: 733 func(new_data[upload_field_name][0]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name][0] ["content"], save)734 func(new_data[upload_field_name][0]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name][0], save) 734 735 else: 735 func(new_data[upload_field_name]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name] ["content"], save)736 func(new_data[upload_field_name]["filename"], new_data[upload_field_name], save) 736 737 737 738 def get_directory_name(self): 738 739 return os.path.normpath(force_unicode(datetime.datetime.now().strftime(smart_str(self.upload_to)))) -
TabularUnified django/conf/global_settings.py
247 247 from django import get_version 248 248 URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT = "Django/%s (http://www.djangoproject.com)" % get_version() 249 249 250 # The directory to place streamed file uploads. The web server needs write 251 # permissions on this directory. 252 # If this is None, streaming uploads are disabled. 253 FILE_UPLOAD_DIR = None 254 255 # The minimum size of a POST before file uploads are streamed to disk. 256 # Any less than this number, and the file is uploaded to memory. 257 # Size is in bytes. 258 STREAMING_MIN_POST_SIZE = 512 * (2**10) 259 250 260 ############## 251 261 # MIDDLEWARE # 252 262 ############## -
TabularUnified django/core/handlers/wsgi.py
76 76 self.environ = environ 77 77 self.path = force_unicode(environ['PATH_INFO']) 78 78 self.META = environ 79 self.META['UPLOAD_PROGRESS_ID'] = self._get_file_progress_id() 79 80 self.method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() 80 81 81 82 def __repr__(self): … … 112 113 if self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').startswith('multipart'): 113 114 header_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.environ.items() if k.startswith('HTTP_')]) 114 115 header_dict['Content-Type'] = self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') 115 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(header_dict, self.raw_post_data) 116 header_dict['Content-Length'] = self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '') 117 header_dict['X-Progress-ID'] = self.environ.get('HTTP_X_PROGRESS_ID', '') 118 try: 119 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(header_dict, self.environ['wsgi.input'], self) 120 except: 121 self._post, self._files = {}, {} # make sure we dont read the input stream again 122 raise 123 self._raw_post_data = None # raw data is not available for streamed multipart messages 116 124 else: 117 125 self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data, encoding=self._encoding), datastructures.MultiValueDict() 118 126 else: … … 168 176 buf.close() 169 177 return self._raw_post_data 170 178 179 def _get_file_progress_id(self): 180 """ 181 Returns the Progress ID of the request, 182 usually provided if there is a file upload 183 going on. 184 Returns ``None`` if no progress ID is specified. 185 """ 186 return self._get_file_progress_from_args(self.environ, 187 self.GET, 188 self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')) 189 171 190 GET = property(_get_get, _set_get) 172 191 POST = property(_get_post, _set_post) 173 192 COOKIES = property(_get_cookies, _set_cookies) -
TabularUnified django/core/handlers/modpython.py
48 48 def _load_post_and_files(self): 49 49 "Populates self._post and self._files" 50 50 if 'content-type' in self._req.headers_in and self._req.headers_in['content-type'].startswith('multipart'): 51 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(self._req.headers_in, self.raw_post_data) 51 self._raw_post_data = None # raw data is not available for streamed multipart messages 52 try: 53 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(self._req.headers_in, self._req, self) 54 except: 55 self._post, self._files = {}, {} # make sure we dont read the input stream again 56 raise 52 57 else: 53 58 self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data, encoding=self._encoding), datastructures.MultiValueDict() 54 59 … … 93 98 'AUTH_TYPE': self._req.ap_auth_type, 94 99 'CONTENT_LENGTH': self._req.clength, # This may be wrong 95 100 'CONTENT_TYPE': self._req.content_type, # This may be wrong 96 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1', 97 'PATH_INFO': self._req.path_info, 98 'PATH_TRANSLATED': None, # Not supported 99 'QUERY_STRING': self._req.args, 100 'REMOTE_ADDR': self._req.connection.remote_ip, 101 'REMOTE_HOST': None, # DNS lookups not supported 102 'REMOTE_IDENT': self._req.connection.remote_logname, 103 'REMOTE_USER': self._req.user, 104 'REQUEST_METHOD': self._req.method, 105 'SCRIPT_NAME': None, # Not supported 106 'SERVER_NAME': self._req.server.server_hostname, 107 'SERVER_PORT': self._req.server.port, 108 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': self._req.protocol, 109 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'mod_python' 101 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1', 102 'PATH_INFO': self._req.path_info, 103 'PATH_TRANSLATED': None, # Not supported 104 'QUERY_STRING': self._req.args, 105 'REMOTE_ADDR': self._req.connection.remote_ip, 106 'REMOTE_HOST': None, # DNS lookups not supported 107 'REMOTE_IDENT': self._req.connection.remote_logname, 108 'REMOTE_USER': self._req.user, 109 'REQUEST_METHOD': self._req.method, 110 'SCRIPT_NAME': None, # Not supported 111 'SERVER_NAME': self._req.server.server_hostname, 112 'SERVER_PORT': self._req.server.port, 113 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': self._req.protocol, 114 'UPLOAD_PROGRESS_ID': self._get_file_progress_id(), 115 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'mod_python' 110 116 } 111 117 for key, value in self._req.headers_in.items(): 112 118 key = 'HTTP_' + key.upper().replace('-', '_') … … 123 129 def _get_method(self): 124 130 return self.META['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() 125 131 132 def _get_file_progress_id(self): 133 """ 134 Returns the Progress ID of the request, 135 usually provided if there is a file upload 136 going on. 137 Returns ``None`` if no progress ID is specified. 138 """ 139 return self._get_file_progress_from_args(self._req.headers_in, 140 self.GET, 141 self._req.args) 142 126 143 GET = property(_get_get, _set_get) 127 144 POST = property(_get_post, _set_post) 128 145 COOKIES = property(_get_cookies, _set_cookies) -
TabularUnified tests/modeltests/test_client/views.py
46 46 47 47 return HttpResponse(t.render(c)) 48 48 49 def post_file_view(request): 50 "A view that expects a multipart post and returns a file in the context" 51 t = Template('File {{ file.filename }} received', name='POST Template') 52 c = Context({'file': request.FILES['file_file']}) 53 return HttpResponse(t.render(c)) 54 49 55 def redirect_view(request): 50 56 "A view that redirects all requests to the GET view" 51 57 return HttpResponseRedirect('/test_client/get_view/') -
TabularUnified tests/modeltests/test_client/models.py
4 4 5 5 The test client is a class that can act like a simple 6 6 browser for testing purposes. 7 7 8 8 It allows the user to compose GET and POST requests, and 9 9 obtain the response that the server gave to those requests. 10 10 The server Response objects are annotated with the details … … 80 80 self.assertEqual(response.template.name, "Book template") 81 81 self.assertEqual(response.content, "Blink - Malcolm Gladwell") 82 82 83 def test_post_file_view(self): 84 "POST this python file to a view" 85 import os, tempfile 86 from django.conf import settings 87 file = __file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') 88 for upload_dir in [None, tempfile.gettempdir()]: 89 settings.FILE_UPLOAD_DIR = upload_dir 90 post_data = { 'name': file, 'file': open(file) } 91 response = self.client.post('/test_client/post_file_view/', post_data) 92 self.failUnless('models.py' in response.context['file']['filename']) 93 self.failUnless(len(response.context['file']['content']) == os.path.getsize(file)) 94 if upload_dir: 95 self.failUnless(response.context['file']['tmpfilename']) 96 83 97 def test_redirect(self): 84 98 "GET a URL that redirects elsewhere" 85 99 response = self.client.get('/test_client/redirect_view/') -
TabularUnified tests/modeltests/test_client/urls.py
5 5 urlpatterns = patterns('', 6 6 (r'^get_view/$', views.get_view), 7 7 (r'^post_view/$', views.post_view), 8 (r'^post_file_view/$', views.post_file_view), 8 9 (r'^raw_post_view/$', views.raw_post_view), 9 10 (r'^redirect_view/$', views.redirect_view), 10 11 (r'^permanent_redirect_view/$', redirect_to, { 'url': '/test_client/get_view/' }), -
TabularUnified docs/request_response.txt
72 72 ``FILES`` 73 73 A dictionary-like object containing all uploaded files. Each key in 74 74 ``FILES`` is the ``name`` from the ``<input type="file" name="" />``. Each 75 value in ``FILES`` is a standard Python dictionary with the following three75 value in ``FILES`` is a standard Python dictionary with the following four 76 76 keys: 77 77 78 78 * ``filename`` -- The name of the uploaded file, as a Python string. 79 79 * ``content-type`` -- The content type of the uploaded file. 80 80 * ``content`` -- The raw content of the uploaded file. 81 * ``content-length`` -- The length of the content in bytes. 81 82 83 If streaming file uploads are enabled two additional keys 84 describing the uploaded file will be present: 85 86 * ``tmpfilename`` -- The filename for the temporary file. 87 * ``tmpfile`` -- An open file object for the temporary file. 88 89 The temporary file will be removed when the request finishes. 90 91 Note that accessing ``content`` when streaming uploads are enabled 92 will read the whole file into memory which may not be what you want. 93 82 94 Note that ``FILES`` will only contain data if the request method was POST 83 95 and the ``<form>`` that posted to the request had 84 96 ``enctype="multipart/form-data"``. Otherwise, ``FILES`` will be a blank -
TabularUnified docs/settings.txt
472 472 473 473 .. _Testing Django Applications: ../testing/ 474 474 475 FILE_UPLOAD_DIR 476 --------------- 477 478 Default: ``None`` 479 480 Path to a directory where temporary files should be written during 481 file uploads. Leaving this as ``None`` will disable streaming file uploads, 482 and cause all uploaded files to be stored (temporarily) in memory. 483 475 484 IGNORABLE_404_ENDS 476 485 ------------------ 477 486 … … 788 797 789 798 .. _site framework docs: ../sites/ 790 799 800 STREAMING_MIN_POST_SIZE 801 ----------------------- 802 803 Default: 524288 (``512*1024``) 804 805 An integer specifying the minimum number of bytes that has to be 806 received (in a POST) for file upload streaming to take place. Any 807 request smaller than this will be handled in memory. 808 Note: ``FILE_UPLOAD_DIR`` has to be defined to enable streaming. 809 791 810 TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS 792 811 --------------------------- 793 812 -
TabularUnified docs/forms.txt
475 475 new_data = request.POST.copy() 476 476 new_data.update(request.FILES) 477 477 478 Streaming file uploads. 479 ----------------------- 480 481 File uploads will be read into memory by default. This works fine for 482 small to medium sized uploads (from 1MB to 100MB depending on your 483 setup and usage). If you want to support larger uploads you can enable 484 upload streaming where only a small part of the file will be in memory 485 at any time. To do this you need to specify the ``FILE_UPLOAD_DIR`` 486 setting (see the settings_ document for more details). 487 488 See `request object`_ for more details about ``request.FILES`` objects 489 with streaming file uploads enabled. 490 478 491 Validators 479 492 ========== 480 493 … … 698 711 .. _`generic views`: ../generic_views/ 699 712 .. _`models API`: ../model-api/ 700 713 .. _settings: ../settings/ 714 .. _request object: ../request_response/#httprequest-objects