Ticket #17680: ticket17680-second.diff

File ticket17680-second.diff, 781 bytes (added by vanessagomes, 13 years ago)

Here is the patch with the suggestion.

  • TabularUnified docs/topics/logging.txt

    diff --git a/docs/topics/logging.txt b/docs/topics/logging.txt
    index aa2afba..1e036e0 100644
    a b handlers, filters and formatters that you want in your logging setup,  
    218218and the log levels and other properties that you want those components
    219219to have.
    221 Logging is configured immediately after settings have been loaded.
     221.. _manually: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/settings/#django.conf.settings.configure
     223Logging is configured as soon as settings have been loaded
     224(either `manually`_ or when at least one setting is accessed).
    222225Since the loading of settings is one of the first things that Django
    223226does, you can be certain that loggers are always ready for use in your
    224227project code.
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