Ticket #17660: 17660-test.patch
File 17660-test.patch, 996 bytes (added by , 13 years ago) |
TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/templates/tests.py
1204 1204 'inheritance40': ("{% extends 'inheritance33' %}{% block opt %}new{{ block.super }}{% endblock %}", {'optional': 1}, '1new23'), 1205 1205 'inheritance41': ("{% extends 'inheritance36' %}{% block opt %}new{{ block.super }}{% endblock %}", {'numbers': '123'}, '_new1_new2_new3_'), 1206 1206 1207 # Expression starting and ending with a quote 1208 'inheritance42': ("{% extends 'inheritance02'|cut:' ' %}", {}, '1234'), 1209 1207 1210 ### LOADING TAG LIBRARIES ################################################# 1208 1211 'load01': ("{% load testtags subpackage.echo %}{% echo test %} {% echo2 \"test\" %}", {}, "test test"), 1209 1212 'load02': ("{% load subpackage.echo %}{% echo2 \"test\" %}", {}, "test"),