Ticket #17514: middleware_gzip_patch.diff

File middleware_gzip_patch.diff, 5.5 KB (added by cannona@…, 13 years ago)


  • django/middleware/gzip.py

    3232        if not re_accepts_gzip.search(ae):
    3333            return response
    35         response.content = compress_string(response.content)
     35        compressed_content = compress_string(response.content)
     36        # If compression didn't reduce the size of the content, don't return the compressed content.
     37        if len(compressed_content) >= len(response.content):
     38            return response
     40        response.content = compressed_content
    3641        response['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
    3742        response['Content-Length'] = str(len(response.content))
    3843        return response
  • tests/regressiontests/middleware/tests.py

    11# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    33import re
     4from random import randint
    56from django.conf import settings
    67from django.core import mail
     8from django.utils.text import compress_string
    79from django.http import HttpRequest
    810from django.http import HttpResponse
    911from django.middleware.clickjacking import XFrameOptionsMiddleware
    1012from django.middleware.common import CommonMiddleware
    1113from django.middleware.http import ConditionalGetMiddleware
     14from django.middleware.gzip import GZipMiddleware
    1215from django.test import TestCase
    495498        r = OtherXFrameOptionsMiddleware().process_response(HttpRequest(),
    496499                                                       HttpResponse())
    497500        self.assertEqual(r['X-Frame-Options'], 'DENY')
     503class GZipMiddlewareTest(TestCase):
     504    """
     505    Tests the GZip middleware.
     506    """
     507    short_string = "This string is too short to be worth compressing."
     508    compressible_string = 'a'*1000
     509    uncompressible_string = []
     510    for i in xrange(1000):
     511        uncompressible_string.append(chr(randint(0,255)))
     512    uncompressible_string = "".join(uncompressible_string)
     514    def setUp(self):
     515        self.req = HttpRequest()
     516        self.req.META = {
     517            'SERVER_NAME': 'testserver',
     518            'SERVER_PORT': 80,
     519        }
     520        self.req.path = self.req.path_info = "/"
     521        self.req.META['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = 'gzip, deflate'
     522        self.req.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1'
     523        self.resp = HttpResponse()
     524        self.resp.status_code = 200
     525        self.resp.content = self.compressible_string
     526        self.resp['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
     528    # tests if compression is performed on responses with compressible content,
     529    # and no other prohibitting factors.
     530    def test_compress_response(self):
     531        r = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp)
     532        self.assertEqual(compress_string(self.compressible_string), r.content)
     533        self.assertEqual(r.get('Content-Encoding', ''), 'gzip')
     534        self.assertEqual(r.get('Content-Length', ''), str(len(r.content)))
     535        self.assertNotEqual(r.content, self.compressible_string)
     537    # tests if compression is performed on responses with a status other than 200.
     538    def test_no_compress_non_200_response(self):
     539        self.resp.status_code = 404
     540        r = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp)
     541        self.assertNotEqual(compress_string(self.compressible_string), r.content)
     542        self.assertNotEqual(r.get('Content-Encoding', ''), 'gzip')
     543        self.assertEqual(r.content, self.compressible_string)
     545    # tests if compression is performed on responses with short content
     546    def test_no_compress_short_response(self):
     547        self.resp.content = self.short_string
     548        r = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp)
     549        self.assertNotEqual(compress_string(self.short_string), r.content)
     550        self.assertNotEqual(r.get('Content-Encoding', ''), 'gzip')
     551        self.assertEqual(r.content, self.short_string)
     553    # tests if compression is performed on responses that are already compressed
     554    def test_no_compress_compressed_response(self):
     555        first_content = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp).content
     556        r = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp)
     557        self.assertEqual(r.content, first_content)
     559    # tests if compression is performed on JavaScript requests from Internet Explorer
     560    def test_no_compress_ie_js_requests(self):
     561        self.req.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)'
     562        self.resp['Content-Type'] = 'application/javascript; charset=UTF-8'
     563        r = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp)
     564        self.assertNotEqual(compress_string(self.compressible_string), r.content)
     565        self.assertNotEqual(r.get('Content-Encoding', ''), 'gzip')
     566        self.assertEqual(r.content, self.compressible_string)
     568    # tests if compression is performed on responses with uncompressible content
     569    def test_no_compress_uncompressible_response(self):
     570        self.resp.content = self.uncompressible_string
     571        r = GZipMiddleware().process_response(self.req, self.resp)
     572        self.assertNotEqual(compress_string(self.compressible_string), r.content)
     573        self.assertNotEqual(r.get('Content-Encoding', ''), 'gzip')
     574        self.assertEqual(r.content, self.uncompressible_string)
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