Ticket #1749: admin_list.patch

File admin_list.patch, 1.0 KB (added by TT, 19 years ago)

Patch for post-magic-removal and magic-removal.

  • TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_list.py

    220220                },
    221221                'choices': [{
    222222                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month_lookup, day_field: day.day}),
    223                     'title': day.strftime('%B %d')
     223                    'title': MONTHS[int(month_lookup)] + ' ' + str(int(day.strftime('%d')))
    224224                } for day in days]
    225225            }
    226226        elif year_lookup:
    233233                },
    234234                'choices': [{
    235235                    'link': link({year_field: year_lookup, month_field: month.month}),
    236                     'title': "%s %s" % (month.strftime('%B'), month.year)
     236                    'title': "%s %s" % (MONTHS[int(month.strftime('%m'))], month.year)
    237237                } for month in months]
    238238            }
    239239        else:
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