Ticket #17476: 17476.patch

File 17476.patch, 4.5 KB (added by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago)
  • tests/regressiontests/cache/tests.py

    2828from django.utils import timezone, translation, unittest
    2929from django.utils.cache import (patch_vary_headers, get_cache_key,
    3030    learn_cache_key, patch_cache_control, patch_response_headers)
     31from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
    3132from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
    3334from .models import Poll, expensive_calculation
    12701271    @override_settings(USE_I18N=False, USE_L10N=False, USE_TZ=True)
    12711272    def test_cache_key_i18n_timezone(self):
    12721273        request = self._get_request()
    1273         tz = timezone.get_current_timezone_name().replace(' ', '_')
     1274        # This is tightly coupled to the implementation,
     1275        # but it's the most straightforward way to test the key.
     1276        tz = force_unicode(timezone.get_current_timezone_name(), errors='ignore')
     1277        tz = tz.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace(' ', '_')
    12741278        response = HttpResponse()
    12751279        key = learn_cache_key(request, response)
    12761280        self.assertIn(tz, key, "Cache keys should include the time zone name when time zones are active")
    12811285    def test_cache_key_no_i18n (self):
    12821286        request = self._get_request()
    12831287        lang = translation.get_language()
    1284         tz = timezone.get_current_timezone_name().replace(' ', '_')
     1288        tz = force_unicode(timezone.get_current_timezone_name(), errors='ignore')
     1289        tz = tz.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace(' ', '_')
    12851290        response = HttpResponse()
    12861291        key = learn_cache_key(request, response)
    12871292        self.assertNotIn(lang, key, "Cache keys shouldn't include the language name when i18n isn't active")
    12881293        self.assertNotIn(tz, key, "Cache keys shouldn't include the time zone name when i18n isn't active")
     1295    @override_settings(USE_I18N=False, USE_L10N=False, USE_TZ=True)
     1296    def test_cache_key_with_non_ascii_tzname(self):
     1297        # Regression test for #17476
     1298        class CustomTzName(timezone.UTC):
     1299            name = ''
     1300            def tzname(self, dt):
     1301                return self.name
     1303        request = self._get_request()
     1304        response = HttpResponse()
     1305        with timezone.override(CustomTzName()):
     1306            CustomTzName.name = 'Hora estándar de Argentina'    # UTF-8 string
     1307            sanitized_name = 'Hora_estndar_de_Argentina'
     1308            self.assertIn(sanitized_name, learn_cache_key(request, response),
     1309                    "Cache keys should include the time zone name when time zones are active")
     1311            CustomTzName.name = u'Hora estándar de Argentina'    # unicode
     1312            sanitized_name = 'Hora_estndar_de_Argentina'
     1313            self.assertIn(sanitized_name, learn_cache_key(request, response),
     1314                    "Cache keys should include the time zone name when time zones are active")
    12901317    @override_settings(
    12911318            CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX="test",
    12921319            CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS=60,
  • django/utils/cache.py

    2424from django.conf import settings
    2525from django.core.cache import get_cache
    26 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri
     26from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri, force_unicode
    2727from django.utils.http import http_date
    2828from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone_name
    2929from django.utils.translation import get_language
    165165        # which in turn can also fall back to settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
    166166        cache_key += '.%s' % getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', get_language())
    167167    if settings.USE_TZ:
    168         # Windows uses non-standard timezone names that may include spaces,
    169         # which triggers CacheKeyWarning.
    170         cache_key += '.%s' % get_current_timezone_name().replace(' ', '_')
     168        # The datetime module doesn't restrict the output of tzname().
     169        # Windows is known to use non-standard, locale-dependant names.
     170        # User-defined tzinfo classes may return absolutely anything.
     171        # Hence this paranoid conversion to create a valid cache key.
     172        tz_name = force_unicode(get_current_timezone_name(), errors='ignore')
     173        cache_key += '.%s' % tz_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace(' ', '_')
    171174    return cache_key
    173176def _generate_cache_key(request, method, headerlist, key_prefix):
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