1 | ==============================
2 | How to use Django with FastCGI
3 | ==============================
4 |
5 | While the current preferred setup for running django is Apache_ with
6 | `mod_python`_, for many users on shared hosts FastCGI_ is the only viable
7 | option. Also, for certain setups FastCGI allows better security and possibly
8 | better performance than mod_python.
9 |
10 | FastCGI is a method of having an external application serve pages to a
11 | web-server, via a socket. Like mod_python, FastCGI allows code to stay in
12 | memory, thus allowing requests to be served with no start-up time. Unlike
13 | mod_python or `mod_perl`_, your fastCGI process does not run inside the
14 | web-server process, but runs as a separate persistent process.
15 |
16 | .. _Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/
17 | .. _mod_python: http://www.modpython.org/
18 | .. _mod_perl: http://perl.apache.org/
19 |
20 | .. admonition:: Why run code in a separate process?
21 |
22 | The traditional ``mod_foo`` trend in apache has various scripting languages
23 | (such as PHP, Python, Perl) running inside the process space of your
24 | web server. While this does achieve a reduction of start time, it comes
25 | at the cost of memory, as every apache process gets its own python
26 | interpreter, which will use up a considerable amount of RAM. Due
27 | to the nature of FastCGI, it is even possible to have processes which run
28 | under a different user as the web server process. On a shared system, this
29 | means the ability to further secure your code from other users.
30 |
31 |
32 | Starting your FastCGI server
33 | ============================
34 |
35 | Since FastCGI operates on a client-server model, in most cases you will be starting
36 | the FastCGI process on your own. Your webserver (be it Apache, LigHTTPd, or otherwise)
37 | will only contact your Django-FastCGI process when it needs a dynamic page to be loaded.
38 | Since your daemon is already running with the code in memory, it will be able to serve up
39 | the response very quickly.
40 |
41 | .. admonition:: Note
42 |
43 | Those who are on shared hosting systems will probably be forced to use
44 | webserver-managed FastCGI processes. See the section below on running
45 | django with webserver-managed processes for more information on this.
46 |
47 | There are two ways the Web server can connect to your FastCGI server. It can
48 | either use a unix domain socket (named pipe on win32 systems) or it can use a
49 | TCP socket. What you choose is a manner of preference; a TCP socket is usually
50 | easier due to permissioning issues.
51 |
52 | To start your server, first change into the directory of your project (wherever
53 | your ``manage.py`` is, and then run the manage.py with the runfcgi option::
54 |
55 | python manage.py runfcgi [options]
56 |
57 | You can specify ``help`` as the only option after runfcgi, and it will print out
58 | a listing of all the available options. You will need to specify either a socket
59 | or a host and port.
60 |
61 | When you set up your web server, you will need to point it at the host/port or
62 | socket you chose when starting the FastCGI server.
63 |
64 | Examples
65 | --------
66 |
67 | Running a threaded server on a TCP port::
68 |
69 | ./manage.py runfcgi method=threaded host= port=3033
70 |
71 | Running a preforked server on a Unix domain socket::
72 |
73 | ./manage.py runfcgi method=prefork socket=/home/user/mysite.sock pidfile=django.pid
74 |
75 | Run without daemonizing (backgrounding) the process (good for debugging)::
76 |
77 | ./manage.py runfcgi daemonize=false socket=/tmp/mysite.sock
78 |
79 |
80 | Stopping the FastCGI daemon
81 | ---------------------------
82 |
83 | If you have the process running in the foreground, it's easy enough to stop it,
84 | simply hitting ``Ctrl-C`` will cause the FastCGI server to exit. However, when
85 | we're dealing with background processes, you will need to resort to the unix
86 | ``kill`` command.
87 |
88 | If you specify the ``pidfile`` option to your manage.py runfcgi, you can then kill
89 | the running FastCGI daemon like this::
90 |
91 | kill `cat $PIDFILE`
92 |
93 | For unix users, to easily restart your FastCGI daemon, this small
94 | shell script may be of use::
95 |
96 | #!/bin/bash
97 |
98 | PROJDIR="/home/user/myproject"
99 | PIDFILE="$PROJDIR/mysite.pid"
100 | SOCKET="$PROJDIR/mysite.sock"
101 |
102 | cd $PROJDIR
103 | if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
104 | kill `cat -- $PIDFILE`
105 | rm -f -- $PIDFILE
106 | fi
107 |
108 | exec /usr/bin/env - \
109 | PYTHONPATH="../python:.." \
110 | ./manage.py runfcgi socket=$SOCKET pidfile=$PIDFILE
111 |
112 |
113 | Apache Setup
114 | ============
115 |
116 | To configure Django with apache and FastCGI, you must have Apache installed
117 | and set up, with mod_fastcgi installed and enabled. Consult your server
118 | documentation for doing so.
119 |
120 | Add the following to your httpd.conf::
121 |
122 | # Connect to FastCGI via a socket / named pipe
123 | FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -socket /home/user/mysite.sock
124 | # Connect to FastCGI via a TCP host/port
125 | # FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -host
126 |
127 | <VirtualHost>
128 | ServerName mysite.com
129 | DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html
130 | Alias /media /home/user/python/django/contrib/admin/media
131 | RewriteEngine On
132 | RewriteRule ^/(media.*)$ /$1 [QSA,L]
133 | RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
134 | RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
135 | </VirtualHost>
136 |
137 | Note that while you have to specify a mysite.fcgi, that this file doesn't
138 | actually have to exist. It is just an internal URL to the webserver which
139 | signifies that any requests to that URL will go to the external FastCGI
140 | server.
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 | LigHTTPd Setup
145 | ==============
146 |
147 | LigHTTPd is a light-weight asynchronous web-server, which is commonly used
148 | for serving static files. However, it supports FastCGI natively, and as such
149 | is a very good choice for serving both static and dynamic media, if your site
150 | does not have any apache-specific components.
151 |
152 | Make sure ``mod_fastcgi`` is in your modules list, somewhere after
153 | mod_rewrite and mod_access, but not after mod_accesslog. You'll probably
154 | want mod_alias as well, for serving admin media.
155 |
156 | Add the following to your lighttpd config file::
157 |
158 | server.document-root = "/home/user/public_html"
159 | fastcgi.server = (
160 | "/mysite.fcgi" => (
161 | "main" => (
162 | # Use host / port instead of socket for TCP fastcgi
163 | # "host" => "",
164 | # "port" => 3033,
165 | "socket" => "/home/user/mysite.sock",
166 | "check-local" => "disable",
167 | )
168 | ),
169 | )
170 | alias.url = (
171 | "/media/" => "/home/user/django/contrib/admin/media/",
172 | )
173 |
174 | url.rewrite-once = (
175 | "^(/media.*)$" => "$1",
176 | "^/favicon\.ico$" => "/media/favicon.ico",
177 | "^(/.*)$" => "/mysite.fcgi$1",
178 | )
179 |
180 | Running multiple django sites on one LigHTTPd
181 | ---------------------------------------------
182 |
183 | LigHTTPd allows you to use what is called conditional configuration to allow
184 | configuration to be customized per-host. In order to specify multiple fastcgi
185 | sites, simply add a conditional block around your fastcgi config for each site::
186 |
187 | $HTTP["host"] == "www.website1.com" {
188 | server.document-root = "/foo/site1"
189 | fastcgi.server = (
190 | ...
191 | )
192 | ...
193 | }
194 |
195 | $HTTP["host"] == "www.website2.com" {
196 | server.document-root = "/foo/site2"
197 | fastcgi.server = (
198 | ...
199 | )
200 | ...
201 | }
202 |
203 | You can also run multiple django installations on the same site simply by
204 | specifying multiple entries in the ``fastcgi.server`` directive, add one
205 | fastcgi host for each.
206 |
207 |
208 | Running Django on a shared-hosting provider
209 | ===========================================
210 |
211 | For many users on shared-hosting providers, you aren't able to run your own
212 | server daemons nor do they have access to the httpd.conf of their webserver.
213 | However, it is still possible to run Django using webserver-spawned processes.
214 |
215 |
216 | .. admonition:: Note
217 |
218 | If you are using webserver-managed processes, there's no need for you
219 | to start the FastCGI server on your own. Apache will spawn a number
220 | of processes, scaling as it needs to.
221 |
222 |
223 | In your web root directory, add this to a file named .htaccess ::
224 |
225 | AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
226 | RewriteEngine On
227 | RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
228 | RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
229 |
230 |
231 | Now you must add a small shim script in order for apache to properly
232 | spawn your FastCGI program. Create a mysite.fcgi and place it in your
233 | web directory, making it executable ::
234 |
235 | #!/usr/bin/python
236 | import sys, os
237 |
238 | # add a custom pythonpath
239 | sys.path.insert(0, "/home/user/python")
240 |
241 | # switch to the directory of your project. (optional)
242 | # os.chdir("/home/user/myproject")
243 |
244 | # change to the name of your app's settings module
245 | os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "myproject.settings"
246 |
247 | from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
248 | runfastcgi(["method=threaded", "daemonize=false"])
249 |
250 |
251 | Restarting the spawned server
252 | -----------------------------
253 |
254 | If you change the code of your site, to make apache re-load your django
255 | application, you do not need to restart the server. Simply re-upload or
256 | edit your ``mysite.fcgi`` in such a way that the timestamp on the file
257 | will change. When apache sees that the file has been updated, it will
258 | restart your django application for you.
259 |
260 | If you have access to a command shell on a unix system, restarting the
261 | server can be done with the ``touch`` command::
262 |
263 | touch mysite.fcgi