Ticket #16779: 16779.2.diff

File 16779.2.diff, 30.8 KB (added by Tim Graham, 12 years ago)

Incorporated feedback from Russ and Lukasz

  • TabularUnified docs/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/index.txt b/docs/index.txt
    index a6d9ed2..e6eb77c 100644
    a b Are you new to Django or to programming? This is the place to start!  
    4747  :doc:`Part 4 <intro/tutorial04>`
    4949* **Advanced Tutorials:**
    50   :doc:`How to write reusable apps <intro/reusable-apps>`
     50  :doc:`How to write reusable apps <intro/reusable-apps>` |
     51  :doc:`Writing your first patch for Django <intro/contributing>`
    5253The model layer
  • TabularUnified docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/unit-tests.txt

    diff --git a/docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/unit-tests.txt b/docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/unit-tests.txt
    index a828b06..71666a1 100644
    a b with this sample ``settings`` module, ``cd`` into the Django  
    3838If you get an ``ImportError: No module named django.contrib`` error,
    3939you need to add your install of Django to your ``PYTHONPATH``.
     41.. _running-unit-tests-settings:
    4143Using another ``settings`` module
    Then, run the tests normally, for example:  
    134136    ./runtests.py --settings=test_sqlite admin_inlines
     138.. _running-unit-tests-dependencies:
    136140Running all the tests
  • TabularUnified new file docs/intro/contributing.txt

    diff --git a/docs/intro/contributing.txt b/docs/intro/contributing.txt
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..4d9328d
    - +  
     2Writing your first patch for Django
     8Interested in giving back to the community a little? Maybe you've found a bug
     9in Django that you'd like to see fixed, or maybe there's a small feature you
     10want added.
     12Contributing back to Django itself is the best way to see your own concerns
     13addressed. This may seem daunting at first, but it's really pretty simple.
     14We'll walk you through the entire process, so you can learn by example.
     16Who's this tutorial for?
     19For this tutorial, we expect that you have at least a basic understanding of
     20how Django works. This means you should be comfortable going through the
     21existing tutorials on :doc:`writing your first Django app</intro/tutorial01>`.
     22In addition, you should have a good understanding of Python itself. But if you
     23don't, `Dive Into Python`__ is a fantastic (and free) online book for beginning
     24Python programmers.
     26Those of you who are unfamiliar with version control systems and Trac will find
     27that this tutorial and its links include just enough information to get started.
     28However, you'll probably want to read some more about these different tools if
     29you plan on contributing to Django regularly.
     31For the most part though, this tutorial tries to explain as much as possible,
     32so that it can be of use to the widest audience.
     34.. admonition:: Where to get help:
     36    If you're having trouble going through this tutorial, please post a message
     37    to `django-developers`__ or drop by `#django-dev on irc.freenode.net`__ to chat
     38    with other Django users who might be able to help.
     40__ http://diveintopython.net/toc/index.html
     41__ http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers
     42__ irc://irc.freenode.net/django-dev
     44What does this tutorial cover?
     47We'll be walking you through contributing a patch to Django for the first time.
     48By the end of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of both the
     49tools and the processes involved. Specifically, we'll be covering the following:
     51* Installing Git.
     52* How to download a development copy of Django.
     53* Running Django's test suite.
     54* Writing a test for your patch.
     55* Writing the code for your patch.
     56* Testing your patch.
     57* Generating a patch file for your changes.
     58* Where to look for more information.
     60Once you're done with the tutorial, you can look through the rest of
     61:doc:`Django's documentation on contributing</internals/contributing/index>`.
     62It contains lots of great information and is a must read for anyone who'd like
     63to become a regular contributor to Django. If you've got questions, it's
     64probably got the answers.
     66Installing Git
     69For this tutorial, you'll need Git installed to download the current
     70development version of Django and to generate patch files for the changes you
     73To check whether or not you have Git installed, enter ``git`` into the command
     74line. If you get messages saying that this command could be found, you'll have
     75to download and install it, see `Git's download page`__.
     77If you're not that familiar with Git, you can always find out more about its
     78commands (once it's installed) by typing ``git help`` into the command line.
     80__ http://git-scm.com/download
     82Getting a copy of Django's development version
     85The first step to contributing to Django is to get a copy of the source code.
     86From the command line, use the ``cd`` command to navigate to the directory
     87where you'll want your local copy of Django to live.
     89Download the Django source code repository using the following command::
     91    git clone https://github.com/django/django.git
     93.. note::
     95    For advanced users who wish to use ``virtualenv``, you can use::
     97        pip install -e git+https://github.com/django/django.git#egg=django
     99    to install a live, editable source checkout into a virtual environment.
     101Rolling back to a previous revision of Django
     104For this tutorial, we'll be using `ticket #17549`__ as a case study, so we'll
     105be using an older revision of Django from before that ticket's patch was
     106applied. This will allow us to go through all of the steps involved in writing
     107that patch from scratch, including running Django's test suite.
     109**Keep in mind that while we'll be using an older revision of Django's trunk
     110for the purposes of the tutorial below, you should always use the current
     111development revision of Django when working on your own patch for a ticket!**
     113.. note::
     115    The patch for this ticket was written by Ulrich Petri, and it was applied
     116    to Django as `commit ac2052ebc84c45709ab5f0f25e685bf656ce79bc`__.
     117    Consequently, we'll be using the revision of Django just prior to that,
     118    `commit 39f5bc7fc3a4bb43ed8a1358b17fe0521a1a63ac`__.
     120__ https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17549
     121__ https://github.com/django/django/commit/ac2052ebc84c45709ab5f0f25e685bf656ce79bc
     122__ https://github.com/django/django/commit/39f5bc7fc3a4bb43ed8a1358b17fe0521a1a63ac
     124Navigate into Django's root directory (that's the one that contains ``django``,
     125``docs``, ``tests``, ``AUTHORS``, etc.). You can then check out the older
     126revision of Django that we'll be using in the tutorial below::
     128    git checkout 39f5bc7fc3a4bb43ed8a1358b17fe0521a1a63ac
     130Running Django's test suite for the first time
     133When contributing to Django it's very important that your code changes don't
     134introduce bugs into other areas of Django.  One way to check that Django stills
     135works after you make your changes is by running Django's test suite. If all
     136the tests still pass, then you can be reasonably sure that your changes
     137haven't completely broken Django. If you've never run Django's test suite
     138before, it's a good idea to run it once beforehand just to get familiar with
     139what its output is supposed to look like.
     141Setting Django up to run the test suite
     144.. note::
     146    If you're using ``virtualenv``, you can skip this section. Using
     147    ``virtualenv`` with the ``--no-site-packages`` option isolates your
     148    copy of Django from the rest of your system and avoids potential conflicts.
     150Before we can actually run the test suite, we need to make sure that your new
     151local copy of Django is on your ``PYTHONPATH``; otherwise, the test suite won't
     152run properly. We also need to make sure that there aren't any **other** copies
     153of Django installed somewhere else that are taking priority over your new
     154checkout (this happens more often than you might think). To check for these
     155problems, start up the Python interpreter and follow the code below::
     157    >>> import django
     158    >>> django
     159    <module 'django' from '/.../django/__init__.pyc'>
     161If you get an ``ImportError: No module named django`` after entering the first
     162line, then you'll need to add your new copy of Django to your ``PYTHONPATH``.
     164If you didn't get any errors, then look at the path found in the third line
     165(abbreviated above as ``/.../django/__init__.pyc``). If that isn't the
     166directory that you put Django into earlier in this tutorial, then there is
     167**another** copy of Django on your ``PYTHONPATH`` that is taking priority over
     168the newer copy.  You'll either have to remove this older copy from your
     169``PYTHONPATH``, or add your new copy to the beginning of your ``PYTHONPATH``
     170so that it takes priority::
     172    export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/django:$PYTHONPATH
     174or on Windows::
     176    set PYTHONPATH=C:\path\to\django;%PYTHONPATH%
     178Running the full test suite
     181Once Django is setup properly, we can actually run the test suite. Simply
     182``cd`` into the Django ``tests/`` directory and, if you're using GNU/Linux,
     183Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix, run::
     185    ./runtests.py --settings=test_sqlite
     187If you're using Windows, you'll need to prefix ``python`` before
     188``runtests.py``. We're going to use the Unix style throughout the rest of the
     189tutorial, so just make this simple change wherever we are running tests, for
     192    python runtests.py --settings=test_sqlite
     194If you get an ``ImportError: No module named django.contrib`` error, you still
     195need to add your current copy of Django to your ``PYTHONPATH`` (see above).
     197Otherwise, sit back and relax. Django's entire test suite has over 4800
     198different tests, so it can take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes to run,
     199depending on the speed of your computer.
     201.. note::
     203    While Django's test suite is running, you'll see a stream of characters
     204    representing the status of each test as it's run. ``E`` indicates that an
     205    error was raised during a test, and ``F`` indicates that a test's
     206    assertions failed. Both of these are considered to be test failures.
     207    Meanwhile, ``x`` and ``s`` indicated expected failures and skipped tests,
     208    respectively. Dots indicate passing tests.
     210    Skipped tests are typically due to missing external libraries required to
     211    run the test; see :ref:`running-unit-tests-dependencies` for a list of
     212    dependencies and be sure to install any for tests related to the changes
     213    you are making (we won't need any for this tutorial).
     215Once the tests complete, you should be greeted with a message informing you
     216whether the test suite passed or failed. Since you haven't yet made any changes
     217to Django's code, the entire test suite **should** pass. If you get failures or
     218errors make sure you've followed all of the previous steps properly. See
     219:ref:`running-unit-tests` for more information.
     221Note that the latest Django trunk may not always be stable. When developing
     222against trunk, you can check `Django's continuous integration builds`__ to
     223determine if the failures are specific to your machine or if they are also
     224present in Django's official builds.
     226__ http://ci.djangoproject.com/
     228.. note::
     230    For this tutorial and the ticket we're working on, testing against SQLite
     231    is sufficient, however, it's possible (and sometimes necessary) to
     232    :ref:`run the tests using a different database
     233    <running-unit-tests-settings>`.
     235Writing some tests for your ticket
     238In most cases, for a patch to be accepted into Django it has to include tests.
     239For bug fix patches, this means writing a regression test to ensure that the
     240bug is never reintroduced into Django later on. A regression test should be
     241written in such a way that it will fail while the bug still exists and pass
     242once the bug has been fixed. For patches containing new features, you'll need
     243to include tests which ensure that the new features are working correctly.
     244They too should fail when the new feature is not present, and then pass once it
     245has been implemented.
     247A good way to do this is to write your new tests first, before making any
     248changes to the code. This style of development is called
     249`test-driven development`__ and can be applied to both entire projects and
     250single patches. After writing your tests, you then run them to make sure that
     251they do indeed fail (since you haven't fixed that bug or added that feature
     252yet). If your new tests don't fail, you'll need to fix them so that they do.
     253After all, a regression test that passes regardless of whether a bug is present
     254is not very helpful at preventing that bug from reoccurring down the road.
     256Now for our hands on example.
     258__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development
     260Writing some tests for ticket #17549
     263`Ticket #17549`__ describes the following, small feature addition:
     265    It's useful for URLField to give you a way to open the URL; otherwise you
     266    might as well use a CharField.
     268In order to resolve this ticket, we'll add a ``render`` method to the
     269``AdminURLFieldWidget`` in order to display a clickable link above the input
     270widget. Before we make those changes though, we're going to write a couple
     271tests to verify that our modification functions correctly and continues to
     272function correctly in the future.
     274Navigate to Django's ``tests/regressiontests/admin_widgets/`` folder and
     275open the ``tests.py`` file. Add the following code on line 269 right before the
     276``AdminFileWidgetTest`` class::
     278    class AdminURLWidgetTest(DjangoTestCase):
     279        def test_render(self):
     280            w = widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget()
     281            self.assertHTMLEqual(
     282                conditional_escape(w.render('test', '')),
     283                '<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" />'
     284            )
     285            self.assertHTMLEqual(
     286                conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example.com')),
     287                '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example.com" /></p>'
     288            )
     290        def test_render_idn(self):
     291            w = widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget()
     292            self.assertHTMLEqual(
     293                conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example-äüö.com')),
     294                '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://xn--example--7za4pnc.com">http://example-äüö.com</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example-äüö.com" /></p>'
     295            )
     297        def test_render_quoting(self):
     298            w = widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget()
     299            self.assertHTMLEqual(
     300                conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>')),
     301                '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://example.com/%3Csometag%3Esome%20text%3C/sometag%3E">http://example.com/&lt;sometag&gt;some text&lt;/sometag&gt;</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>" /></p>'
     302            )
     303            self.assertHTMLEqual(
     304                conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example-äüö.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>')),
     305                '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://xn--example--7za4pnc.com/%3Csometag%3Esome%20text%3C/sometag%3E">http://example-äüö.com/&lt;sometag&gt;some text&lt;/sometag&gt;</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example-äüö.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>" /></p>'
     306            )
     308The new tests check to see that the ``render`` method we'll be adding works
     309correctly in a couple different situations.
     311.. admonition:: But this testing thing looks kinda hard...
     313    If you've never had to deal with tests before, they can look a little hard
     314    to write at first glance. Fortunately, testing is a *very* big subject in
     315    computer programming, so there's lots of information out there:
     317    * A good first look at writing tests for Django can be found in the
     318      documentation on :doc:`Testing Django applications</topics/testing/>`.
     319    * Dive Into Python (a free online book for beginning Python developers)
     320      includes a great `introduction to Unit Testing`__.
     321    * After reading those, if you want something a little meatier to sink
     322      your teeth into, there's always the `Python unittest documentation`__.
     324__ https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17549
     325__ http://diveintopython.net/unit_testing/index.html
     326__ http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html
     328Running your new test
     331Remember that we haven't actually made any modifications to
     332``AdminURLFieldWidget`` yet, so our tests are going to fail. Let's run all the
     333tests in the ``model_forms_regress`` folder to make sure that's really what
     334happens. From the command line, ``cd`` into the Django ``tests/`` directory
     335and run::
     337    ./runtests.py --settings=test_sqlite admin_widgets
     339If the tests ran correctly, you should see three failures corresponding to each
     340of the test methods we added. If all of the tests passed, then you'll want to
     341make sure that you added the new test shown above to the appropriate folder and
     342class. It's also possible that you have a second copy of Django on your
     343``PYTHONPATH`` that is taking priority over this copy, and therefore it may be
     344that copy of Django whose tests are being run. To check if this might be the
     345problem, refer to the section `Setting Django up to run the test suite`_.
     347Writing the code for your ticket
     350Next we'll be adding the functionality described in `ticket #17549`__ to Django.
     352Writing the code for ticket #17549
     355Navigate to the ``django/django/contrib/admin/`` folder and open the
     356``widgets.py`` file. Find the ``AdminURLFieldWidget`` class on line 302 and add
     357the following ``render`` method after the existing ``__init__`` method::
     359    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
     360        html = super(AdminURLFieldWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs)
     361        if value:
     362            value = force_text(self._format_value(value))
     363            final_attrs = {'href': mark_safe(smart_urlquote(value))}
     364            html = format_html(
     365                '<p class="url">{0} <a {1}>{2}</a><br />{3} {4}</p>',
     366                _('Currently:'), flatatt(final_attrs), value,
     367                _('Change:'), html
     368            )
     369        return html
     371Verifying your test now passes
     374Once you're done modifying Django, we need to make sure that the tests we wrote
     375earlier pass, so we can see whether the code we wrote above is working
     376correctly. To run the tests in the ``admin_widgets`` folder, ``cd`` into the
     377Django ``tests/`` directory and run::
     379    ./runtests.py --settings=test_sqlite admin_widgets
     381Oops, good thing we wrote those tests! You should still see 3 failures with
     382the following exception::
     384    NameError: global name 'smart_urlquote' is not defined
     386We forgot to add the import for that method.  Go ahead and add the
     387``smart_urlquote`` import at the end of line 13 of
     388``django/contrib/admin/widgets.py`` so it looks as follows::
     390    from django.utils.html import escape, format_html, format_html_join, smart_urlquote
     392Re-run the tests and everything should pass. If it doesn't, make sure you
     393correctly modified the ``AdminURLFieldWidget`` class as shown above and
     394copied the new tests correctly.
     396__ https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17549
     398Running Django's test suite for the second time
     401Once you've verified that your patch and your test are working correctly, it's
     402a good idea to run the entire Django test suite just to verify that your change
     403hasn't introduced any bugs into other areas of Django. While successfully
     404passing the entire test suite doesn't guarantee your code is bug free, it does
     405help identify many bugs and regressions that might otherwise go unnoticed.
     407To run the entire Django test suite, ``cd`` into the Django ``tests/``
     408directory and run::
     410    ./runtests.py --settings=test_sqlite
     412As long as you don't see any failures, you're good to go. Note that this fix
     413also made a `small CSS change`__ to format the new widget. You can make the
     414change if you'd like, but we'll skip it for now in the interest of brevity.
     416__ https://github.com/django/django/commit/ac2052ebc84c45709ab5f0f25e685bf656ce79bc#diff-0
     418Writing Documentation
     421This is a new feature, so it should be documented.  Add the following on line
     422925 of ``django/docs/ref/models/fields.txt`` beneath the existing docs for
     425    .. versionadded:: 1.5
     427    The current value of the field will be displayed as a clickable link above the
     428    input widget.
     430For more information on writing documentation, including an explanation of what
     431the ``versionadded`` bit is all about, see
     432:doc:`/internals/contributing/writing-documentation`. That page also includes
     433an explanation of how to build a copy of the documentation locally, so you can
     434preview the HTML that will be generated.
     436Generating a patch for your changes
     439Now it's time to generate a patch file that can be uploaded to Trac or applied
     440to another copy of Django. To get a look at the content of your patch, run the
     441following command::
     443    git diff
     445This will display the differences between your current copy of Django (with
     446your changes) and the revision that you initially checked out earlier in the
     449Once you're done looking at the patch, hit the ``q`` key to exit back to the
     450command line.  If the patch's content looked okay, you can run the following
     451command to save the patch file to your current working directory::
     453    git diff > 17549.diff
     455You should now have a file in the root Django directory called ``17549.diff``.
     456This patch file contains all your changes and should look this:
     458.. code-block:: diff
     460    diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/widgets.py b/django/contrib/admin/widgets.py
     461    index 1e0bc2d..9e43a10 100644
     462    --- a/django/contrib/admin/widgets.py
     463    +++ b/django/contrib/admin/widgets.py
     464    @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_static import static
     465     from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
     466     from django.forms.widgets import RadioFieldRenderer
     467     from django.forms.util import flatatt
     468    -from django.utils.html import escape, format_html, format_html_join
     469    +from django.utils.html import escape, format_html, format_html_join, smart_urlquote
     470     from django.utils.text import Truncator
     471     from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
     472     from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
     473    @@ -306,6 +306,18 @@ class AdminURLFieldWidget(forms.TextInput):
     474                 final_attrs.update(attrs)
     475             super(AdminURLFieldWidget, self).__init__(attrs=final_attrs)
     477    +    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
     478    +        html = super(AdminURLFieldWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs)
     479    +        if value:
     480    +            value = force_text(self._format_value(value))
     481    +            final_attrs = {'href': mark_safe(smart_urlquote(value))}
     482    +            html = format_html(
     483    +                '<p class="url">{0} <a {1}>{2}</a><br />{3} {4}</p>',
     484    +                _('Currently:'), flatatt(final_attrs), value,
     485    +                _('Change:'), html
     486    +            )
     487    +        return html
     488    +
     489     class AdminIntegerFieldWidget(forms.TextInput):
     490         class_name = 'vIntegerField'
     492    diff --git a/docs/ref/models/fields.txt b/docs/ref/models/fields.txt
     493    index 809d56e..d44f85f 100644
     494    --- a/docs/ref/models/fields.txt
     495    +++ b/docs/ref/models/fields.txt
     496    @@ -922,6 +922,10 @@ Like all :class:`CharField` subclasses, :class:`URLField` takes the optional
     497     :attr:`~CharField.max_length`argument. If you don't specify
     498     :attr:`~CharField.max_length`, a default of 200 is used.
     500    +.. versionadded:: 1.5
     501    +
     502    +The current value of the field will be displayed as a clickable link above the
     503    +input widget.
     505     Relationship fields
     506     ===================
     507    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/admin_widgets/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/admin_widgets/tests.py
     508    index 4b11543..94acc6d 100644
     509    --- a/tests/regressiontests/admin_widgets/tests.py
     510    +++ b/tests/regressiontests/admin_widgets/tests.py
     511    @@ -265,6 +265,35 @@ class AdminSplitDateTimeWidgetTest(DjangoTestCase):
     512                         '<p class="datetime">Datum: <input value="01.12.2007" type="text" class="vDateField" name="test_0" size="10" /><br />Zeit: <input value="09:30:00" type="text" class="vTimeField" name="test_1" size="8" /></p>',
     513                     )
     515    +class AdminURLWidgetTest(DjangoTestCase):
     516    +    def test_render(self):
     517    +        w = widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget()
     518    +        self.assertHTMLEqual(
     519    +            conditional_escape(w.render('test', '')),
     520    +            '<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" />'
     521    +        )
     522    +        self.assertHTMLEqual(
     523    +            conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example.com')),
     524    +            '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example.com" /></p>'
     525    +        )
     526    +
     527    +    def test_render_idn(self):
     528    +        w = widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget()
     529    +        self.assertHTMLEqual(
     530    +            conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example-äüö.com')),
     531    +            '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://xn--example--7za4pnc.com">http://example-äüö.com</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example-äüö.com" /></p>'
     532    +        )
     533    +
     534    +    def test_render_quoting(self):
     535    +        w = widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget()
     536    +        self.assertHTMLEqual(
     537    +            conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>')),
     538    +            '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://example.com/%3Csometag%3Esome%20text%3C/sometag%3E">http://example.com/&lt;sometag&gt;some text&lt;/sometag&gt;</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>" /></p>'
     539    +        )
     540    +        self.assertHTMLEqual(
     541    +            conditional_escape(w.render('test', 'http://example-äüö.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>')),
     542    +            '<p class="url">Currently:<a href="http://xn--example--7za4pnc.com/%3Csometag%3Esome%20text%3C/sometag%3E">http://example-äüö.com/&lt;sometag&gt;some text&lt;/sometag&gt;</a><br />Change:<input class="vURLField" name="test" type="text" value="http://example-äüö.com/<sometag>some text</sometag>" /></p>'
     543    +        )
     545     class AdminFileWidgetTest(DjangoTestCase):
     546         def test_render(self):
     548So what do I do next?
     551Congratulations, you've generated your very first Django patch! Now that you've
     552got that under your belt, you can put those skills to good use by helping to
     553improve Django's codebase. Generating patches and attaching them to Trac
     554tickets is useful, however, you can also :doc:`submit pull requests on Github
     557More information for new contributors
     560Before you get too into writing patches for Django, there's a little more
     561information on contributing that you should probably take a look at:
     563* You should make sure to read Django's documentation on
     564  :doc:`claiming tickets and submitting patches
     565  </internals/contributing/writing-code/submitting-patches>`.
     566  It covers Trac etiquette, how to claim tickets for yourself, expected
     567  coding style for patches, and many other important details.
     568* First time contributors should also read Django's :doc:`documentation
     569  for first time contributors</internals/contributing/new-contributors/>`.
     570  It has lots of good advice for those of us who are new to helping out
     571  with Django.
     572* After those, if you're still hungry for more information about
     573  contributing, you can always browse through the rest of
     574  :doc:`Django's documentation on contributing</internals/contributing/index>`.
     575  It contains a ton of useful information and should be your first source
     576  for answering any questions you might have.
     578Finding your first real ticket
     581Once you've looked through some of that information, you'll be ready to go out
     582and find a ticket of your own to write a patch for. Pay special attention to
     583tickets with the "easy pickings" criterion. These tickets are often much
     584simpler in nature and are great for first time contributors.  Once you're
     585familiar with contributing to Django, you can move on to writing patches for
     586more difficult and complicated tickets.
     588If you just want to get started already (and nobody would blame you!), try
     589taking a look at the list of `easy tickets that need patches`__ and the
     590`easy tickets that have patches which need improvement`__. If you're familiar
     591with writing tests, you can also look at the list of
     592`easy tickets that need tests`__. Just remember to follow the guidelines about
     593claiming tickets that were mentioned in the link to Django's documentation on
     594:doc:`claiming tickets and submitting patches
     597__ https://code.djangoproject.com/query?status=new&status=reopened&has_patch=0&easy=1&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=milestone&order=priority
     598__ https://code.djangoproject.com/query?status=new&status=reopened&needs_better_patch=1&easy=1&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=milestone&order=priority
     599__ https://code.djangoproject.com/query?status=new&status=reopened&needs_tests=1&easy=1&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=milestone&order=priority
     601What's next?
     604After a ticket has a patch, it needs to be reviewed by a second set of eyes.
     605After uploading a patch or submitting a pull request, be sure to update the
     606ticket metadata by setting the flags on the ticket to say "has patch",
     607"doesn't need tests", etc, so others can find it for review. Contributing
     608doesn't necessarily always mean writing a patch from scratch. Reviewing
     609existing patches is also a very helpful contribution. See
     610:doc:`/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets` for details.
  • TabularUnified docs/intro/index.txt

    diff --git a/docs/intro/index.txt b/docs/intro/index.txt
    index afb1825..bca2d77 100644
    a b place: read this material to quickly get up and running.  
    1515   tutorial04
    1616   reusable-apps
    1717   whatsnext
     18   contributing
    1920.. seealso::
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