Ticket #16621: doc_typos.diff

File doc_typos.diff, 11.2 KB (added by Bernhard Essl, 13 years ago)

    172172    eriks@win.tue.nl
    173173    Tomáš Ehrlich <tomas.ehrlich@gmail.com>
    174174    Dirk Eschler <dirk.eschler@gmx.net>
     175    Bernhard Essl <me@bernhardessl.com>
    175176    Dan Fairs <dan@fezconsulting.com>
    176177    Marc Fargas <telenieko@telenieko.com>
    177178    Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas@gmail.com>
  • docs/topics/forms/modelforms.txt

    713713Just like with ``ModelForms``, by default the ``clean()`` method of a
    714714``model_formset`` will validate that none of the items in the formset violate
    715715the unique constraints on your model (either ``unique``, ``unique_together`` or
    716 ``unique_for_date|month|year``).  If you want to overide the ``clean()`` method
     716``unique_for_date|month|year``).  If you want to override the ``clean()`` method
    717717on a ``model_formset`` and maintain this validation, you must call the parent
    718718class's ``clean`` method::
  • docs/releases/1.2-alpha-1.txt

    2525There have been large changes to the way that CSRF protection works, detailed in
    26 :doc:`the CSRF documentaton </ref/contrib/csrf>`.  The following are the major
     26:doc:`the CSRF documentation </ref/contrib/csrf>`.  The following are the major
    2727changes that developers must be aware of:
    2929 * ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` and ``CsrfMiddleware`` have been deprecated, and
  • docs/releases/1.2.txt

    428428We've made large changes to the way CSRF protection works, detailed in
    429 :doc:`the CSRF documentaton </ref/contrib/csrf>`. Here are the major changes you
     429:doc:`the CSRF documentation </ref/contrib/csrf>`. Here are the major changes you
    430430should be aware of:
    432432 * ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` and ``CsrfMiddleware`` have been deprecated and
  • docs/ref/forms/fields.txt

    939939.. attribute:: ModelChoiceField.empty_label
    941     By default the ``<select>`` widget used by ``ModelChoiceField`` will have a
    942     an empty choice at the top of the list. You can change the text of this
     941    By default the ``<select>`` widget used by ``ModelChoiceField`` will have an
     942    empty choice at the top of the list. You can change the text of this
    943943    label (which is ``"---------"`` by default) with the ``empty_label``
    944944    attribute, or you can disable the empty label entirely by setting
    945945    ``empty_label`` to ``None``::
  • docs/ref/contrib/localflavor.txt

    13641364.. class:: uy.forms.UYDepartamentSelect
    1366     A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of  Uruguayan departaments as its
     1366    A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of  Uruguayan departments as its
    13671367    choices.
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/install.txt

    113113.. note::
    115    On Linux platforms, it may be necessarry to run the ``ldconfig``
     115   On Linux platforms, it may be necessary to run the ``ldconfig``
    116116   command after installing each library.  For example::
    118118       $ sudo make install
    12021202     reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v GDAL_DATA /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%GDAL_DATA%"
    12031203     reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROJ_LIB /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%PROJ_LIB%"
    1205 For your convenience, these commands are available in the execuatble batch
     1205For your convenience, these commands are available in the executable batch
    12061206script, :download:`geodjango_setup.bat`.
    12081208.. note::
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/gdal.txt

    937937       4326
    938938       >>> print srs['TOWGS84', 4] # the fourth value in this wkt
    939939       0
    940        >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY'] # For the units authority, have to use the pipe symbole.
     940       >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY'] # For the units authority, have to use the pipe symbol.
    941941       EPSG
    942        >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY', 1] # The authority value for the untis
     942       >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY', 1] # The authority value for the units
    943943       9122
    945945   .. method:: attr_value(target, index=0)
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/deployment.txt

    77    GeoDjango uses the GDAL geospatial library which is
    88    not thread safe at this time.  Thus, it is *highly* recommended
    9     to not use threading when deploying -- in other words, use a
    10     an appropriate configuration of Apache or the prefork method
     9    to not use threading when deploying -- in other words, use an
     10    appropriate configuration of Apache or the prefork method
    1111    when using FastCGI through another Web server.
  • docs/ref/contrib/gis/geoquerysets.txt

    304 Here the relation pattern is compreised at least one of the nine relation
     304Here the relation pattern is comprised at least one of the nine relation
    306306``EQUAL``, ``INSIDE``, ``COVEREDBY``, ``CONTAINS``, ``COVERS``, ``ON``, and
    307307``ANYINTERACT``.   Multiple strings may be combined with the logical Boolean
  • docs/ref/contrib/flatpages.txt

    8585       subsequently raise a 404.
    8787    .. versionchanged:: 1.4
    88        Redirects by the middlware are permanent (301 status code) instead of
     88       Redirects by the middleware are permanent (301 status code) instead of
    8989       temporary (302) to match behavior of the
    9090       :class:`~django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware`.
  • docs/ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard.txt

    100100    in the :doc:`sessions documentation </topics/http/sessions>` on
    101101    how to enable sessions.
    103 We will use the :class:`SessionWizardView` in all examples but is is completly
     103We will use the :class:`SessionWizardView` in all examples but is is completely
    104104fine to use the :class:`CookieWizardView` instead. As with your
    105105:class:`~django.forms.Form` classes, this :class:`WizardView` class can live
    106106anywhere in your codebase, but convention is to put it in :file:`views.py`.
    263263.. method:: WizardView.get_form_initial(step)
    265265    Returns a dictionary which will be passed to the form for ``step`` as
    266     ``initial``. If no initial data was provied while initializing the
    267     form wizard, a empty dictionary should be returned.
     266    ``initial``. If no initial data was provided while initializing the
     267    form wizard, an empty dictionary should be returned.
    269269    The default implementation::
    284284.. method:: WizardView.get_form_instance(step)
    286     Returns a object which will be passed to the form for ``step`` as
    287     ``instance``. If no instance object was provied while initializing
     286    Returns an object which will be passed to the form for ``step`` as
     287    ``instance``. If no instance object was provided while initializing
    288288    the form wizard, None be returned.
    290290    The default implementation::
    476476    Please remember to take care of removing old files as the
    477477    :class:`WizardView` won't remove any files, whether the wizard gets
    478     finished corretly or not.
     478    finished correctly or not.
    480480Conditionally view/skip specific steps
  • docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt

    967967    .. versionadded:: 1.4
    969969    The ``get_ordering`` method takes a``request`` as parameter and
    970     is expected to return a ``list`` or ``tuple`` for ordering similiar
     970    is expected to return a ``list`` or ``tuple`` for ordering similar
    971971    to the :attr:`ordering` attribute. For example::
    973973        class PersonAdmin(ModelAdmin):
  • docs/ref/contrib/csrf.txt

    417417Default: ``None``
    419419The domain to be used when setting the CSRF cookie.  This can be useful for
    420 easily allowing cross-subdomain requests to be exluded from the normal cross
     420easily allowing cross-subdomain requests to be excluded from the normal cross
    421421site request forgery protection.  It should be set to a string such as
    422422``".lawrence.com"`` to allow a POST request from a form on one subdomain to be
    423423accepted by accepted by a view served from another subdomain.
  • docs/ref/settings.txt

    305305Default: ``None``
    307307The domain to be used when setting the CSRF cookie.  This can be useful for
    308 easily allowing cross-subdomain requests to be exluded from the normal cross
     308easily allowing cross-subdomain requests to be excluded from the normal cross
    309309site request forgery protection.  It should be set to a string such as
    310310``".lawrence.com"`` to allow a POST request from a form on one subdomain to be
    311311accepted by accepted by a view served from another subdomain.
    19981998Default: ``False``
    2000 A boolean that specifies wheter to display numbers using a thousand separator.
     2000A boolean that specifies whether to display numbers using a thousand separator.
    20012001If this is set to ``True``, Django will use values from
    20022002:setting:`THOUSAND_SEPARATOR` and :setting:`NUMBER_GROUPING` from current
    20032003locale, to format the number. :setting:`USE_L10N` must be set to ``True``,
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