Ticket #15509: cache_docs_patch.diff

File cache_docs_patch.diff, 814 bytes (added by Paul McMillan, 14 years ago)
  • docs/topics/cache.txt

    448448parameters. Optionally, if the :setting:`CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY`
    449449setting is ``True``, only anonymous requests (i.e., not those made by a
    450450logged-in user) will be cached. This is a simple and effective way of disabling
    451 caching for any user-specific pages (include Django's admin interface). Note
     451caching for any user-specific pages (including Django's admin interface). Note
    452452that if you use :setting:`CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY`, you should make
    453453sure you've activated ``AuthenticationMiddleware``. The cache middleware
    454454expects that a HEAD request is answered with the same response headers as
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