Ticket #15294: 15294.17.diff
File 15294.17.diff, 48.6 KB (added by , 13 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/options.py
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/options.py b/django/contrib/admin/options.py
a b 11 11 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect 12 12 from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ValidationError 13 13 from django.core.paginator import Paginator 14 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse 14 15 from django.db import models, transaction, router 15 16 from django.db.models.related import RelatedObject 16 17 from django.db.models.fields import BLANK_CHOICE_DASH, FieldDoesNotExist … … 776 777 # redirect to the change-list page for this object. Otherwise, 777 778 # redirect to the admin index. 778 779 if self.has_change_permission(request, None): 779 post_url = '../' 780 post_url = reverse('admin:%s_%s_changelist' % 781 (opts.app_label, opts.module_name), 782 current_app=self.admin_site.name) 780 783 else: 781 post_url = '../../../' 784 post_url = reverse('admin:index', 785 current_app=self.admin_site.name) 782 786 return HttpResponseRedirect(post_url) 783 787 784 788 def response_change(self, request, obj): … … 787 791 """ 788 792 opts = obj._meta 789 793 790 # Handle proxy models automatically created by .only() or .defer() 794 # Handle proxy models automatically created by .only() or .defer(). 795 # Refs #14529 791 796 verbose_name = opts.verbose_name 797 module_name = opts.module_name 792 798 if obj._deferred: 793 799 opts_ = opts.proxy_for_model._meta 794 800 verbose_name = opts_.verbose_name 801 module_name = opts_.module_name 795 802 796 803 pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() 797 804 … … 805 812 elif "_saveasnew" in request.POST: 806 813 msg = _('The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. You may edit it again below.') % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} 807 814 self.message_user(request, msg) 808 return HttpResponseRedirect("../%s/" % pk_value) 815 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % 816 (opts.app_label, module_name), 817 args=(pk_value,), 818 current_app=self.admin_site.name)) 809 819 elif "_addanother" in request.POST: 810 820 self.message_user(request, msg + ' ' + (_("You may add another %s below.") % force_unicode(verbose_name))) 811 return HttpResponseRedirect("../add/") 821 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % 822 (opts.app_label, module_name), 823 current_app=self.admin_site.name)) 812 824 else: 813 825 self.message_user(request, msg) 814 826 # Figure out where to redirect. If the user has change permission, 815 827 # redirect to the change-list page for this object. Otherwise, 816 828 # redirect to the admin index. 817 829 if self.has_change_permission(request, None): 818 return HttpResponseRedirect('../') 830 post_url = reverse('admin:%s_%s_changelist' % 831 (opts.app_label, module_name), 832 current_app=self.admin_site.name) 819 833 else: 820 return HttpResponseRedirect('../../../') 834 post_url = reverse('admin:index', 835 current_app=self.admin_site.name) 836 return HttpResponseRedirect(post_url) 821 837 822 838 def response_action(self, request, queryset): 823 839 """ … … 990 1006 raise Http404(_('%(name)s object with primary key %(key)r does not exist.') % {'name': force_unicode(opts.verbose_name), 'key': escape(object_id)}) 991 1007 992 1008 if request.method == 'POST' and "_saveasnew" in request.POST: 993 return self.add_view(request, form_url='../add/') 1009 return self.add_view(request, form_url=reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % 1010 (opts.app_label, opts.module_name), 1011 current_app=self.admin_site.name)) 994 1012 995 1013 ModelForm = self.get_form(request, obj) 996 1014 formsets = [] … … 1246 1264 self.message_user(request, _('The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was deleted successfully.') % {'name': force_unicode(opts.verbose_name), 'obj': force_unicode(obj_display)}) 1247 1265 1248 1266 if not self.has_change_permission(request, None): 1249 return HttpResponseRedirect("../../../../") 1250 return HttpResponseRedirect("../../") 1267 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:index', 1268 current_app=self.admin_site.name)) 1269 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_changelist' % 1270 (opts.app_label, opts.module_name), 1271 current_app=self.admin_site.name)) 1251 1272 1252 1273 object_name = force_unicode(opts.verbose_name) 1253 1274 … … 1292 1313 'module_name': capfirst(force_unicode(opts.verbose_name_plural)), 1293 1314 'object': obj, 1294 1315 'app_label': app_label, 1316 'opts': opts, 1295 1317 } 1296 1318 context.update(extra_context or {}) 1297 1319 return TemplateResponse(request, self.object_history_template or [ -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/sites.py
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/sites.py b/django/contrib/admin/sites.py
a b 339 339 # Check whether user has any perm for this module. 340 340 # If so, add the module to the model_list. 341 341 if True in perms.values(): 342 info = (app_label, model._meta.module_name) 342 343 model_dict = { 343 344 'name': capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural), 344 'admin_url': mark_safe('%s/%s/' % (app_label, model.__name__.lower())), 345 'admin_url': reverse('admin:%s_%s_changelist' % info, current_app=self.name), 346 'add_url': reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % info, current_app=self.name), 345 347 'perms': perms, 346 348 } 347 349 if app_label in app_dict: … … 349 351 else: 350 352 app_dict[app_label] = { 351 353 'name': app_label.title(), 352 'app_url': app_label + '/',354 'app_url': reverse('admin:app_list', kwargs={'app_label': app_label}, current_app=self.name), 353 355 'has_module_perms': has_module_perms, 354 356 'models': [model_dict], 355 357 } … … 383 385 # Check whether user has any perm for this module. 384 386 # If so, add the module to the model_list. 385 387 if True in perms.values(): 388 info = (app_label, model._meta.module_name) 386 389 model_dict = { 387 390 'name': capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural), 388 'admin_url': '%s/' % model.__name__.lower(), 391 'admin_url': reverse('admin:%s_%s_changelist' % info, current_app=self.name), 392 'add_url': reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % info, current_app=self.name), 389 393 'perms': perms, 390 394 } 391 395 if app_dict: -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="/">{% trans "Home" %}</a> › {% trans "Server error" %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Server error' %} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block title %}{% trans 'Server error (500)' %}{% endblock %} 7 13 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/app_index.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/app_index.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/app_index.html
a b 1 {% extends "admin/index.html" %} 2 {% load i18n %} 1 {% extends "admin/index.html" %} 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 5 {% if not is_popup %} 5 6 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../"> 8 {% trans "Home" %}</a> › 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › 9 10 {% for app in app_list %} 10 11 {% blocktrans with app.name as name %}{{ name }}{% endblocktrans %} 11 {% endfor %}</div>{% endblock %} 12 {% endfor %} 13 </div> 14 {% endblock %} 15 {% endif %} 12 16 13 {% endif %} 14 15 {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %} 16 No newline at end of file 17 {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n admin_static admin_modify %} 3 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% load admin_urls %} 5 4 6 {% block extrahead %}{{ block.super }} 5 7 {% url 'admin:jsi18n' as jsi18nurl %} 6 8 <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ jsi18nurl|default:"../../../../jsi18n/" }}"></script> 7 9 {% endblock %} 8 10 {% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "admin/css/forms.css" %}" />{% endblock %} 9 11 {% block bodyclass %}{{ opts.app_label }}-{{ opts.object_name.lower }} change-form{% endblock %} 10 {% block breadcrumbs %}{%if not is_popup %}11 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 12 <a href="../../../../">{% trans "Home" %}</a> › 13 <a href="../../../">{{ opts.app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> › 14 <a href="../../">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a> › 15 <a href="../">{{ original|truncatewords:"18" }}</a> › 16 12 {% if not is_popup %} 13 {% block breadcrumbs %} 14 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 15 › <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=opts.app_label %}">{{ opts.app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> 16 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a> 17 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}{{ original.pk }}">{{ original|truncatewords:"18" }}</a> 18 › {% trans 'Change password' %} 17 19 </div> 18 {% endif %}{% endblock %} 20 {% endblock %} 21 {% endif %} 19 22 {% block content %}<div id="content-main"> 20 23 <form action="{{ form_url }}" method="post" id="{{ opts.module_name }}_form">{% csrf_token %}{% block form_top %}{% endblock %} 21 24 <div> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html
a b 32 32 {% if docsroot %} 33 33 <a href="{{ docsroot }}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> / 34 34 {% endif %} 35 <a href="{% url 'admin:password_change' %}"> 36 {% trans 'Change password' %}</a> / 37 <a href="{% url 'admin:logout' %}"> 38 {% trans 'Log out' %}</a> 35 <a href="{% url 'admin:password_change' %}">{% trans 'Change password' %}</a> / 36 <a href="{% url 'admin:logout' %}">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a> 39 37 {% endblock %} 40 38 </div> 41 39 {% endif %} 42 40 {% block nav-global %}{% endblock %} 43 41 </div> 44 42 <!-- END Header --> 45 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="/">{% trans 'Home' %}</a>{% if title %} › {{ title }}{% endif %}</div>{% endblock %} 43 {% block breadcrumbs %} 44 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 45 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 46 {% if title %} › {{ title }}{% endif %} 47 </div> 48 {% endblock %} 46 49 {% endif %} 47 50 48 51 {% block messages %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n admin_static admin_modify %} 3 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% load admin_urls %} 4 5 5 6 {% block extrahead %}{{ block.super }} 6 7 {% url 'admin:jsi18n' as jsi18nurl %} … … 14 15 15 16 {% block bodyclass %}{{ opts.app_label }}-{{ opts.object_name.lower }} change-form{% endblock %} 16 17 17 {% block breadcrumbs %}{%if not is_popup %}18 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 19 <a href="../../../">{% trans "Home" %}</a> › 20 <a href="../../">{{ app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> › 21 {% if has_change_permission %}<a href="../">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a>{% else %}{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}{% endif %} › 22 {% if add %}{% trans "Add"%} {{ opts.verbose_name }}{% else %}{{ original|truncatewords:"18" }}{% endif %}18 {% if not is_popup %} 19 {% block breadcrumbs %} 20 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 21 › <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=opts.app_label %}">{{ app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> 22 › {% if has_change_permission %}<a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a>{% else %}{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}{% endif %} 23 › {% if add %}{% trans 'Add' %} {{ opts.verbose_name }}{% else %}{{ original|truncatewords:"18" }}{% endif %} 23 24 </div> 24 {% endif %}{% endblock %} 25 {% endblock %} 26 {% endif %} 25 27 26 28 {% block content %}<div id="content-main"> 27 29 {% block object-tools %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n admin_static admin_list %} 3 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% load admin_urls %} 5 4 6 {% block extrastyle %} 5 7 {{ block.super }} 6 8 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "admin/css/changelists.css" %}" /> … … 36 38 {% block bodyclass %}change-list{% endblock %} 37 39 38 40 {% if not is_popup %} 39 {% block breadcrumbs %} 40 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 41 <a href="../../"> 42 {% trans "Home" %} 43 </a> 44 › 45 <a href="../"> 46 {{ app_label|capfirst }} 47 </a> 48 › 49 {{ cl.opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }} 50 </div> 51 {% endblock %} 41 {% block breadcrumbs %} 42 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 43 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 44 › <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=cl.opts.app_label %}">{{ app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> 45 › {{ cl.opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }} 46 </div> 47 {% endblock %} 52 48 {% endif %} 53 49 54 50 {% block coltype %}flex{% endblock %} … … 60 56 <ul class="object-tools"> 61 57 {% block object-tools-items %} 62 58 <li> 63 <a href=" add/{% if is_popup %}?_popup=1{% endif %}" class="addlink">59 <a href="{% url cl.opts|admin_urlname:'add' %}{% if is_popup %}?_popup=1{% endif %}" class="addlink"> 64 60 {% blocktrans with cl.opts.verbose_name as name %}Add {{ name }}{% endblocktrans %} 65 61 </a> 66 62 </li> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% load admin_urls %} 3 5 4 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 5 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 6 <a href="../../../../">{% trans "Home" %}</a> › 7 <a href="../../../">{{ app_label|capfirst }}</a> › 8 <a href="../../">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a> › 9 <a href="../">{{ object|truncatewords:"18" }}</a> › 10 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=opts.app_label %}">{{ app_label|capfirst }}</a> 10 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst|escape }}</a> 11 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}{{ object.pk }}">{{ object|truncatewords:"18" }}</a> 12 › {% trans 'Delete' %} 11 13 </div> 12 14 {% endblock %} 13 15 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n l10n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% load admin_urls %} 3 5 4 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 5 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 6 <a href="../../">{% trans "Home" %}</a> › 7 <a href="../">{{ app_label|capfirst }}</a> › 8 <a href="./">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a> › 9 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=app_label %}">{{ app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> 10 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a> 11 › {% trans 'Delete multiple objects' %} 10 12 </div> 11 13 {% endblock %} 12 14 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html
a b 26 26 {% endif %} 27 27 28 28 {% if model.perms.add %} 29 <td><a href="{{ model.ad min_url }}add/" class="addlink">{% trans 'Add' %}</a></td>29 <td><a href="{{ model.add_url }}" class="addlink">{% trans 'Add' %}</a></td> 30 30 {% else %} 31 31 <td> </td> 32 32 {% endif %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/invalid_setup.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/invalid_setup.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/invalid_setup.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {{ title }}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {{ title }} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block content %} 7 13 <p>{% trans "Something's wrong with your database installation. Make sure the appropriate database tables have been created, and make sure the database is readable by the appropriate user." %}</p> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% load admin_urls %} 3 5 4 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 5 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 6 <a href="../../../../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › 7 <a href="../../../">{{ app_label|capfirst }}</a> › 8 <a href="../../">{{ module_name }}</a> › 9 <a href="../">{{ object|truncatewords:"18" }}</a> › 10 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=app_label %}">{{ app_label|capfirst|escape }}</a> 10 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ module_name }}</a> 11 › <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}{{ object.pk }}">{{ object|truncatewords:"18" }}</a> 12 › {% trans 'History' %} 11 13 </div> 12 14 {% endblock %} 13 15 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/logged_out.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/logged_out.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/logged_out.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href=" ../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a></div>{% endblock %}5 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a></div>{% endblock %} 5 6 6 7 {% block content %} 7 8 8 9 <p>{% trans "Thanks for spending some quality time with the Web site today." %}</p> 9 10 10 <p><a href=" ../">{% trans 'Log in again' %}</a></p>11 <p><a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Log in again' %}</a></p> 11 12 12 13 {% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 3 {% load url from future %} 4 {% block userlinks %}{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' as docsroot %}{% if docsroot %}<a href="{{ docsroot }}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> / {% endif %}{% trans 'Change password' %} / <a href="../../logout/">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {% trans 'Password change' %}</div>{% endblock %} 4 {% block userlinks %}{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' as docsroot %}{% if docsroot %}<a href="{{ docsroot }}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> / {% endif %}{% trans 'Change password' %} / <a href="{% url 'admin:logout' %}">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Password change' %} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 6 11 7 12 {% block title %}{% trans 'Password change successful' %}{% endblock %} 8 13 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html
a b 2 2 {% load i18n static %} 3 3 {% load url from future %} 4 4 {% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "admin/css/forms.css" %}" />{% endblock %} 5 {% block userlinks %}{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' as docsroot %}{% if docsroot %}<a href="{{ docsroot }}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> / {% endif %} {% trans 'Change password' %} / <a href="../logout/">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a>{% endblock %} 6 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {% trans 'Password change' %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block userlinks %}{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' as docsroot %}{% if docsroot %}<a href="{{ docsroot }}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> / {% endif %} {% trans 'Change password' %} / <a href="{% url 'admin:logout' %}">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a>{% endblock %} 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › {% trans 'Password change' %} 10 </div> 11 {% endblock %} 7 12 8 13 {% block title %}{% trans 'Password change' %}{% endblock %} 9 14 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {% trans 'Password reset' %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Password reset' %} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block title %}{% trans 'Password reset complete' %}{% endblock %} 7 13 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {% trans 'Password reset confirmation' %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Password reset confirmation' %} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block title %}{% trans 'Password reset' %}{% endblock %} 7 13 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {% trans 'Password reset' %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Password reset' %} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block title %}{% trans 'Password reset successful' %}{% endblock %} 7 13 -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 3 4 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> › {% trans 'Password reset' %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Password reset' %} 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block title %}{% trans "Password reset" %}{% endblock %} 7 13 -
TabularUnified new file django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_urls.py
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_urls.py b/django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_urls.py new file mode 100644
- + 1 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch 2 from django import template 3 4 register = template.Library() 5 6 @register.filter 7 def admin_urlname(value, arg): 8 return 'admin:%s_%s_%s' % (value.app_label, value.module_name, arg) -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 2 4 3 {% block breadcrumbs %}{% load i18n %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">{% trans "Home" %}</a> › <a href="../">{% trans "Documentation" %}</a> › {% trans "Bookmarklets" %}</div>{% endblock %} 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 9 › {% trans 'Bookmarklets' %} 10 </div> 11 {% endblock %} 4 12 {% block title %}{% trans "Documentation bookmarklets" %}{% endblock %} 5 13 6 14 {% block content %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/index.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="{{ root_path }}">Home</a> › Documentation</div>{% endblock %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 9 </div> 10 {% endblock %} 4 11 {% block title %}Documentation{% endblock %} 5 12 6 13 {% block content %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/missing_docutils.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../">Home</a> › Documentation</div>{% endblock %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › {% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 9 </div> 4 10 {% block title %}Please install docutils{% endblock %} 5 11 6 12 {% block content %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/model_detail.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 3 5 {% block extrahead %} 4 6 {{ block.super }} 5 7 <style type="text/css"> … … 8 10 </style> 9 11 {% endblock %} 10 12 11 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../../">Home</a> › <a href="../../">Documentation</a> › <a href="../">Models</a> › {{ name }}</div>{% endblock %} 13 {% block breadcrumbs %} 14 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 15 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 16 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 17 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-models-index' %}">{% trans 'Models' %}</a> 18 › {{ name }} 19 </div> 20 {% endblock %} 12 21 13 22 {% block title %}Model: {{ name }}{% endblock %} 14 23 … … 41 50 </table> 42 51 </div> 43 52 44 <p class="small"><a href=" ../">‹ Back to Models Documentation</a></p>53 <p class="small"><a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-models-index' %}">‹ Back to Models Documentation</a></p> 45 54 </div> 46 55 {% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/model_index.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 3 5 {% block coltype %}colSM{% endblock %} 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">Home</a> › <a href="../">Documentation</a> › Models</div>{% endblock %} 6 7 {% block breadcrumbs %} 8 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 9 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 10 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 11 › {% trans 'Models' %} 12 </div> 13 {% endblock %} 5 14 6 15 {% block title %}Models{% endblock %} 7 16 … … 19 28 <table class="xfull"> 20 29 {% for model in group.list %} 21 30 <tr> 22 <th><a href="{ { model.app_label }}.{{ model.object_name.lower }}/">{{ model.object_name }}</a></th>31 <th><a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-models-detail' app_label=model.app_label model_name=model.object_name.lower %}">{{ model.object_name }}</a></th> 23 32 </tr> 24 33 {% endfor %} 25 34 </table> -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/template_detail.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../../">Home</a> › <a href="../../">Documentation</a> › Templates › {{ name }}</div>{% endblock %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 9 › {% trans 'Templates' %} 10 › {{ name }} 11 </div> 12 {% endblock %} 4 13 5 14 {% block title %}Template: {{ name }}{% endblock %} 6 15 … … 17 26 </ol> 18 27 {% endfor %} 19 28 20 <p class="small"><a href=" ../../">‹ Back to Documentation</a></p>29 <p class="small"><a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">‹ Back to Documentation</a></p> 21 30 {% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/template_filter_index.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 3 5 {% block coltype %}colSM{% endblock %} 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">Home</a> › <a href="../">Documentation</a> › filters</div>{% endblock %} 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 10 › {% trans 'Filters' %} 11 </div> 12 {% endblock %} 5 13 {% block title %}Template filters{% endblock %} 6 14 7 15 {% block content %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/template_tag_index.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 3 5 {% block coltype %}colSM{% endblock %} 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">Home</a> › <a href="../">Documentation</a> › Tags</div>{% endblock %} 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 10 › {% trans 'Tags' %} 11 </div> 12 {% endblock %} 5 13 {% block title %}Template tags{% endblock %} 6 14 7 15 {% block content %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/view_detail.html
diff --git a/django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/view_detail.html b/django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/view_detail.html
a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../../">Home</a> › <a href="../../">Documentation</a> › <a href="../">Views</a> › {{ name }}</div>{% endblock %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 5 {% block breadcrumbs %} 6 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 7 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 8 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-views-index' %}">{% trans 'Views' %}</a> 10 › {{ name }} 11 </div> 12 {% endblock %} 4 13 {% block title %}View: {{ name }}{% endblock %} 5 14 6 15 {% block content %} … … 21 30 <p>{{ meta.Templates }}</p> 22 31 {% endif %} 23 32 24 <p class="small"><a href=" ../">‹ Back to Views Documentation</a></p>33 <p class="small"><a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-views-index' %}">‹ Back to Views Documentation</a></p> 25 34 {% endblock %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/templates/admin_doc/view_index.html
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a b 1 1 {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} 2 2 {% load i18n %} 3 {% load url from future %} 4 3 5 {% block coltype %}colSM{% endblock %} 4 {% block breadcrumbs %}<div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="../../">Home</a> › <a href="../">Documentation</a> › Views</div>{% endblock %} 6 {% block breadcrumbs %} 7 <div class="breadcrumbs"> 8 <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a> 9 › <a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' %}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> 10 › {% trans 'Views' %} 11 </div> 12 {% endblock %} 5 13 {% block title %}Views{% endblock %} 6 14 7 15 {% block content %} … … 29 37 30 38 {% for view in site_views.list|dictsort:"url" %} 31 39 {% ifchanged %} 32 <h3><a href="{ { view.module }}.{{ view.name }}/">{{ view.url }}</a></h3>33 <p class="small quiet">View function: {{ view. module }}.{{ view.name }}</p>40 <h3><a href="{% url 'django-admindocs-views-detail' view=view.full_name %}">{{ view.url }}</a></h3> 41 <p class="small quiet">View function: {{ view.full_name }}</p> 34 42 <p>{{ view.title }}</p> 35 43 <hr /> 36 44 {% endifchanged %} -
TabularUnified django/contrib/admindocs/views.py
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a b 136 136 site_obj = GenericSite() 137 137 for (func, regex) in view_functions: 138 138 views.append({ 139 'name': getattr(func, '__name__', func.__class__.__name__), 140 'module': func.__module__, 139 'full_name': '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, getattr(func, '__name__', func.__class__.__name__)), 141 140 'site_id': settings_mod.SITE_ID, 142 141 'site': site_obj, 143 142 'url': simplify_regex(regex), -
TabularUnified docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt
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a b 1960 1960 1961 1961 For more details, see the documentation on :ref:`reversing namespaced URLs 1962 1962 <topics-http-reversing-url-namespaces>`. 1963 1964 To allow easier reversing of the admin urls in templates, Django provides an 1965 ``admin_url`` filter which takes an action as argument: 1966 1967 .. code-block:: html+django 1968 1969 {% load admin_urls %} 1970 {% load url from future %} 1971 <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'add' %}">Add user</a> 1972 <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'delete' user.pk %}">Delete this user</a> 1973 1974 The action in the examples above match the last part of the URL names for 1975 :class:`ModelAdmin` instances described above. The ``opts`` variable can be any 1976 object which has an ``app_label`` and ``module_name`` and is usually supplied 1977 by the admin views for the current model. -
TabularUnified new file tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/__init__.py
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- + 1 # -
TabularUnified new file tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/fixtures/actions.json
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/fixtures/actions.json b/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/fixtures/actions.json new file mode 100644
- + 1 [ 2 { 3 "pk": "delete", 4 "model": "admin_custom_urls.action", 5 "fields": { 6 "description": "Remove things." 7 } 8 }, 9 { 10 "pk": "rename", 11 "model": "admin_custom_urls.action", 12 "fields": { 13 "description": "Gives things other names." 14 } 15 }, 16 { 17 "pk": "add", 18 "model": "admin_custom_urls.action", 19 "fields": { 20 "description": "Add things." 21 } 22 }, 23 { 24 "pk": "path/to/file/", 25 "model": "admin_custom_urls.action", 26 "fields": { 27 "description": "An action with '/' in its name." 28 } 29 }, 30 { 31 "pk": "path/to/html/document.html", 32 "model": "admin_custom_urls.action", 33 "fields": { 34 "description": "An action with a name similar to a HTML doc path." 35 } 36 }, 37 { 38 "pk": "javascript:alert('Hello world');\">Click here</a>", 39 "model": "admin_custom_urls.action", 40 "fields": { 41 "description": "An action with a name suspected of being a XSS attempt" 42 } 43 } 44 ] 45 No newline at end of file -
TabularUnified new file tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/fixtures/users.json
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/fixtures/users.json b/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/fixtures/users.json new file mode 100644
- + 1 [ 2 { 3 "pk": 100, 4 "model": "auth.user", 5 "fields": { 6 "username": "super", 7 "first_name": "Super", 8 "last_name": "User", 9 "is_active": true, 10 "is_superuser": true, 11 "is_staff": true, 12 "last_login": "2007-05-30 13:20:10", 13 "groups": [], 14 "user_permissions": [], 15 "password": "sha1$995a3$6011485ea3834267d719b4c801409b8b1ddd0158", 16 "email": "super@example.com", 17 "date_joined": "2007-05-30 13:20:10" 18 } 19 } 20 ] -
TabularUnified new file tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/models.py
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/models.py b/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/models.py new file mode 100644
- + 1 from functools import update_wrapper 2 3 from django.contrib import admin 4 from django.db import models 5 6 7 class Action(models.Model): 8 name = models.CharField(max_length=50, primary_key=True) 9 description = models.CharField(max_length=70) 10 11 def __unicode__(self): 12 return self.name 13 14 15 class ActionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 16 """ 17 A ModelAdmin for the Action model that changes the URL of the add_view 18 to '<app name>/<model name>/!add/' 19 The Action model has a CharField PK. 20 """ 21 22 list_display = ('name', 'description') 23 24 def remove_url(self, name): 25 """ 26 Remove all entries named 'name' from the ModelAdmin instance URL 27 patterns list 28 """ 29 return filter(lambda e: e.name != name, super(ActionAdmin, self).get_urls()) 30 31 def get_urls(self): 32 # Add the URL of our custom 'add_view' view to the front of the URLs 33 # list. Remove the existing one(s) first 34 from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url 35 36 def wrap(view): 37 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 38 return self.admin_site.admin_view(view)(*args, **kwargs) 39 return update_wrapper(wrapper, view) 40 41 info = self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.module_name 42 43 view_name = '%s_%s_add' % info 44 45 return patterns('', 46 url(r'^!add/$', wrap(self.add_view), name=view_name), 47 ) + self.remove_url(view_name) 48 49 50 admin.site.register(Action, ActionAdmin) -
TabularUnified new file tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/tests.py
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/tests.py new file mode 100644
- + 1 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse 2 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse 3 from django.test import TestCase 4 5 from models import Action 6 7 8 class AdminCustomUrlsTest(TestCase): 9 fixtures = ['users.json', 'actions.json'] 10 11 def setUp(self): 12 self.client.login(username='super', password='secret') 13 14 def tearDown(self): 15 self.client.logout() 16 17 def testBasicAddGet(self): 18 """ 19 A smoke test to ensure GET on the add_view works. 20 """ 21 response = self.client.get('/custom_urls/admin/admin_custom_urls/action/!add/') 22 self.assertIsInstance(response, TemplateResponse) 23 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 24 25 def testAddWithGETArgs(self): 26 response = self.client.get('/custom_urls/admin/admin_custom_urls/action/!add/', {'name': 'My Action'}) 27 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 28 self.assertTrue( 29 'value="My Action"' in response.content, 30 "Couldn't find an input with the right value in the response." 31 ) 32 33 def testBasicAddPost(self): 34 """ 35 A smoke test to ensure POST on add_view works. 36 """ 37 post_data = { 38 '_popup': u'1', 39 "name": u'Action added through a popup', 40 "description": u"Description of added action", 41 } 42 response = self.client.post('/custom_urls/admin/admin_custom_urls/action/!add/', post_data) 43 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 44 self.assertContains(response, 'dismissAddAnotherPopup') 45 self.assertContains(response, 'Action added through a popup') 46 47 def testAdminUrlsNoClash(self): 48 """ 49 Test that some admin URLs work correctly. The model has a CharField 50 PK and the add_view URL has been customized. 51 """ 52 # Should get the change_view for model instance with PK 'add', not show 53 # the add_view 54 response = self.client.get('/custom_urls/admin/admin_custom_urls/action/add/') 55 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 56 self.assertContains(response, 'Change action') 57 58 # Ditto, but use reverse() to build the URL 59 path = reverse('admin:%s_action_change' % Action._meta.app_label, 60 args=('add',)) 61 response = self.client.get(path) 62 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 63 self.assertContains(response, 'Change action') 64 65 # Should correctly get the change_view for the model instance with the 66 # funny-looking PK 67 path = reverse('admin:%s_action_change' % Action._meta.app_label, 68 args=("path/to/html/document.html",)) 69 response = self.client.get(path) 70 self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) 71 self.assertContains(response, 'Change action') 72 self.assertContains(response, 'value="path/to/html/document.html"') -
TabularUnified new file tests/regressiontests/admin_custom_urls/urls.py
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- + 1 from django.conf.urls.defaults import * 2 from django.contrib import admin 3 4 urlpatterns = patterns('', 5 (r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)), 6 ) 7 -
TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/admin_views/tests.py
diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/admin_views/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/admin_views/tests.py
a b 597 597 self.assertTrue(response.context['save_as']) 598 598 post_data = {'_saveasnew':'', 'name':'John M', 'gender':3, 'alive':'checked'} 599 599 response = self.client.post('/test_admin/admin/admin_views/person/1/', post_data) 600 self.assertEqual(response.context['form_url'], ' ../add/')600 self.assertEqual(response.context['form_url'], '/test_admin/admin/admin_views/person/add/') 601 601 602 602 class CustomModelAdminTest(AdminViewBasicTest): 603 603 urls = "regressiontests.admin_views.urls" … … 844 844 self.client.post('/test_admin/admin/', self.adduser_login) 845 845 addpage = self.client.get('/test_admin/admin/admin_views/article/add/') 846 846 self.assertEqual(addpage.status_code, 200) 847 change_list_link = ' <a href="../">Articles</a> ›'847 change_list_link = '› <a href="/test_admin/admin/admin_views/article/">Articles</a>' 848 848 self.assertFalse(change_list_link in addpage.content, 849 849 'User restricted to add permission is given link to change list view in breadcrumbs.') 850 850 post = self.client.post('/test_admin/admin/admin_views/article/add/', add_dict) -
TabularUnified tests/urls.py
diff --git a/tests/urls.py b/tests/urls.py
a b 1 1 from django.conf.urls import patterns, include 2 2 3 4 3 urlpatterns = patterns('', 5 4 # test_client modeltest urls 6 5 (r'^test_client/', include('modeltests.test_client.urls')), … … 25 24 # admin widget tests 26 25 (r'widget_admin/', include('regressiontests.admin_widgets.urls')), 27 26 27 # admin custom URL tests 28 (r'^custom_urls/', include('regressiontests.admin_custom_urls.urls')), 29 28 30 )