Ticket #1484: 1484.m-r.6.diff
File 1484.m-r.6.diff, 6.4 KB (added by , 19 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/http/__init__.py
2 2 from pprint import pformat 3 3 from urllib import urlencode 4 4 from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict 5 import cgi 6 from StringIO import StringIO 5 7 6 8 try: 7 9 # The mod_python version is more efficient, so try importing it first. … … 35 37 def get_full_path(self): 36 38 return '' 37 39 38 def parse_file_upload(header_dict, post_data): 40 class FileDict(dict): 41 "Keeps uploaded file as a file-like object and reads its content on demand" 42 def __getitem__(self, name): 43 if name=='content' and not 'content' in self: 44 self['file'].seek(0, 2) 45 size = self['file'].tell() 46 self['file'].seek(0, 0) 47 self['content']=self['file'].read(size) 48 return dict.__getitem__(self, name) 49 50 def __deepcopy__(self, memo={}): 51 self['content'] # make sure file content is loaded 52 import copy 53 result = self.__class__() 54 memo[id(self)] = result 55 for key, value in dict.items(self): 56 dict.__setitem__(result, copy.deepcopy(key, memo), copy.deepcopy(value, memo)) 57 return result 58 59 class FieldStorage(cgi.FieldStorage): 60 "cgi.FieldStorage with ability to store files on disk or in memory" 61 def make_file(self, binary=None): 62 from django.conf import settings 63 if settings.STORE_UPLOAD_ON_DISK: 64 return cgi.FieldStorage.make_file(self, binary) 65 else: 66 return StringIO() 67 68 def parse_file_upload(post_stream, environ): 39 69 "Returns a tuple of (POST MultiValueDict, FILES MultiValueDict)" 40 import email, email.Message 41 from cgi import parse_header 42 raw_message = '\r\n'.join(['%s:%s' % pair for pair in header_dict.items()]) 43 raw_message += '\r\n\r\n' + post_data 44 msg = email.message_from_string(raw_message) 70 fs = FieldStorage(post_stream, environ=environ) 45 71 POST = MultiValueDict() 46 72 FILES = MultiValueDict() 47 for submessage in msg.get_payload(): 48 if isinstance(submessage, email.Message.Message): 49 name_dict = parse_header(submessage['Content-Disposition'])[1] 50 # name_dict is something like {'name': 'file', 'filename': 'test.txt'} for file uploads 51 # or {'name': 'blah'} for POST fields 52 # We assume all uploaded files have a 'filename' set. 53 if name_dict.has_key('filename'): 54 assert type([]) != type(submessage.get_payload()), "Nested MIME messages are not supported" 55 if not name_dict['filename'].strip(): 73 for key in fs.keys(): 74 # We can't use FieldStorage.getlist to get contents of a 75 # field as a list because for file fields it returns only filenames 76 if type(fs[key]) == type([]): 77 field_list = fs[key] 78 else: 79 field_list = [fs[key]] 80 for field in field_list: 81 if hasattr(field, 'filename') and field.filename is not None: 82 if not field.filename.strip(): 56 83 continue 57 84 # IE submits the full path, so trim everything but the basename. 58 85 # (We can't use os.path.basename because it expects Linux paths.) 59 filename = name_dict['filename'][name_dict['filename'].rfind("\\")+1:]60 FILES.appendlist( name_dict['name'],{86 filename = field.filename[field.filename.rfind("\\") + 1:] 87 FILES.appendlist(key, FileDict({ 61 88 'filename': filename, 62 'content-type': (submessage.has_key('Content-Type') and submessage['Content-Type'] or None),63 ' content': submessage.get_payload(),64 }) 89 'content-type': field.type, 90 'file': field.file, 91 })) 65 92 else: 66 POST.appendlist( name_dict['name'], submessage.get_payload())93 POST.appendlist(key, field.value) 67 94 return POST, FILES 68 95 69 96 class QueryDict(MultiValueDict): -
TabularUnified django/conf/global_settings.py
209 209 # Hint: you really don't! 210 210 TRANSACTIONS_MANAGED = False 211 211 212 # Whether to store uploaded files in temp files rather than in memory. 213 # Storing files on disk may be necessary for accepting large files. 214 STORE_UPLOAD_ON_DISK = False 215 212 216 ############## 213 217 # MIDDLEWARE # 214 218 ############## -
TabularUnified django/core/handlers/wsgi.py
69 69 # Populates self._post and self._files 70 70 if self.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': 71 71 if self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').startswith('multipart'): 72 header_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.environ.items() if k.startswith('HTTP_')]) 73 header_dict['Content-Type'] = self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') 74 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(header_dict, self.raw_post_data) 72 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(self.environ['wsgi.input'], self.environ) 75 73 else: 76 74 self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data), datastructures.MultiValueDict() 77 75 else: -
TabularUnified django/core/handlers/modpython.py
26 26 def _load_post_and_files(self): 27 27 "Populates self._post and self._files" 28 28 if self._req.headers_in.has_key('content-type') and self._req.headers_in['content-type'].startswith('multipart'): 29 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(self._req.headers_in, self.raw_post_data) 29 environ = dict(self.META) 30 environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = environ['HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH'] 31 environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = environ['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'] 32 self._post, self._files = http.parse_file_upload(self._req, environ) 30 33 else: 31 34 self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data), datastructures.MultiValueDict() 32 35