Ticket #1483: 1483-clean.diff
File 1483-clean.diff, 2.8 KB (added by , 19 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py
1 1 from django.db import transaction 2 2 from django.db.backends.mysql.base import quote_name 3 from MySQLdb import ProgrammingError, OperationalError 3 4 from MySQLdb.constants import FIELD_TYPE 5 import re 4 6 7 foreign_key_re = re.compile(r"\sCONSTRAINT `[^`]*` FOREIGN KEY \(`([^`]*)`\) REFERENCES `([^`]*)` \(`([^`]*)`\)") 8 5 9 def get_table_list(cursor): 6 10 "Returns a list of table names in the current database." 7 11 cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES") … … 12 16 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1" % quote_name(table_name)) 13 17 return cursor.description 14 18 19 def _name_to_index(cursor, table_name): 20 """ 21 Returns a dictionary of {field_name: field_index} for the given table. 22 Indexes are 0-based. 23 """ 24 return dict([(d[0], i) for i, d in enumerate(get_table_description(cursor, table_name))]) 25 15 26 def get_relations(cursor, table_name): 16 raise NotImplementedError 27 """ 28 Returns a dictionary of {field_index: (field_index_other_table, other_table)} 29 representing all relationships to the given table. Indexes are 0-based. 30 """ 31 my_field_dict = _name_to_index(cursor, table_name) 32 constraints = [] 33 relations = {} 34 try: 35 # This should work for MySQL 5.0. 36 cursor.execute(""" 37 SELECT column_name, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name 38 FROM information_schema.key_column_usage 39 WHERE table_name = %s 40 AND referenced_table_name IS NOT NULL 41 AND referenced_column_name IS NOT NULL""", [table_name]) 42 constraints.extend(cursor.fetchall()) 43 except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): 44 # Fall back to "SHOW CREATE TABLE", for previous MySQL versions. 45 # Go through all constraints and save the equal matches. 46 cursor.execute("SHOW CREATE TABLE %s" % table_name) 47 for row in cursor.fetchall(): 48 pos = 0 49 while True: 50 match = foreign_key_re.search(row[1], pos) 51 if match == None: 52 break 53 pos = match.end() 54 constraints.append(match.groups()) 17 55 56 # handle constraints. (can't do this in the loop above since we need the cursor in both places) 57 for my_fieldname, other_table, other_field in constraints: 58 other_field_index = _name_to_index(cursor, other_table)[other_field] 59 my_field_index = my_field_dict[my_fieldname] 60 relations[my_field_index] = (other_field_index, other_table) 61 return relations 62 18 63 def get_indexes(cursor, table_name): 19 64 """ 20 65 Returns a dictionary of fieldname -> infodict for the given table,