Ticket #14563: tr-localflavor.patch
File tr-localflavor.patch, 5.9 KB (added by , 14 years ago) |
TabularUnified \contrib\localflavor\tr\forms.py
diff -Naru --exclude=*.pyc django-orig\contrib\localflavor\tr\forms.py django\contrib\localflavor\tr\forms.py
old new 1 """ 2 TR-specific Form helpers 3 """ 4 5 from django.core.validators import EMPTY_VALUES 6 from django.forms import ValidationError 7 from django.forms.fields import Field, RegexField, Select, CharField 8 from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode 9 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ 10 import re 11 12 phone_digits_re = re.compile(r'^(\+90|0)? ?(([1-9]\d{2})|\([1-9]\d{2}\)) ?([2-9]\d{2} ?\d{2} ?\d{2})$') 13 14 class TRZipCodeField(RegexField): 15 default_error_messages = { 16 'invalid': _('Enter a zip code in the format XXXXX.'), 17 } 18 19 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 20 super(TRZipCodeField, self).__init__(r'^\d{5}$', 21 max_length=None, min_length=None, *args, **kwargs) 22 23 class TRPhoneNumberField(CharField): 24 default_error_messages = { 25 'invalid': _('Phone numbers must be in 0XXX XXX XXXX format.'), 26 } 27 28 def clean(self, value): 29 super(TRPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value) 30 if value in EMPTY_VALUES: 31 return u'' 32 value = re.sub('(\(|\)|\s+)', '', smart_unicode(value)) 33 m = phone_digits_re.search(value) 34 if m: 35 return u'%s-%s-%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)) 36 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) 37 38 class TRIdentificationNumberField(Field): 39 """ 40 A Turkey Identification Number number. 41 See: http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BCrkiye_Cumhuriyeti_Kimlik_Numaras%C4%B1 42 43 Checks the following rules to determine whether the number is valid: 44 45 * The number is 11-digits. 46 * First digit is not 0. 47 * Conforms to the following two formula: 48 (sum(1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th)*7 - sum(2nd,4th,6th,8th)) % 10 = 10th digit 49 sum(1st to 10th) % 10 = 11th digit 50 """ 51 default_error_messages = { 52 'invalid': _('Enter a valid Turkish Identification number.'), 53 'not_11': _('Turkish Identification number must be 11 digits.'), 54 } 55 56 def clean(self, value): 57 super(TRIdentificationNumberField, self).clean(value) 58 if value in EMPTY_VALUES: 59 return u'' 60 if len(value) != 11: 61 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['not_11']) 62 if int(value[0]) == 0: 63 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) 64 chksum = (sum([int(value[i]) for i in xrange(0,9,2)])*7- 65 sum([int(value[i]) for i in xrange(1,9,2)])) % 10 66 if chksum != int(value[9]) or \ 67 (sum([int(value[i]) for i in xrange(10)]) % 10) != int(value[10]): 68 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) 69 return u'%s' % (value) 70 71 class TRProvinceSelect(Select): 72 """ 73 A Select widget that uses a list of Turkey cities as its choices. 74 """ 75 def __init__(self, attrs=None): 76 from tr_provinces import PROVINCE_CHOICES 77 super(TRProvinceSelect, self).__init__(attrs, choices=PROVINCE_CHOICES) -
TabularUnified \contrib\localflavor\tr\tr_provinces.py
diff -Naru --exclude=*.pyc django-orig\contrib\localflavor\tr\tr_provinces.py django\contrib\localflavor\tr\tr_provinces.py
old new 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 """ 3 This exists in this standalone file so that it's only imported into memory 4 when explicitly needed. 5 """ 6 7 PROVINCE_CHOICES = ( 8 ('01', ('Adana')), 9 ('02', ('Adıyaman')), 10 ('03', ('Afyonkarahisar')), 11 ('04', ('Ağrı')), 12 ('68', ('Aksaray')), 13 ('05', ('Amasya')), 14 ('06', ('Ankara')), 15 ('07', ('Antalya')), 16 ('75', ('Ardahan')), 17 ('08', ('Artvin')), 18 ('09', ('Aydın')), 19 ('10', ('Balıkesir')), 20 ('74', ('Bartın')), 21 ('72', ('Batman')), 22 ('69', ('Bayburt')), 23 ('11', ('Bilecik')), 24 ('12', ('Bingöl')), 25 ('13', ('Bitlis')), 26 ('14', ('Bolu')), 27 ('15', ('Burdur')), 28 ('16', ('Bursa')), 29 ('17', ('Çanakkale')), 30 ('18', ('Çankırı')), 31 ('19', ('Çorum')), 32 ('20', ('Denizli')), 33 ('21', ('Diyarbakır')), 34 ('81', ('Düzce')), 35 ('22', ('Edirne')), 36 ('23', ('Elazığ')), 37 ('24', ('Erzincan')), 38 ('25', ('Erzurum')), 39 ('26', ('Eskişehir')), 40 ('27', ('Gaziantep')), 41 ('28', ('Giresun')), 42 ('29', ('Gümüşhane')), 43 ('30', ('Hakkari')), 44 ('31', ('Hatay')), 45 ('76', ('Iğdır')), 46 ('32', ('Isparta')), 47 ('33', ('Mersin')), 48 ('34', ('İstanbul')), 49 ('35', ('İzmir')), 50 ('78', ('Karabük')), 51 ('36', ('Kars')), 52 ('37', ('Kastamonu')), 53 ('38', ('Kayseri')), 54 ('39', ('Kırklareli')), 55 ('40', ('Kırşehir')), 56 ('41', ('Kocaeli')), 57 ('42', ('Konya')), 58 ('43', ('Kütahya')), 59 ('44', ('Malatya')), 60 ('45', ('Manisa')), 61 ('46', ('Kahramanmaraş')), 62 ('70', ('Karaman')), 63 ('71', ('Kırıkkale')), 64 ('79', ('Kilis')), 65 ('47', ('Mardin')), 66 ('48', ('Muğla')), 67 ('49', ('Muş')), 68 ('50', ('Nevşehir')), 69 ('51', ('Niğde')), 70 ('52', ('Ordu')), 71 ('80', ('Osmaniye')), 72 ('53', ('Rize')), 73 ('54', ('Sakarya')), 74 ('55', ('Samsun')), 75 ('56', ('Siirt')), 76 ('57', ('Sinop')), 77 ('58', ('Sivas')), 78 ('73', ('Şırnak')), 79 ('59', ('Tekirdağ')), 80 ('60', ('Tokat')), 81 ('61', ('Trabzon')), 82 ('62', ('Tunceli')), 83 ('63', ('Şanlıurfa')), 84 ('64', ('Uşak')), 85 ('65', ('Van')), 86 ('77', ('Yalova')), 87 ('66', ('Yozgat')), 88 ('67', ('Zonguldak')), 89 )