Ticket #14563: tr-localflavor-doc.diff

File tr-localflavor-doc.diff, 1.7 KB (added by serkank, 14 years ago)

Documentation of TR localflavor.

  • TabularUnified ref/contrib/localflavor.txt

    6767    * Spain_
    6868    * Sweden_
    6969    * Switzerland_
     70    * Turkey_
    7071    * `United Kingdom`_
    7172    * `United States of America`_
    7273    * Uruguay_
    115116.. _Spain: `Spain (es)`_
    116117.. _Sweden: `Sweden (se)`_
    117118.. _Switzerland: `Switzerland (ch)`_
     119.. _Turkey: `Turkey (tr)`_
    118120.. _United Kingdom: `United Kingdom (uk)`_
    119121.. _United States of America: `United States of America (us)`_
    120122.. _Uruguay: `Uruguay (uy)`_
    820822    A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Swiss states as its choices.
     824Turkey (``tr``)
     827.. class:: tr.forms.TRZipCodeField
     829    A form field that validates input as a Turkish zip code. Valid codes
     830    consist of five digits.
     832.. class:: tr.forms.TRPhoneNumberField
     834    A form field that validates input as a Turkish phone number. The correct
     835    format is 0xxx xxx xxxx. +90xxx xxx xxxx and inputs without spaces also
     836    validates. The result is corrected to xxx xxx xxxx.
     838.. class:: tr.forms.TRIdentificationNumberField
     840    A form field that validates input as a TR identification number. A valid
     841    number must satisfy the following:
     843    * The number consist of 11 digits.
     844    * The first digit cannot be 0.
     845    * (sum(1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th)*7 - sum(2nd,4th,6th,8th)) % 10) must be
     846    equal to the 10th digit.
     847    * (sum(1st to 10th) % 10) must be equal to the 11th digit.
     849.. class:: tr.forms.TRProvinceSelect
     851    A ``select`` widget that uses a list of Turkish provinces as its choices.
    822853United Kingdom (``uk``)
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