Ticket #14470: modeladmin.diff

File modeladmin.diff, 74.0 KB (added by Preston Timmons, 14 years ago)
  • tests/regressiontests/modeladmin/models.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/modeladmin/models.py b/tests/regressiontests/modeladmin/models.py
    index 36ea416..20dfe2c 100644
    a b class ValidationTestModel(models.Model):  
    3535class ValidationTestInlineModel(models.Model):
    3636    parent = models.ForeignKey(ValidationTestModel)
    38 __test__ = {'API_TESTS': """
    40 >>> from django.contrib.admin.options import ModelAdmin, TabularInline, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL
    41 >>> from django.contrib.admin.sites import AdminSite
    43 None of the following tests really depend on the content of the request, so
    44 we'll just pass in None.
    46 >>> request = None
    48 # the sign_date is not 100 percent accurate ;)
    49 >>> band = Band(name='The Doors', bio='', sign_date=date(1965, 1, 1))
    50 >>> band.save()
    52 Under the covers, the admin system will initialize ModelAdmin with a Model
    53 class and an AdminSite instance, so let's just go ahead and do that manually
    54 for testing.
    56 >>> site = AdminSite()
    57 >>> ma = ModelAdmin(Band, site)
    59 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    60 ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date']
    63 # form/fields/fieldsets interaction ##########################################
    65 fieldsets_add and fieldsets_change should return a special data structure that
    66 is used in the templates. They should generate the "right thing" whether we
    67 have specified a custom form, the fields arugment, or nothing at all.
    69 Here's the default case. There are no custom form_add/form_change methods,
    70 no fields argument, and no fieldsets argument.
    72 >>> ma = ModelAdmin(Band, site)
    73 >>> ma.get_fieldsets(request)
    74 [(None, {'fields': ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date']})]
    75 >>> ma.get_fieldsets(request, band)
    76 [(None, {'fields': ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date']})]
    79 If we specify the fields argument, fieldsets_add and fielsets_change should
    80 just stick the fields into a formsets structure and return it.
    82 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    83 ...     fields = ['name']
    85 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    86 >>> ma.get_fieldsets(request)
    87 [(None, {'fields': ['name']})]
    88 >>> ma.get_fieldsets(request, band)
    89 [(None, {'fields': ['name']})]
    94 If we specify fields or fieldsets, it should exclude fields on the Form class
    95 to the fields specified. This may cause errors to be raised in the db layer if
    96 required model fields arent in fields/fieldsets, but that's preferable to
    97 ghost errors where you have a field in your Form class that isn't being
    98 displayed because you forgot to add it to fields/fielsets
    100 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    101 ...     fields = ['name']
    103 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    104 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    105 ['name']
    106 >>> ma.get_form(request, band).base_fields.keys()
    107 ['name']
    109 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    110 ...     fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': ['name']})]
    112 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    113 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    114 ['name']
    115 >>> ma.get_form(request, band).base_fields.keys()
    116 ['name']
    119 # Using `exclude`.
    121 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    122 ...     exclude = ['bio']
    123 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    124 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    125 ['name', 'sign_date']
    127 # You can also pass a tuple to `exclude`.
    129 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    130 ...     exclude = ('bio',)
    131 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    132 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    133 ['name', 'sign_date']
    135 # Using `fields` and `exclude`.
    137 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    138 ...     fields = ['name', 'bio']
    139 ...     exclude = ['bio']
    140 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    141 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    142 ['name']
    144 If we specify a form, it should use it allowing custom validation to work
    145 properly. This won't, however, break any of the admin widgets or media.
    147 >>> from django import forms
    148 >>> class AdminBandForm(forms.ModelForm):
    149 ...     delete = forms.BooleanField()
    150 ...     
    151 ...     class Meta:
    152 ...         model = Band
    154 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    155 ...     form = AdminBandForm
    157 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    158 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    159 ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date', 'delete']
    160 >>> type(ma.get_form(request).base_fields['sign_date'].widget)
    161 <class 'django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminDateWidget'>
    163 If we need to override the queryset of a ModelChoiceField in our custom form
    164 make sure that RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper doesn't mess that up.
    166 >>> band2 = Band(name='The Beetles', bio='', sign_date=date(1962, 1, 1))
    167 >>> band2.save()
    169 >>> class AdminConcertForm(forms.ModelForm):
    170 ...     class Meta:
    171 ...         model = Concert
    172 ...
    173 ...     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    174 ...         super(AdminConcertForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    175 ...         self.fields["main_band"].queryset = Band.objects.filter(name='The Doors')
    177 >>> class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    178 ...     form = AdminConcertForm
    180 >>> ma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, site)
    181 >>> form = ma.get_form(request)()
    182 >>> print form["main_band"]
    183 <select name="main_band" id="id_main_band">
    184 <option value="" selected="selected">---------</option>
    185 <option value="1">The Doors</option>
    186 </select>
    188 >>> band2.delete()
    190 # radio_fields behavior ################################################
    192 First, without any radio_fields specified, the widgets for ForeignKey
    193 and fields with choices specified ought to be a basic Select widget.
    194 ForeignKey widgets in the admin are wrapped with RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper so
    195 they need to be handled properly when type checking. For Select fields, all of
    196 the choices lists have a first entry of dashes.
    198 >>> cma = ModelAdmin(Concert, site)
    199 >>> cmafa = cma.get_form(request)
    201 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.widget)
    202 <class 'django.forms.widgets.Select'>
    203 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.choices)
    204 [(u'', u'---------'), (1, u'The Doors')]
    206 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.widget)
    207 <class 'django.forms.widgets.Select'>
    208 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.choices)
    209 [(u'', u'---------'), (1, u'The Doors')]
    211 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget)
    212 <class 'django.forms.widgets.Select'>
    213 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget.choices)
    214 [('', '---------'), (1, 'Fri'), (2, 'Sat')]
    216 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget)
    217 <class 'django.forms.widgets.Select'>
    218 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget.choices)
    219 [('', '---------'), (1, 'Plane'), (2, 'Train'), (3, 'Bus')]
    221 Now specify all the fields as radio_fields.  Widgets should now be
    222 RadioSelect, and the choices list should have a first entry of 'None' if
    223 blank=True for the model field.  Finally, the widget should have the
    224 'radiolist' attr, and 'inline' as well if the field is specified HORIZONTAL.
    226 >>> class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    227 ...     radio_fields = {
    228 ...         'main_band': HORIZONTAL,
    229 ...         'opening_band': VERTICAL,
    230 ...         'day': VERTICAL,
    231 ...         'transport': HORIZONTAL,
    232 ...     }
    234 >>> cma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, site)
    235 >>> cmafa = cma.get_form(request)
    237 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.widget)
    238 <class 'django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminRadioSelect'>
    239 >>> cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.attrs
    240 {'class': 'radiolist inline'}
    241 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.choices)
    242 [(1, u'The Doors')]
    244 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.widget)
    245 <class 'django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminRadioSelect'>
    246 >>> cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.attrs
    247 {'class': 'radiolist'}
    248 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.choices)
    249 [(u'', u'None'), (1, u'The Doors')]
    251 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget)
    252 <class 'django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminRadioSelect'>
    253 >>> cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget.attrs
    254 {'class': 'radiolist'}
    255 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget.choices)
    256 [(1, 'Fri'), (2, 'Sat')]
    258 >>> type(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget)
    259 <class 'django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminRadioSelect'>
    260 >>> cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget.attrs
    261 {'class': 'radiolist inline'}
    262 >>> list(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget.choices)
    263 [('', u'None'), (1, 'Plane'), (2, 'Train'), (3, 'Bus')]
    265 >>> class AdminConcertForm(forms.ModelForm):
    266 ...     class Meta:
    267 ...         model = Concert
    268 ...         exclude = ('transport',)
    270 >>> class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    271 ...     form = AdminConcertForm
    273 >>> ma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, site)
    274 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    275 ['main_band', 'opening_band', 'day']
    277 >>> class AdminConcertForm(forms.ModelForm):
    278 ...     extra = forms.CharField()
    279 ...     class Meta:
    280 ...         model = Concert
    281 ...         fields = ['extra', 'transport']
    283 >>> class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    284 ...     form = AdminConcertForm
    286 >>> ma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, site)
    287 >>> ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys()
    288 ['extra', 'transport']
    290 >>> class ConcertInline(TabularInline):
    291 ...     form = AdminConcertForm
    292 ...     model = Concert
    293 ...     fk_name = 'main_band'
    294 ...     can_delete = True
    296 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    297 ...     inlines = [
    298 ...         ConcertInline
    299 ...     ]
    301 >>> ma = BandAdmin(Band, site)
    302 >>> list(ma.get_formsets(request))[0]().forms[0].fields.keys()
    303 ['extra', 'transport', 'id', 'DELETE', 'main_band']
    306 >>> band.delete()
    308 # ModelAdmin Option Validation ################################################
    310 >>> from django.contrib.admin.validation import validate
    311 >>> from django.conf import settings
    313 # Ensure validation only runs when DEBUG = True
    315 >>> settings.DEBUG = True
    317 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    318 ...     raw_id_fields = 10
    319 >>> site = AdminSite()
    320 >>> site.register(ValidationTestModel, ValidationTestModelAdmin)
    321 Traceback (most recent call last):
    322 ...
    323 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields' must be a list or tuple.
    325 >>> settings.DEBUG = False
    327 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    328 ...     raw_id_fields = 10
    329 >>> site = AdminSite()
    330 >>> site.register(ValidationTestModel, ValidationTestModelAdmin)
    332 # raw_id_fields
    334 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    335 ...     raw_id_fields = 10
    336 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    337 Traceback (most recent call last):
    338 ...
    339 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields' must be a list or tuple.
    341 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    342 ...     raw_id_fields = ('non_existent_field',)
    343 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    344 Traceback (most recent call last):
    345 ...
    346 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    348 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    349 ...     raw_id_fields = ('name',)
    350 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    351 Traceback (most recent call last):
    352 ...
    353 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields[0]', 'name' must be either a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField.
    355 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    356 ...     raw_id_fields = ('users',)
    357 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    359 # fieldsets
    361 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    362 ...     fieldsets = 10
    363 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    364 Traceback (most recent call last):
    365 ...
    366 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets' must be a list or tuple.
    368 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    369 ...     fieldsets = ({},)
    370 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    371 Traceback (most recent call last):
    372 ...
    373 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets[0]' must be a list or tuple.
    375 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    376 ...     fieldsets = ((),)
    377 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    378 Traceback (most recent call last):
    379 ...
    380 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets[0]' does not have exactly two elements.
    382 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    383 ...     fieldsets = (("General", ()),)
    384 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    385 Traceback (most recent call last):
    386 ...
    387 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets[0][1]' must be a dictionary.
    389 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    390 ...     fieldsets = (("General", {}),)
    391 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    392 Traceback (most recent call last):
    393 ...
    394 ImproperlyConfigured: 'fields' key is required in ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets[0][1] field options dict.
    396 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    397 ...     fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("non_existent_field",)}),)
    398 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    399 Traceback (most recent call last):
    400 ...
    401 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets[0][1]['fields']' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.
    403 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    404 ...     fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("name",)}),)
    405 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    407 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    408 ...     fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("name",)}),)
    409 ...     fields = ["name",]
    410 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    411 Traceback (most recent call last):
    412 ...
    413 ImproperlyConfigured: Both fieldsets and fields are specified in ValidationTestModelAdmin.
    415 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    416 ...     fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': ['name', 'name']})]
    417 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    418 Traceback (most recent call last):
    419 ...
    420 ImproperlyConfigured: There are duplicate field(s) in ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets
    422 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    423 ...     fields = ["name", "name"]
    424 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    425 Traceback (most recent call last):
    426 ...
    427 ImproperlyConfigured: There are duplicate field(s) in ValidationTestModelAdmin.fields
    429 # form
    431 >>> class FakeForm(object):
    432 ...     pass
    433 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    434 ...     form = FakeForm
    435 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    436 Traceback (most recent call last):
    437 ...
    438 ImproperlyConfigured: ValidationTestModelAdmin.form does not inherit from BaseModelForm.
    440 # fielsets with custom form
    442 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    443 ...     fieldsets = (
    444 ...         ('Band', {
    445 ...             'fields': ('non_existent_field',)
    446 ...         }),
    447 ...     )
    448 >>> validate(BandAdmin, Band)
    449 Traceback (most recent call last):
    450 ...
    451 ImproperlyConfigured: 'BandAdmin.fieldsets[0][1]['fields']' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.
    453 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    454 ...     fieldsets = (
    455 ...         ('Band', {
    456 ...             'fields': ('name',)
    457 ...         }),
    458 ...     )
    459 >>> validate(BandAdmin, Band)
    461 >>> class AdminBandForm(forms.ModelForm):
    462 ...     class Meta:
    463 ...         model = Band
    464 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    465 ...     form = AdminBandForm
    466 ...
    467 ...     fieldsets = (
    468 ...         ('Band', {
    469 ...             'fields': ('non_existent_field',)
    470 ...         }),
    471 ...     )
    472 >>> validate(BandAdmin, Band)
    473 Traceback (most recent call last):
    474 ...
    475 ImproperlyConfigured: 'BandAdmin.fieldsets[0][1]['fields']' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.
    477 >>> class AdminBandForm(forms.ModelForm):
    478 ...     delete = forms.BooleanField()
    479 ...
    480 ...     class Meta:
    481 ...         model = Band
    482 >>> class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    483 ...     form = AdminBandForm
    484 ...
    485 ...     fieldsets = (
    486 ...         ('Band', {
    487 ...             'fields': ('name', 'bio', 'sign_date', 'delete')
    488 ...         }),
    489 ...     )
    490 >>> validate(BandAdmin, Band)
    492 # filter_vertical
    494 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    495 ...     filter_vertical = 10
    496 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    497 Traceback (most recent call last):
    498 ...
    499 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_vertical' must be a list or tuple.
    501 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    502 ...     filter_vertical = ("non_existent_field",)
    503 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    504 Traceback (most recent call last):
    505 ...
    506 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_vertical' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    508 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    509 ...     filter_vertical = ("name",)
    510 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    511 Traceback (most recent call last):
    512 ...
    513 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_vertical[0]' must be a ManyToManyField.
    515 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    516 ...     filter_vertical = ("users",)
    517 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    519 # filter_horizontal
    521 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    522 ...     filter_horizontal = 10
    523 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    524 Traceback (most recent call last):
    525 ...
    526 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_horizontal' must be a list or tuple.
    528 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    529 ...     filter_horizontal = ("non_existent_field",)
    530 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    531 Traceback (most recent call last):
    532 ...
    533 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_horizontal' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    535 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    536 ...     filter_horizontal = ("name",)
    537 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    538 Traceback (most recent call last):
    539 ...
    540 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_horizontal[0]' must be a ManyToManyField.
    542 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    543 ...     filter_horizontal = ("users",)
    544 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    546 # radio_fields
    548 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    549 ...     radio_fields = ()
    550 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    551 Traceback (most recent call last):
    552 ...
    553 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields' must be a dictionary.
    555 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    556 ...     radio_fields = {"non_existent_field": None}
    557 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    558 Traceback (most recent call last):
    559 ...
    560 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    562 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    563 ...     radio_fields = {"name": None}
    564 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    565 Traceback (most recent call last):
    566 ...
    567 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields['name']' is neither an instance of ForeignKey nor does have choices set.
    569 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    570 ...     radio_fields = {"state": None}
    571 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    572 Traceback (most recent call last):
    573 ...
    574 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields['state']' is neither admin.HORIZONTAL nor admin.VERTICAL.
    576 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    577 ...     radio_fields = {"state": VERTICAL}
    578 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    580 # prepopulated_fields
    582 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    583 ...     prepopulated_fields = ()
    584 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    585 Traceback (most recent call last):
    586 ...
    587 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields' must be a dictionary.
    589 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    590 ...     prepopulated_fields = {"non_existent_field": None}
    591 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    592 Traceback (most recent call last):
    593 ...
    594 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    596 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    597 ...     prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("non_existent_field",)}
    598 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    599 Traceback (most recent call last):
    600 ...
    601 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields['slug'][0]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    603 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    604 ...     prepopulated_fields = {"users": ("name",)}
    605 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    606 Traceback (most recent call last):
    607 ...
    608 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields['users']' is either a DateTimeField, ForeignKey or ManyToManyField. This isn't allowed.
    610 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    611 ...     prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("name",)}
    612 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    614 # list_display
    616 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    617 ...     list_display = 10
    618 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    619 Traceback (most recent call last):
    620 ...
    621 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display' must be a list or tuple.
    623 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    624 ...     list_display = ('non_existent_field',)
    625 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    626 Traceback (most recent call last):
    627 ...
    628 ImproperlyConfigured: ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display[0], 'non_existent_field' is not a callable or an attribute of 'ValidationTestModelAdmin' or found in the model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    631 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    632 ...     list_display = ('users',)
    633 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    634 Traceback (most recent call last):
    635 ...
    636 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display[0]', 'users' is a ManyToManyField which is not supported.
    638 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    639 ...     list_display = ('name',)
    640 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    642 # list_display_links
    644 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    645 ...     list_display_links = 10
    646 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    647 Traceback (most recent call last):
    648 ...
    649 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display_links' must be a list or tuple.
    651 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    652 ...     list_display_links = ('non_existent_field',)
    653 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    654 Traceback (most recent call last):
    655 ...
    656 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display_links[0]' refers to 'non_existent_field' that is neither a field, method or property of model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    658 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    659 ...     list_display_links = ('name',)
    660 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    661 Traceback (most recent call last):
    662 ...
    663 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display_links[0]'refers to 'name' which is not defined in 'list_display'.
    665 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    666 ...     list_display = ('name',)
    667 ...     list_display_links = ('name',)
    668 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    670 # list_filter
    672 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    673 ...     list_filter = 10
    674 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    675 Traceback (most recent call last):
    676 ...
    677 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_filter' must be a list or tuple.
    679 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    680 ...     list_filter = ('non_existent_field',)
    681 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    682 Traceback (most recent call last):
    683 ...
    684 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_filter[0]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    686 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    687 ...     list_filter = ('is_active',)
    688 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    690 # list_per_page
    692 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    693 ...     list_per_page = 'hello'
    694 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    695 Traceback (most recent call last):
    696 ...
    697 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_per_page' should be a integer.
    699 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    700 ...     list_per_page = 100
    701 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    703 # search_fields
    705 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    706 ...     search_fields = 10
    707 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    708 Traceback (most recent call last):
    709 ...
    710 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.search_fields' must be a list or tuple.
    712 # date_hierarchy
    714 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    715 ...     date_hierarchy = 'non_existent_field'
    716 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    717 Traceback (most recent call last):
    718 ...
    719 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.date_hierarchy' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    721 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    722 ...     date_hierarchy = 'name'
    723 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    724 Traceback (most recent call last):
    725 ...
    726 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.date_hierarchy is neither an instance of DateField nor DateTimeField.
    728 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    729 ...     date_hierarchy = 'pub_date'
    730 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    732 # ordering
    734 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    735 ...     ordering = 10
    736 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    737 Traceback (most recent call last):
    738 ...
    739 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.ordering' must be a list or tuple.
    741 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    742 ...     ordering = ('non_existent_field',)
    743 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    744 Traceback (most recent call last):
    745 ...
    746 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.ordering[0]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.
    748 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    749 ...     ordering = ('?', 'name')
    750 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    751 Traceback (most recent call last):
    752 ...
    753 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.ordering' has the random ordering marker '?', but contains other fields as well. Please either remove '?' or the other fields.
    755 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    756 ...     ordering = ('?',)
    757 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    759 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    760 ...     ordering = ('band__name',)
    761 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    763 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    764 ...     ordering = ('name',)
    765 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    767 # list_select_related
    769 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    770 ...     list_select_related = 1
    771 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    772 Traceback (most recent call last):
    773 ...
    774 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_select_related' should be a boolean.
    776 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    777 ...     list_select_related = False
    778 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    780 # save_as
    782 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    783 ...     save_as = 1
    784 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    785 Traceback (most recent call last):
    786 ...
    787 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.save_as' should be a boolean.
    789 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    790 ...     save_as = True
    791 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    793 # save_on_top
    795 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    796 ...     save_on_top = 1
    797 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    798 Traceback (most recent call last):
    799 ...
    800 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.save_on_top' should be a boolean.
    802 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    803 ...     save_on_top = True
    804 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    806 # inlines
    808 >>> from django.contrib.admin.options import TabularInline
    810 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    811 ...     inlines = 10
    812 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    813 Traceback (most recent call last):
    814 ...
    815 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines' must be a list or tuple.
    817 >>> class ValidationTestInline(object):
    818 ...     pass
    819 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    820 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    821 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    822 Traceback (most recent call last):
    823 ...
    824 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines[0]' does not inherit from BaseModelAdmin.
    826 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    827 ...     pass
    828 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    829 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    830 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    831 Traceback (most recent call last):
    832 ...
    833 ImproperlyConfigured: 'model' is a required attribute of 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines[0]'.
    835 >>> class SomethingBad(object):
    836 ...     pass
    837 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    838 ...     model = SomethingBad
    839 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    840 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    841 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    842 Traceback (most recent call last):
    843 ...
    844 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines[0].model' does not inherit from models.Model.
    846 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    847 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    848 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    849 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    850 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    852 # fields
    854 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    855 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    856 ...     fields = 10
    857 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    858 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    859 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    860 Traceback (most recent call last):
    861 ...
    862 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestInline.fields' must be a list or tuple.
    864 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    865 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    866 ...     fields = ("non_existent_field",)
    867 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    868 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    869 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    870 Traceback (most recent call last):
    871 ...
    872 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestInline.fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.
    874 # fk_name
    876 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    877 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    878 ...     fk_name = "non_existent_field"
    879 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    880 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    881 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    882 Traceback (most recent call last):
    883 ...
    884 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestInline.fk_name' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestInlineModel'.
    886 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    887 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    888 ...     fk_name = "parent"
    889 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    890 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    891 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    893 # extra
    895 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    896 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    897 ...     extra = "hello"
    898 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    899 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    900 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    901 Traceback (most recent call last):
    902 ...
    903 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestInline.extra' should be a integer.
    905 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    906 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    907 ...     extra = 2
    908 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    909 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    910 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    912 # max_num
    914 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    915 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    916 ...     max_num = "hello"
    917 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    918 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    919 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    920 Traceback (most recent call last):
    921 ...
    922 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestInline.max_num' should be an integer or None (default).
    924 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    925 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    926 ...     max_num = 2
    927 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    928 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    929 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    931 # formset
    933 >>> from django.forms.models import BaseModelFormSet
    935 >>> class FakeFormSet(object):
    936 ...     pass
    937 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    938 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    939 ...     formset = FakeFormSet
    940 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    941 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    942 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    943 Traceback (most recent call last):
    944 ...
    945 ImproperlyConfigured: 'ValidationTestInline.formset' does not inherit from BaseModelFormSet.
    947 >>> class RealModelFormSet(BaseModelFormSet):
    948 ...     pass
    949 >>> class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
    950 ...     model = ValidationTestInlineModel
    951 ...     formset = RealModelFormSet
    952 >>> class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    953 ...     inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
    954 >>> validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
    956 """
    957 }
  • new file tests/regressiontests/modeladmin/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/regressiontests/modeladmin/tests.py b/tests/regressiontests/modeladmin/tests.py
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..d82c563
    - +  
     1from datetime import date
     3from django import forms
     4from django.conf import settings
     5from django.contrib.admin.options import ModelAdmin, TabularInline, \
     7from django.contrib.admin.sites import AdminSite
     8from django.contrib.admin.validation import validate
     9from django.contrib.admin.widgets import AdminDateWidget, AdminRadioSelect
     10from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
     11from django.forms.models import BaseModelFormSet
     12from django.forms.widgets import Select
     13from django.test import TestCase
     15from models import Band, Concert, ValidationTestModel, \
     16    ValidationTestInlineModel
     19# None of the following tests really depend on the content of the request,
     20# so we'll just pass in None.
     21request = None
     24class ModelAdminTest(TestCase):
     26    def setUp(self):
     27        self.band = Band.objects.create(
     28            name='The Doors',
     29            bio='',
     30            sign_date=date(1965, 1, 1),
     31        )
     32        self.site = AdminSite()
     34    # form/fields/fieldsets interaction ##############################
     36    def test_default_fields(self):
     37        ma = ModelAdmin(Band, self.site)
     39        self.assertEquals(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     40            ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date'])
     42    def test_default_fieldsets(self):
     43        """
     44        fieldsets_add and fieldsets_change should return a special data structure that
     45        is used in the templates. They should generate the "right thing" whether we
     46        have specified a custom form, the fields argument, or nothing at all.
     48        Here's the default case. There are no custom form_add/form_change methods,
     49        no fields argument, and no fieldsets argument.
     50        """
     52        ma = ModelAdmin(Band, self.site)
     53        self.assertEqual(ma.get_fieldsets(request),
     54            [(None, {'fields': ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date']})])
     56        self.assertEqual(ma.get_fieldsets(request, self.band),
     57            [(None, {'fields': ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date']})])
     59    def test_field_arguments(self):
     60        """
     61        If we specify the fields argument, fieldsets_add and fielsets_change should
     62        just stick the fields into a formsets structure and return it.
     63        """
     65        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     66             fields = ['name']
     68        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     70        self.assertEqual( ma.get_fieldsets(request),
     71            [(None, {'fields': ['name']})])
     73        self.assertEqual(ma.get_fieldsets(request, self.band),
     74            [(None, {'fields': ['name']})])
     76    def test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form(self):
     77        """
     78        If we specify fields or fieldsets, it should exclude fields on the Form class
     79        to the fields specified. This may cause errors to be raised in the db layer if
     80        required model fields arent in fields/fieldsets, but that's preferable to
     81        ghost errors where you have a field in your Form class that isn't being
     82        displayed because you forgot to add it to fields/fielsets
     83        """
     85        # Using `fields`.
     86        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     87            fields = ['name']
     89        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     90        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(), ['name'])
     91        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request, self.band).base_fields.keys(),
     92            ['name'])
     94        # Using `fieldsets`.
     95        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     96            fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': ['name']})]
     98        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     99        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(), ['name'])
     100        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request, self.band).base_fields.keys(),
     101            ['name'])
     103        # Using `exclude`.
     104        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     105            exclude = ['bio']
     107        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     108        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     109            ['name', 'sign_date'])
     111        # You can also pass a tuple to `exclude`.
     112        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     113            exclude = ('bio',)
     115        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     116        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     117            ['name', 'sign_date'])
     119        # Using `fields` and `exclude`.
     120        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     121            fields = ['name', 'bio']
     122            exclude = ['bio']
     124        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     125        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     126            ['name'])
     128    def test_custom_form_validation(self):
     129        """
     130        If we specify a form, it should use it allowing custom validation to work
     131        properly. This won't, however, break any of the admin widgets or media.
     132        """
     134        class AdminBandForm(forms.ModelForm):
     135            delete = forms.BooleanField()
     137            class Meta:
     138                model = Band
     140        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     141            form = AdminBandForm
     143        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     144        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     145            ['name', 'bio', 'sign_date', 'delete'])
     147        self.assertEqual(
     148            type(ma.get_form(request).base_fields['sign_date'].widget),
     149            AdminDateWidget)
     151    def test_queryset_override(self):
     152        """
     153        If we need to override the queryset of a ModelChoiceField in our custom form
     154        make sure that RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper doesn't mess that up.
     155        """
     157        band2 = Band(name='The Beetles', bio='', sign_date=date(1962, 1, 1))
     158        band2.save()
     160        class AdminConcertForm(forms.ModelForm):
     161            class Meta:
     162                model = Concert
     164            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     165                super(AdminConcertForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     166                self.fields["main_band"].queryset = Band.objects.filter(
     167                    name='The Doors')
     169        class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     170            form = AdminConcertForm
     172        ma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, self.site)
     173        form = ma.get_form(request)()
     175        self.assertEqual(str(form["main_band"]),
     176            '<select name="main_band" id="id_main_band">\n'
     177            '<option value="" selected="selected">---------</option>\n'
     178            '<option value="1">The Doors</option>\n'
     179            '</select>')
     181    # radio_fields behavior ###########################################
     183    def test_default_foreign_key_widget(self):
     184        """
     185        First, without any radio_fields specified, the widgets for ForeignKey
     186        and fields with choices specified ought to be a basic Select widget.
     187        ForeignKey widgets in the admin are wrapped with RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper so
     188        they need to be handled properly when type checking. For Select fields, all of
     189        the choices lists have a first entry of dashes.
     190        """
     192        cma = ModelAdmin(Concert, self.site)
     193        cmafa = cma.get_form(request)
     195        self.assertEqual(type(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.widget),
     196            Select)
     197        self.assertEqual(
     198            list(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.choices),
     199            [(u'', u'---------'), (1, u'The Doors')])
     201        self.assertEqual(
     202            type(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.widget), Select)
     203        self.assertEqual(
     204            list(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.choices),
     205            [(u'', u'---------'), (1, u'The Doors')])
     207        self.assertEqual(type(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget), Select)
     208        self.assertEqual(list(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget.choices),
     209            [('', '---------'), (1, 'Fri'), (2, 'Sat')])
     211        self.assertEqual(type(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget),
     212            Select)
     213        self.assertEqual(
     214            list(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget.choices),
     215            [('', '---------'), (1, 'Plane'), (2, 'Train'), (3, 'Bus')])
     217    def test_foreign_key_as_radio_field(self):
     218        """
     219        Now specify all the fields as radio_fields.  Widgets should now be
     220        RadioSelect, and the choices list should have a first entry of 'None' if
     221        blank=True for the model field.  Finally, the widget should have the
     222        'radiolist' attr, and 'inline' as well if the field is specified HORIZONTAL.
     223        """
     225        class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     226            radio_fields = {
     227                'main_band': HORIZONTAL,
     228                'opening_band': VERTICAL,
     229                'day': VERTICAL,
     230                'transport': HORIZONTAL,
     231            }
     233        cma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, self.site)
     234        cmafa = cma.get_form(request)
     236        self.assertEqual(type(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.widget),
     237            AdminRadioSelect)
     238        self.assertEqual(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.attrs,
     239            {'class': 'radiolist inline'})
     240        self.assertEqual(list(cmafa.base_fields['main_band'].widget.choices),
     241            [(1, u'The Doors')])
     243        self.assertEqual(
     244            type(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.widget),
     245            AdminRadioSelect)
     246        self.assertEqual(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.attrs,
     247            {'class': 'radiolist'})
     248        self.assertEqual(
     249            list(cmafa.base_fields['opening_band'].widget.choices),
     250            [(u'', u'None'), (1, u'The Doors')])
     252        self.assertEqual(type(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget),
     253            AdminRadioSelect)
     254        self.assertEqual(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget.attrs,
     255            {'class': 'radiolist'})
     256        self.assertEqual(list(cmafa.base_fields['day'].widget.choices),
     257            [(1, 'Fri'), (2, 'Sat')])
     259        self.assertEqual(type(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget),
     260            AdminRadioSelect)
     261        self.assertEqual(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget.attrs,
     262            {'class': 'radiolist inline'})
     263        self.assertEqual(list(cmafa.base_fields['transport'].widget.choices),
     264            [('', u'None'), (1, 'Plane'), (2, 'Train'), (3, 'Bus')])
     266        class AdminConcertForm(forms.ModelForm):
     267            class Meta:
     268                model = Concert
     269                exclude = ('transport',)
     271        class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     272            form = AdminConcertForm
     274        ma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, self.site)
     275        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     276            ['main_band', 'opening_band', 'day'])
     278        class AdminConcertForm(forms.ModelForm):
     279            extra = forms.CharField()
     281            class Meta:
     282                model = Concert
     283                fields = ['extra', 'transport']
     285        class ConcertAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     286            form = AdminConcertForm
     288        ma = ConcertAdmin(Concert, self.site)
     289        self.assertEqual(ma.get_form(request).base_fields.keys(),
     290            ['extra', 'transport'])
     292        class ConcertInline(TabularInline):
     293            form = AdminConcertForm
     294            model = Concert
     295            fk_name = 'main_band'
     296            can_delete = True
     298        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     299            inlines = [
     300                ConcertInline
     301            ]
     303        ma = BandAdmin(Band, self.site)
     304        self.assertEqual(
     305            list(ma.get_formsets(request))[0]().forms[0].fields.keys(),
     306            ['extra', 'transport', 'id', 'DELETE', 'main_band'])
     308    # ModelAdmin Option Validation ####################################
     310    def test_validation_only_runs_in_debug(self):
     311        # Ensure validation only runs when DEBUG = True
     312        settings.DEBUG = True
     314        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     315            raw_id_fields = 10
     317        site = AdminSite()
     319        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     320            ImproperlyConfigured,
     321            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields' must be a list or tuple.",
     322            site.register,
     323            ValidationTestModel,
     324            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     325        )
     327        settings.DEBUG = False
     329        site = AdminSite()
     330        site.register(ValidationTestModel, ValidationTestModelAdmin)
     332    def test_raw_id_fields_validation(self):
     334        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     335            raw_id_fields = 10
     337        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     338            ImproperlyConfigured,
     339            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields' must be a list or tuple.",
     340            validate,
     341            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     342            ValidationTestModel,
     343        )
     345        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     346            raw_id_fields = ('non_existent_field',)
     348        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     349            ImproperlyConfigured,
     350            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     351            validate,
     352            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     353            ValidationTestModel,
     354        )
     356        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     357            raw_id_fields = ('name',)
     359        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     360            ImproperlyConfigured,
     361            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.raw_id_fields\[0\]', 'name' must be either a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField.",
     362            validate,
     363            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     364            ValidationTestModel,
     365        )
     367        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     368            raw_id_fields = ('users',)
     370        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     372    def test_fieldsets_validation(self):
     374        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     375            fieldsets = 10
     377        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     378            ImproperlyConfigured,
     379            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets' must be a list or tuple.",
     380            validate,
     381            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     382            ValidationTestModel,
     383        )
     385        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     386            fieldsets = ({},)
     388        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     389            ImproperlyConfigured,
     390            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets\[0\]' must be a list or tuple.",
     391            validate,
     392            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     393            ValidationTestModel,
     394        )
     396        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     397            fieldsets = ((),)
     399        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     400            ImproperlyConfigured,
     401            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets\[0\]' does not have exactly two elements.",
     402            validate,
     403            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     404            ValidationTestModel,
     405        )
     407        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     408            fieldsets = (("General", ()),)
     410        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     411            ImproperlyConfigured,
     412            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets\[0\]\[1\]' must be a dictionary.",
     413            validate,
     414            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     415            ValidationTestModel,
     416        )
     418        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     419            fieldsets = (("General", {}),)
     421        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     422            ImproperlyConfigured,
     423            "'fields' key is required in ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets\[0\]\[1\] field options dict.",
     424            validate,
     425            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     426            ValidationTestModel,
     427        )
     429        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     430            fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("non_existent_field",)}),)
     432        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     433            ImproperlyConfigured,
     434            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets\[0\]\[1\]\['fields'\]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.",
     435            validate,
     436            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     437            ValidationTestModel,
     438        )
     440        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     441            fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("name",)}),)
     443        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     445        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     446            fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("name",)}),)
     447            fields = ["name",]
     449        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     450            ImproperlyConfigured,
     451            "Both fieldsets and fields are specified in ValidationTestModelAdmin.",
     452            validate,
     453            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     454            ValidationTestModel,
     455        )
     457        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     458            fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': ['name', 'name']})]
     460        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     461            ImproperlyConfigured,
     462            "There are duplicate field\(s\) in ValidationTestModelAdmin.fieldsets",
     463            validate,
     464            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     465            ValidationTestModel,
     466        )
     468        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     469            fields = ["name", "name"]
     471        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     472            ImproperlyConfigured,
     473            "There are duplicate field\(s\) in ValidationTestModelAdmin.fields",
     474            validate,
     475            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     476            ValidationTestModel,
     477        )
     479    def test_form_validation(self):
     481        class FakeForm(object):
     482            pass
     484        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     485            form = FakeForm
     487        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     488            ImproperlyConfigured,
     489            "ValidationTestModelAdmin.form does not inherit from BaseModelForm.",
     490            validate,
     491            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     492            ValidationTestModel,
     493        )
     495    def test_fieldsets_with_custom_form_validation(self):
     497        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     499            fieldsets = (
     500                ('Band', {
     501                    'fields': ('non_existent_field',)
     502                }),
     503            )
     505        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     506            ImproperlyConfigured,
     507            "'BandAdmin.fieldsets\[0\]\[1\]\['fields'\]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.",
     508            validate,
     509            BandAdmin,
     510            Band,
     511        )
     513        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     514            fieldsets = (
     515                ('Band', {
     516                    'fields': ('name',)
     517                }),
     518            )
     520        validate(BandAdmin, Band)
     522        class AdminBandForm(forms.ModelForm):
     523            class Meta:
     524                model = Band
     526        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     527            form = AdminBandForm
     529            fieldsets = (
     530                ('Band', {
     531                    'fields': ('non_existent_field',)
     532                }),
     533            )
     535        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     536            ImproperlyConfigured,
     537            "'BandAdmin.fieldsets\[0]\[1\]\['fields'\]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.",
     538            validate,
     539            BandAdmin,
     540            Band,
     541        )
     543        class AdminBandForm(forms.ModelForm):
     544            delete = forms.BooleanField()
     546            class Meta:
     547                model = Band
     549        class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     550            form = AdminBandForm
     552            fieldsets = (
     553                ('Band', {
     554                    'fields': ('name', 'bio', 'sign_date', 'delete')
     555                }),
     556            )
     558        validate(BandAdmin, Band)
     560    def test_filter_vertical_validation(self):
     562        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     563            filter_vertical = 10
     565        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     566            ImproperlyConfigured,
     567            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_vertical' must be a list or tuple.",
     568            validate,
     569            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     570            ValidationTestModel,
     571        )
     573        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     574            filter_vertical = ("non_existent_field",)
     576        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     577            ImproperlyConfigured,
     578            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_vertical' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     579            validate,
     580            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     581            ValidationTestModel,
     582        )
     584        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     585            filter_vertical = ("name",)
     587        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     588            ImproperlyConfigured,
     589            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_vertical\[0\]' must be a ManyToManyField.",
     590            validate,
     591            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     592            ValidationTestModel,
     593        )
     595        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     596            filter_vertical = ("users",)
     598        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     600    def test_filter_horizontal_validation(self):
     602        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     603            filter_horizontal = 10
     605        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     606            ImproperlyConfigured,
     607            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_horizontal' must be a list or tuple.",
     608            validate,
     609            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     610            ValidationTestModel,
     611        )
     613        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     614            filter_horizontal = ("non_existent_field",)
     616        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     617            ImproperlyConfigured,
     618            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_horizontal' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     619            validate,
     620            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     621            ValidationTestModel,
     622        )
     624        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     625            filter_horizontal = ("name",)
     627        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     628            ImproperlyConfigured,
     629            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.filter_horizontal\[0\]' must be a ManyToManyField.",
     630            validate,
     631            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     632            ValidationTestModel,
     633        )
     635        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     636            filter_horizontal = ("users",)
     638        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     640    def test_radio_fields_validation(self):
     642        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     643            radio_fields = ()
     645        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     646            ImproperlyConfigured,
     647            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields' must be a dictionary.",
     648            validate,
     649            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     650            ValidationTestModel,
     651        )
     653        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     654            radio_fields = {"non_existent_field": None}
     656        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     657            ImproperlyConfigured,
     658            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     659            validate,
     660            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     661            ValidationTestModel,
     662        )
     664        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     665            radio_fields = {"name": None}
     667        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     668            ImproperlyConfigured,
     669            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields\['name'\]' is neither an instance of ForeignKey nor does have choices set.",
     670            validate,
     671            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     672            ValidationTestModel,
     673        )
     675        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     676            radio_fields = {"state": None}
     678        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     679            ImproperlyConfigured,
     680            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.radio_fields\['state'\]' is neither admin.HORIZONTAL nor admin.VERTICAL.",
     681            validate,
     682            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     683            ValidationTestModel,
     684        )
     686        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     687            radio_fields = {"state": VERTICAL}
     689        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     691    def test_prepopulated_fields_validation(self):
     693        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     694            prepopulated_fields = ()
     696        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     697            ImproperlyConfigured,
     698            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields' must be a dictionary.",
     699            validate,
     700            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     701            ValidationTestModel,
     702        )
     704        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     705            prepopulated_fields = {"non_existent_field": None}
     707        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     708            ImproperlyConfigured,
     709            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     710            validate,
     711            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     712            ValidationTestModel,
     713        )
     715        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     716            prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("non_existent_field",)}
     718        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     719            ImproperlyConfigured,
     720            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields\['slug'\]\[0\]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     721            validate,
     722            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     723            ValidationTestModel,
     724        )
     726        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     727            prepopulated_fields = {"users": ("name",)}
     729        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     730            ImproperlyConfigured,
     731            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.prepopulated_fields\['users'\]' is either a DateTimeField, ForeignKey or ManyToManyField. This isn't allowed.",
     732            validate,
     733            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     734            ValidationTestModel,
     735        )
     737        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     738            prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("name",)}
     740        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     742    def test_list_display_validation(self):
     744        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     745            list_display = 10
     747        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     748            ImproperlyConfigured,
     749            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display' must be a list or tuple.",
     750            validate,
     751            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     752            ValidationTestModel,
     753        )
     755        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     756            list_display = ('non_existent_field',)
     758        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     759            ImproperlyConfigured,
     760            "ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display\[0\], 'non_existent_field' is not a callable or an attribute of 'ValidationTestModelAdmin' or found in the model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     761            validate,
     762            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     763            ValidationTestModel,
     764        )
     766        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     767            list_display = ('users',)
     769        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     770            ImproperlyConfigured,
     771            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display\[0\]', 'users' is a ManyToManyField which is not supported.",
     772            validate,
     773            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     774            ValidationTestModel,
     775        )
     777        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     778            list_display = ('name',)
     780        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     782    def test_list_display_links_validation(self):
     784        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     785            list_display_links = 10
     787        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     788            ImproperlyConfigured,
     789            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display_links' must be a list or tuple.",
     790            validate,
     791            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     792            ValidationTestModel,
     793        )
     795        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     796            list_display_links = ('non_existent_field',)
     798        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     799            ImproperlyConfigured,
     800            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display_links\[0\]' refers to 'non_existent_field' that is neither a field, method or property of model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     801            validate,
     802            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     803            ValidationTestModel,
     804        )
     806        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     807            list_display_links = ('name',)
     809        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     810            ImproperlyConfigured,
     811            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_display_links\[0\]'refers to 'name' which is not defined in 'list_display'.",
     812            validate,
     813            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     814            ValidationTestModel,
     815        )
     817        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     818            list_display = ('name',)
     819            list_display_links = ('name',)
     821        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     823    def test_list_filter_validation(self):
     825        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     826            list_filter = 10
     828        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     829            ImproperlyConfigured,
     830            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_filter' must be a list or tuple.",
     831            validate,
     832            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     833            ValidationTestModel,
     834        )
     836        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     837            list_filter = ('non_existent_field',)
     839        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     840            ImproperlyConfigured,
     841            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_filter\[0\]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     842            validate,
     843            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     844            ValidationTestModel,
     845        )
     847        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     848            list_filter = ('is_active',)
     850        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     852    def test_list_per_page_validation(self):
     854        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     855            list_per_page = 'hello'
     857        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     858            ImproperlyConfigured,
     859            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_per_page' should be a integer.",
     860            validate,
     861            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     862            ValidationTestModel,
     863        )
     865        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     866            list_per_page = 100
     868        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     870    def test_search_fields_validation(self):
     872        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     873            search_fields = 10
     875        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     876            ImproperlyConfigured,
     877            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.search_fields' must be a list or tuple.",
     878            validate,
     879            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     880            ValidationTestModel,
     881        )
     883    def test_date_hierarchy_validation(self):
     885        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     886            date_hierarchy = 'non_existent_field'
     888        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     889            ImproperlyConfigured,
     890            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.date_hierarchy' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     891            validate,
     892            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     893            ValidationTestModel,
     894        )
     896        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     897            date_hierarchy = 'name'
     899        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     900            ImproperlyConfigured,
     901            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.date_hierarchy is neither an instance of DateField nor DateTimeField.",
     902            validate,
     903            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     904            ValidationTestModel,
     905        )
     907        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     908            date_hierarchy = 'pub_date'
     910        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     912    def test_ordering_validation(self):
     914        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     915            ordering = 10
     917        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     918            ImproperlyConfigured,
     919            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.ordering' must be a list or tuple.",
     920            validate,
     921            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     922            ValidationTestModel,
     923        )
     925        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     926            ordering = ('non_existent_field',)
     928        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     929            ImproperlyConfigured,
     930            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.ordering\[0\]' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestModel'.",
     931            validate,
     932            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     933            ValidationTestModel,
     934        )
     936        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     937            ordering = ('?', 'name')
     939        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     940            ImproperlyConfigured,
     941            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.ordering' has the random ordering marker '\?', but contains other fields as well. Please either remove '\?' or the other fields.",
     942            validate,
     943            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     944            ValidationTestModel,
     945        )
     947        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     948            ordering = ('?',)
     950        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     952        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     953            ordering = ('band__name',)
     955        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     957        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     958            ordering = ('name',)
     960        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     962    def test_list_select_related_validation(self):
     964        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     965            list_select_related = 1
     967        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     968            ImproperlyConfigured,
     969            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.list_select_related' should be a boolean.",
     970            validate,
     971            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     972            ValidationTestModel,
     973        )
     975        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     976            list_select_related = False
     978        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     980    def test_save_as_validation(self):
     982        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     983            save_as = 1
     985        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     986            ImproperlyConfigured,
     987            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.save_as' should be a boolean.",
     988            validate,
     989            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     990            ValidationTestModel,
     991        )
     993        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     994            save_as = True
     996        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     998    def test_save_on_top_validation(self):
     1000        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1001            save_on_top = 1
     1003        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1004            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1005            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.save_on_top' should be a boolean.",
     1006            validate,
     1007            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1008            ValidationTestModel,
     1009        )
     1011        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1012            save_on_top = True
     1014        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     1016    def test_inlines_validation(self):
     1018        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1019            inlines = 10
     1021        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1022            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1023            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines' must be a list or tuple.",
     1024            validate,
     1025            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1026            ValidationTestModel,
     1027        )
     1029        class ValidationTestInline(object):
     1030            pass
     1032        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1033            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1035        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1036            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1037            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines\[0\]' does not inherit from BaseModelAdmin.",
     1038            validate,
     1039            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1040            ValidationTestModel,
     1041        )
     1043        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1044            pass
     1046        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1047            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1049        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1050            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1051            "'model' is a required attribute of 'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines\[0\]'.",
     1052            validate,
     1053            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1054            ValidationTestModel,
     1055        )
     1057        class SomethingBad(object):
     1058            pass
     1060        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1061            model = SomethingBad
     1063        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1064            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1066        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1067            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1068            "'ValidationTestModelAdmin.inlines\[0\].model' does not inherit from models.Model.",
     1069            validate,
     1070            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1071            ValidationTestModel,
     1072        )
     1074        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1075            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1077        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1078            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1080        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     1082    def test_fields_validation(self):
     1084        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1085            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1086            fields = 10
     1088        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1089            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1091        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1092            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1093            "'ValidationTestInline.fields' must be a list or tuple.",
     1094            validate,
     1095            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1096            ValidationTestModel,
     1097        )
     1099        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1100            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1101            fields = ("non_existent_field",)
     1103        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1104            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1106        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1107            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1108            "'ValidationTestInline.fields' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from the form.",
     1109            validate,
     1110            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1111            ValidationTestModel,
     1112        )
     1114    def test_fk_name_validation(self):
     1116        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1117            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1118            fk_name = "non_existent_field"
     1120        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1121            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1123        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1124            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1125            "'ValidationTestInline.fk_name' refers to field 'non_existent_field' that is missing from model 'ValidationTestInlineModel'.",
     1126            validate,
     1127            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1128            ValidationTestModel,
     1129        )
     1131        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1132            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1133            fk_name = "parent"
     1135        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1136            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1138        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     1140    def test_extra_validation(self):
     1142        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1143            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1144            extra = "hello"
     1146        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1147            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1149        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1150            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1151            "'ValidationTestInline.extra' should be a integer.",
     1152            validate,
     1153            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1154            ValidationTestModel,
     1155        )
     1157        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1158            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1159            extra = 2
     1161        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1162            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1164        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     1166    def test_max_num_validation(self):
     1168        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1169            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1170            max_num = "hello"
     1172        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1173            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1175        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1176            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1177            "'ValidationTestInline.max_num' should be an integer or None \(default\).",
     1178            validate,
     1179            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1180            ValidationTestModel,
     1181        )
     1183        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1184            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1185            max_num = 2
     1187        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1188            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1190        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
     1192    def test_formset_validation(self):
     1194        class FakeFormSet(object):
     1195            pass
     1197        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1198            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1199            formset = FakeFormSet
     1201        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1202            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1204        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
     1205            ImproperlyConfigured,
     1206            "'ValidationTestInline.formset' does not inherit from BaseModelFormSet.",
     1207            validate,
     1208            ValidationTestModelAdmin,
     1209            ValidationTestModel,
     1210        )
     1212        class RealModelFormSet(BaseModelFormSet):
     1213            pass
     1215        class ValidationTestInline(TabularInline):
     1216            model = ValidationTestInlineModel
     1217            formset = RealModelFormSet
     1219        class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
     1220            inlines = [ValidationTestInline]
     1222        validate(ValidationTestModelAdmin, ValidationTestModel)
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