Ticket #14183: bad_docs.txt

File bad_docs.txt, 5.2 KB (added by dario, 13 years ago)
1Help on module pydoctest.geotest.models in pydoctest.geotest:
4 pydoctest.geotest.models - Models to test pydoc.
7 /home/manolo/sandbox/sprint/trunk/pydoctest/geotest/models.py
10 I'm writing some DocStrings to test pydoc and geodjango.
13 django.db.models.base.Model(__builtin__.object)
14 TestGeoModel
16 class TestGeoModel(django.db.models.base.Model)
17 | This is a geographic model.
18 |
19 | It is very complicated, thus the enormously long docstring.
20 |
21 | Method resolution order:
22 | TestGeoModel
23 | django.db.models.base.Model
24 | __builtin__.object
25 |
26 | Methods defined here:
27 |
28 | __unicode__(self)
29 | Get a unicode representation of this object (it's just its name).
30 |
31 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32 | Data descriptors defined here:
33 |
34 | geom
35 |
36 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
37 | Data and other attributes defined here:
38 |
39 | DoesNotExist = <class 'pydoctest.geotest.models.DoesNotExist'>
40 |
41 |
42 | MultipleObjectsReturned = <class 'pydoctest.geotest.models.MultipleObj...
43 |
44 |
45 | objects = <django.contrib.gis.db.models.manager.GeoManager object at 0...
46 |
47 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | Methods inherited from django.db.models.base.Model:
49 |
50 | __eq__(self, other)
51 |
52 | __hash__(self)
53 |
54 | __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
55 |
56 | __ne__(self, other)
57 |
58 | __reduce__(self)
59 | Provide pickling support. Normally, this just dispatches to Python's
60 | standard handling. However, for models with deferred field loading, we
61 | need to do things manually, as they're dynamically created classes and
62 | only module-level classes can be pickled by the default path.
63 |
64 | __repr__(self)
65 |
66 | __str__(self)
67 |
68 | clean(self)
69 | Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been
70 | called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised
71 | by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will
72 | have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.
73 |
74 | clean_fields(self, exclude=None)
75 | Cleans all fields and raises a ValidationError containing message_dict
76 | of all validation errors if any occur.
77 |
78 | date_error_message(self, lookup_type, field, unique_for)
79 |
80 | delete(self, using=None)
81 |
82 | full_clean(self, exclude=None)
83 | Calls clean_fields, clean, and validate_unique, on the model,
84 | and raises a ``ValidationError`` for any errors that occured.
85 |
86 | prepare_database_save(self, unused)
87 |
88 | save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None)
89 | Saves the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to
90 | control the saving process.
91 |
92 | The 'force_insert' and 'force_update' parameters can be used to insist
93 | that the "save" must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for
94 | non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
95 |
96 | save_base(self, raw=False, cls=None, origin=None, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None)
97 | Does the heavy-lifting involved in saving. Subclasses shouldn't need to
98 | override this method. It's separate from save() in order to hide the
99 | need for overrides of save() to pass around internal-only parameters
100 | ('raw', 'cls', and 'origin').
101 |
102 | serializable_value(self, field_name)
103 | Returns the value of the field name for this instance. If the field is
104 | a foreign key, returns the id value, instead of the object. If there's
105 | no Field object with this name on the model, the model attribute's
106 | value is returned directly.
107 |
108 | Used to serialize a field's value (in the serializer, or form output,
109 | for example). Normally, you would just access the attribute directly
110 | and not use this method.
111 |
112 | unique_error_message(self, model_class, unique_check)
113 |
114 | validate_unique(self, exclude=None)
115 | Checks unique constraints on the model and raises ``ValidationError``
116 | if any failed.
117 |
118 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
119 | Data descriptors inherited from django.db.models.base.Model:
120 |
121 | __dict__
122 | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
123 |
124 | __weakref__
125 | list of weak references to the object (if defined)
126 |
127 | pk
128 |
129 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
130 | Data and other attributes inherited from django.db.models.base.Model:
131 |
132 | __metaclass__ = <class 'django.db.models.base.ModelBase'>
133 | Metaclass for all models.
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