1 | """ A short series of tests to check a proposed custom autoescape feature.
2 | """
3 |
4 | from django.test import TestCase
5 | from django.template import Template, Context
6 | from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
7 |
8 | def custom_escape_function(value):
9 | return value.upper()
10 | custom_escape_function.autoescape_context = "upper"
11 |
12 | def number_escape(value):
13 | return value.replace("55", "00")
14 | number_escape.autoescape_context = "number"
15 |
16 | def rtfescape(value):
17 | return value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('{','\\{').replace('}', '\\}')
18 | rtfescape.autoescape_context = "rtf"
19 |
20 | class CustomAutoEscape(TestCase):
21 | def test_safe_string(self):
22 | t = Template("{{ val|addslashes }}")
23 | context = {'val': mark_safe("Joe's string")}
24 | self.assertEqual(
25 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=rtfescape)),
26 | u"Joe\\\\'s string"
27 | )
28 |
29 | def test_unsafe_string(self):
30 | t = Template("{{ val|addslashes }}")
31 | context = {'val': "Joe's string"}
32 | self.assertEqual(
33 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=rtfescape)),
34 | u"Joe\\\\'s string"
35 | )
36 |
37 | def test_manual_slashes(self):
38 | t = Template("{{ val }}")
39 | context = {'val': "Joe\\'s string"}
40 | self.assertEqual(
41 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=rtfescape)),
42 | u"Joe\\\\'s string"
43 | )
44 |
45 | def test_filter_context_same(self):
46 | t = Template("{% load custom %}{{ val|odd_letters }}")
47 | context = {'val': "abcDEFghi"}
48 | self.assertEqual(
49 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
50 | u"BDFH"
51 | )
52 |
53 | def test_filter_context_safe(self):
54 | """ Data marked as safe for a safe function with the same AE context should not be escaped. """
55 | t = Template("{% load custom %}{{ val|odd_letters }}")
56 | context = {'val': mark_safe("abcDEFghi")}
57 | self.assertEqual(
58 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
59 | u"bDFh"
60 | )
61 |
62 | def test_filter_context_diff(self):
63 | """ Checks that changes from a filter marked .is_safe are not safe
64 | when the filter is from a different context.
65 | """
66 | t = Template("{{ val|lower }}")
67 | context = {'val': mark_safe("ABCDEFGHI")}
68 | self.assertEqual(
69 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
71 | )
72 |
73 | def test_filter_context_diff_safe(self):
74 | t = Template("{% load custom %}{{ val|lower|safe }}")
75 | context = {'val': mark_safe("ABCDEFGHI")}
76 | self.assertEqual(
77 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
78 | u"abcdefghi"
79 | )
80 |
81 | def test_filter_join(self):
82 | """ Tests the changed join filter that handles escaping itself. """
83 | t = Template('{{ val|join:", " }}')
84 | context = {'val': ["ab", "cD", "EF", "gh", mark_safe("ij")]}
85 | self.assertEqual(
86 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
87 | u"AB, CD, EF, GH, ij"
88 | )
89 |
90 | def test_filter_force_escape(self):
91 | t = Template('{{ val|force_escape }}')
92 | context = {'val': mark_safe("ab")}
93 | self.assertEqual(
94 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
95 | u"AB"
96 | )
97 |
98 | def test_filter_linenumbers(self):
99 | t = Template('{{ val|linenumbers }}')
100 | context = {'val': "abcde\nfghi"}
101 | self.assertEqual(
102 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
103 | u"1. ABCDE\n2. FGHI"
104 | )
105 |
106 | def test_filter_unordered_list(self):
107 | t = Template('{{ val|unordered_list }}')
108 | context = {'val': ["abcde","fghi"]}
109 | self.assertEqual(
110 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
111 | u"\t<li>ABCDE</li>\n\t<li>FGHI</li>"
112 | )
113 |
114 | def test_filter_linebreaks(self):
115 | t = Template('{{ val|linebreaks }}')
116 | context = {'val': "abcde\n\nfghi\njklm"}
117 | self.assertEqual(
118 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
119 | u"<p>ABCDE</p>\n\n<p>FGHI<br />JKLM</p>"
120 | )
121 |
122 | def test_filter_linebreaksbr(self):
123 | t = Template('{{ val|linebreaksbr }}')
124 | context = {'val': "abcde\n\nfghi\njklm"}
125 | self.assertEqual(
126 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
127 | u"ABCDE<br /><br />FGHI<br />JKLM"
128 | )
129 |
130 | def test_filter_urlize(self):
131 | t = Template('{{ val|urlize }}')
132 | context = {'val': "a link to www.test.com la"}
133 | self.assertEqual(
134 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
135 | u'A LINK TO <a href="HTTP://WWW.TEST.COM" rel="nofollow">WWW.TEST.COM</a> LA'
136 | )
137 |
138 | def test_filter_urlizetrunc(self):
139 | t = Template('{{ val|urlizetrunc:5 }}')
140 | context = {'val': "a link to www.test.com la"}
141 | self.assertEqual(
142 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
143 | u'A LINK TO <a href="HTTP://WWW.TEST.COM" rel="nofollow">WW...</a> LA'
144 | )
145 |
146 | def test_filter_slugify(self):
147 | t = Template('{{ val|slugify }}')
148 | context = {'val': "my title string"}
149 | self.assertEqual(
150 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
152 | )
153 |
154 | def test_filter_floatformat(self):
155 | t = Template('{{ val|floatformat:2 }}')
156 | context = {'val': 1559}
157 | self.assertEqual(
158 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=number_escape)),
159 | u'1009.00'
160 | )
161 |
162 | def test_filter_cut(self):
163 | """ Checks that post cut data is escaped. """
164 | t = Template('{{ val|cut:"xyz" }}')
165 | # Two fives will be together after xyz is removed
166 | context = {'val': mark_safe("abcDE5xyz5Bc")}
167 | self.assertEqual(
168 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=number_escape)),
169 | u'abcDE00Bc'
170 | )
171 |
172 | def test_filter_markup_textile(self):
173 | t = Template('{% load markup %}{{ val|textile }}')
174 | context = {'val': "abcDEF"}
175 | self.assertEqual(
176 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
177 | u'ABCDEF'
178 | )
179 |
180 | def test_filter_markup_markdown(self):
181 | t = Template('{% load markup %}{{ val|markdown }}')
182 | context = {'val': "abcDEF"}
183 | self.assertEqual(
184 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
185 | u'ABCDEF'
186 | )
187 |
188 | def test_filter_markup_restructuredtext(self):
189 | t = Template('{% load markup %}{{ val|restructuredtext }}')
190 | context = {'val': "abcDEF"}
191 | self.assertEqual(
192 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
193 | u'ABCDEF'
194 | )
195 |
196 | def test_filter_mark_safe(self):
197 | """ Checks a filter that marks its input as safe. """
198 | t = Template('{% load custom %}{{ val|safe_lower }}')
199 | context = {'val': "abcDEF"}
200 | self.assertEqual(
201 | t.render(Context(context, autoescape=custom_escape_function)),
202 | u'abcdef'
203 | )