Ticket #14005: 14005.diff

File 14005.diff, 7.3 KB (added by Ramiro Morales, 14 years ago)

Removes compatibility with Sphinx < 0.6

  • docs/_ext/djangodocs.py

    diff --git a/docs/_ext/djangodocs.py b/docs/_ext/djangodocs.py
    a b  
    1717import os
    1818import sphinx
    1919import sphinx.addnodes
    20 try:
    21     from sphinx import builders
    22 except ImportError:
    23     import sphinx.builder as builders
    24 try:
    25     import sphinx.builders.html as builders_html
    26 except ImportError:
    27     builders_html = builders
     20import sphinx.builders.html as html_builder
    2821from sphinx.util.console import bold
    2922import sphinx.directives
    3023import sphinx.environment
    31 try:
    32     import sphinx.writers.html as sphinx_htmlwriter
    33 except ImportError:
    34     import sphinx.htmlwriter as sphinx_htmlwriter
     24import sphinx.writers.html as sphinx_htmlwriter
    3525import sphinx.roles
    3626from docutils import nodes
    7464    app.add_transform(SuppressBlockquotes)
    7565    app.add_builder(DjangoStandaloneHTMLBuilder)
    77     # Monkeypatch PickleHTMLBuilder so that it doesn't die in Sphinx 0.4.2
    78     if sphinx.__version__ == '0.4.2':
    79         monkeypatch_pickle_builder()
    8167def parse_version_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
    8268                      content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
    8369    env = state.document.settings.env
    10692    env.note_versionchange(node['type'], node['version'], node, lineno)
    10793    return ret
    11096class SuppressBlockquotes(docutils.transforms.Transform):
    11197    """
    11298    Remove the default blockquotes that encase indented list, tables, etc.
    11399    """
    114100    default_priority = 300
    116102    suppress_blockquote_child_nodes = (
    117         docutils.nodes.bullet_list, 
    118         docutils.nodes.enumerated_list, 
     103        docutils.nodes.bullet_list,
     104        docutils.nodes.enumerated_list,
    119105        docutils.nodes.definition_list,
    120         docutils.nodes.literal_block, 
    121         docutils.nodes.doctest_block, 
    122         docutils.nodes.line_block, 
     106        docutils.nodes.literal_block,
     107        docutils.nodes.doctest_block,
     108        docutils.nodes.line_block,
    123109        docutils.nodes.table
    124110    )
    126112    def apply(self):
    127113        for node in self.document.traverse(docutils.nodes.block_quote):
    128114            if len(node.children) == 1 and isinstance(node.children[0], self.suppress_blockquote_child_nodes):
    136122    # Don't use border=1, which docutils does by default.
    137123    def visit_table(self, node):
    138124        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils'))
    140126    # <big>? Really?
    141127    def visit_desc_parameterlist(self, node):
    142128        self.body.append('(')
    143129        self.first_param = 1
    145131    def depart_desc_parameterlist(self, node):
    146132        self.body.append(')')
    147         pass
    149134    #
    150135    # Don't apply smartypants to literal blocks
    151136    #
    156141    def depart_literal_block(self, node):
    157142        sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator.depart_literal_block(self, node)
    158143        self.no_smarty -= 1
    160145    #
    161     # Turn the "new in version" stuff (versoinadded/versionchanged) into a
     146    # Turn the "new in version" stuff (versionadded/versionchanged) into a
    162147    # better callout -- the Sphinx default is just a little span,
    163148    # which is a bit less obvious that I'd like.
    164149    #
    165150    # FIXME: these messages are all hardcoded in English. We need to change
    166151    # that to accomodate other language docs, but I can't work out how to make
    167     # that work and I think it'll require Sphinx 0.5 anyway.
     152    # that work.
    168153    #
    169154    version_text = {
    170155        'deprecated':       'Deprecated in Django %s',
    171156        'versionchanged':   'Changed in Django %s',
    172157        'versionadded':     'New in Django %s',
    173158    }
    175160    def visit_versionmodified(self, node):
    176161        self.body.append(
    177162            self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS=node['type'])
    181166            len(node) and ":" or "."
    182167        )
    183168        self.body.append('<span class="title">%s</span> ' % title)
    185170    def depart_versionmodified(self, node):
    186171        self.body.append("</div>\n")
    188173    # Give each section a unique ID -- nice for custom CSS hooks
    189     # This is different on docutils 0.5 vs. 0.4...
    191     if hasattr(sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator, 'start_tag_with_title') and sphinx.__version__ == '0.4.2':
    192         def start_tag_with_title(self, node, tagname, **atts):
    193             node = {
    194                 'classes': node.get('classes', []),
    195                 'ids': ['s-%s' % i for i in node.get('ids', [])]
    196             }
    197             return self.starttag(node, tagname, **atts)
    199     else:
    200         def visit_section(self, node):
    201             old_ids = node.get('ids', [])
    202             node['ids'] = ['s-' + i for i in old_ids]
    203             if sphinx.__version__ != '0.4.2':
    204                 node['ids'].extend(old_ids)
    205             sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator.visit_section(self, node)
    206             node['ids'] = old_ids
     174    def visit_section(self, node):
     175        old_ids = node.get('ids', [])
     176        node['ids'] = ['s-' + i for i in old_ids]
     177        node['ids'].extend(old_ids)
     178        sphinx_htmlwriter.SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator.visit_section(self, node)
     179        node['ids'] = old_ids
    208181def parse_django_admin_node(env, sig, signode):
    209182    command = sig.split(' ')[0]
    234207        raise ValueError
    235208    return firstname
    237 def monkeypatch_pickle_builder():
    238     import shutil
    239     from os import path
    240     try:
    241         import cPickle as pickle
    242     except ImportError:
    243         import pickle
    245     def handle_finish(self):
    246         # dump the global context
    247         outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, 'globalcontext.pickle')
    248         f = open(outfilename, 'wb')
    249         try:
    250             pickle.dump(self.globalcontext, f, 2)
    251         finally:
    252             f.close()
    254         self.info(bold('dumping search index...'))
    255         self.indexer.prune(self.env.all_docs)
    256         f = open(path.join(self.outdir, 'searchindex.pickle'), 'wb')
    257         try:
    258             self.indexer.dump(f, 'pickle')
    259         finally:
    260             f.close()
    262         # copy the environment file from the doctree dir to the output dir
    263         # as needed by the web app
    264         shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.doctreedir, builders.ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME),
    265                         path.join(self.outdir, builders.ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME))
    267         # touch 'last build' file, used by the web application to determine
    268         # when to reload its environment and clear the cache
    269         open(path.join(self.outdir, builders.LAST_BUILD_FILENAME), 'w').close()
    271     builders.PickleHTMLBuilder.handle_finish = handle_finish
    274 class DjangoStandaloneHTMLBuilder(builders_html.StandaloneHTMLBuilder):
     210class DjangoStandaloneHTMLBuilder(html_builder.StandaloneHTMLBuilder):
    275211    """
    276212    Subclass to add some extra things we need.
    277213    """
  • docs/internals/documentation.txt

    diff --git a/docs/internals/documentation.txt b/docs/internals/documentation.txt
    a b  
    1515To actually build the documentation locally, you'll currently need to install
    1616Sphinx -- ``easy_install Sphinx`` should do the trick.
     18.. note::
     20    Generation of the Django documentation will work with Sphinx version 0.6
     21    or newer, but we recommend going straigh to Sphinx 1.0 or newer.
    1823Then, building the html is easy; just ``make html`` from the ``docs`` directory.
    2025To get started contributing, you'll want to read the `ReStructuredText
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