1 | """
2 | Set of "markup" template filters for Django. These filters transform plain text
3 | markup syntaxes to HTML; currently there is support for:
4 |
5 | * Textile, which requires the PyTextile library available at
6 | http://loopcore.com/python-textile/
7 |
8 | * Markdown, which requires the Python-markdown library from
9 | http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown
10 |
11 | * ReStructuredText, which requires docutils from http://docutils.sf.net/
12 | """
13 |
14 | from django import template
15 | from django.conf import settings
16 | from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, force_unicode
17 | from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
18 |
19 | register = template.Library()
20 |
21 | def textile(value):
22 | try:
23 | import textile
24 | except ImportError:
25 | if settings.DEBUG:
26 | raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Error in {% textile %} filter: The Python textile library isn't installed.")
27 | return force_unicode(value)
28 | else:
29 | return mark_safe(force_unicode(textile.textile(smart_str(value), encoding='utf-8', output='utf-8')))
30 | textile.is_safe = True
31 |
32 | def markdown(value, arg=''):
33 | """
34 | Runs Markdown over a given value, optionally using various
35 | extensions python-markdown supports.
36 |
37 | Syntax::
38 |
39 | {{ value|markdown:"extension1_name,extension2_name..." }}
40 |
41 | To enable safe mode, which strips raw HTML and only returns HTML
42 | generated by actual Markdown syntax, pass "safe" as the first
43 | extension in the list.
44 |
45 | If the version of Markdown in use does not support extensions,
46 | they will be silently ignored.
47 |
48 | """
49 | try:
50 | import markdown
51 | except ImportError:
52 | if settings.DEBUG:
53 | raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Error in {% markdown %} filter: The Python markdown library isn't installed.")
54 | return force_unicode(value)
55 | else:
56 | # markdown.version was first added in 1.6b. The only version of markdown
57 | # to fully support extensions before 1.6b was the shortlived 1.6a.
58 | if hasattr(markdown, 'version'):
59 | extensions = [e for e in arg.split(",") if e]
60 | if len(extensions) > 0 and extensions[0] == "safe":
61 | extensions = extensions[1:]
62 | safe_mode = True
63 | else:
64 | safe_mode = False
65 |
66 | # Unicode support only in markdown v1.7 or above. Version_info
67 | # exist only in markdown v1.6.2rc-2 or above.
68 | if getattr(markdown, "version_info", None) < (1,7):
69 | return mark_safe(force_unicode(markdown.markdown(smart_str(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode)))
70 | else:
71 | return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(force_unicode(value), extensions, safe_mode=safe_mode))
72 | else:
73 | return mark_safe(force_unicode(markdown.markdown(smart_str(value))))
74 |
75 | def restructuredtext(value):
76 | try:
77 | from docutils.core import publish_parts
78 | except ImportError:
79 | if settings.DEBUG:
80 | raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Error in {% restructuredtext %} filter: The Python docutils library isn't installed.")
81 | return force_unicode(value)
82 | else:
83 | docutils_settings = getattr(settings, "RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS", {})
84 | parts = publish_parts(source=smart_str(value), writer_name="html4css1", settings_overrides=docutils_settings)
85 | return mark_safe(force_unicode(parts["fragment"]))
86 | restructuredtext.is_safe = True
87 |
88 | register.filter(textile)
89 | register.filter(markdown)
90 | register.filter(restructuredtext)