Ticket #13405: cmemcached.diff

File cmemcached.diff, 1.6 KB (added by Daniel Roseman, 15 years ago)

documentation patch

  • TabularUnified docs/topics/cache.txt

    6868filesystem usage.
    7070After installing Memcached itself, you'll need to install the Memcached Python
    71 bindings, which are not bundled with Django directly. Two versions of this are
    72 available. Choose and install *one* of the following modules:
     71bindings, ``python-memcached``, which are not bundled with Django directly.
     72You can install it directly with ``easy_install python-memcached``, or
     73download it from ftp://ftp.tummy.com/pub/python-memcached/ . If that URL is
     74no longer valid, just go to the Memcached Web site
     75(http://www.danga.com/memcached/) and get the Python bindings from the
     76"Client APIs" section.
    74     * The fastest available option is a module called ``cmemcache``, available
    75       at http://gijsbert.org/cmemcache/ .
    77     * If you can't install ``cmemcache``, you can install ``python-memcached``,
    78       available at ftp://ftp.tummy.com/pub/python-memcached/ . If that URL is
    79       no longer valid, just go to the Memcached Web site
    80       (http://www.danga.com/memcached/) and get the Python bindings from the
    81       "Client APIs" section.
    83 .. versionadded:: 1.0
    84     The ``cmemcache`` option is new in 1.0. Previously, only
    85     ``python-memcached`` was supported.
    8779To use Memcached with Django, set ``CACHE_BACKEND`` to
    8880``memcached://ip:port/``, where ``ip`` is the IP address of the Memcached
    8981daemon and ``port`` is the port on which Memcached is running.
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