Ticket #13072: small-reST-fixes-r12741.diff

File small-reST-fixes-r12741.diff, 3.0 KB (added by Ramiro Morales, 15 years ago)
  • docs/ref/middleware.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/middleware.txt b/docs/ref/middleware.txt
    a b  
    123123.. class:: django.middleware.http.SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor
    125 .. versionchanged: 1.1
     125.. versionchanged:: 1.1
    127127This middleware was removed in Django 1.1. See :ref:`the release notes
    128128<removed-setremoteaddrfromforwardedfor-middleware>` for details.
  • docs/ref/settings.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/settings.txt b/docs/ref/settings.txt
    a b  
    411411Default: ``'N j, Y'`` (e.g. ``Feb. 4, 2003``)
    413413The default formatting to use for displaying date fields in any part of the
    414 system.  Note that if setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, then the
     414system. Note that if :setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, then the
    415415locale-dictated format has higher precedence and will be applied instead. See
    416416:ttag:`allowed date format strings <now>`.
    451451Default: ``'N j, Y, P'`` (e.g. ``Feb. 4, 2003, 4 p.m.``)
    453453The default formatting to use for displaying datetime fields in any part of the
    454 system.  Note that if setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, then the
     454system. Note that if :setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, then the
    455455locale-dictated format has higher precedence and will be applied instead. See
    456456:ttag:`allowed date format strings <now>`.
    13531353Default: ``m/d/Y`` (e.g. ``12/31/2003``)
    13551355An available formatting that can be used for displaying date fields on
    1356 templates.  Note that if ``USE_L10N`` is set to ``True``, then the corresponding
     1356templates. Note that if ``USE_L10N`` is set to ``True``, then the corresponding
    13571357locale-dictated format has higher precedence and will be applied. See
    13581358:ttag:`allowed date format strings <now>`.
    13691369Default: ``m/d/Y P`` (e.g. ``12/31/2003 4 p.m.``)
    13711371An available formatting that can be used for displaying datetime fields on
    1372 templates.  Note that if ``USE_L10N`` is set to ``True``, then the corresponding
     1372templates. Note that if ``USE_L10N`` is set to ``True``, then the corresponding
    13731373locale-dictated format has higher precedence and will be applied. See
    13741374:ttag:`allowed date format strings <now>`.
    15091509Default: ``'P'`` (e.g. ``4 p.m.``)
    15111511The default formatting to use for displaying time fields in any part of the
    1512 system.  Note that if setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, then the
     1512system. Note that if :setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, then the
    15131513locale-dictated format has higher precedence and will be applied instead. See
    15141514:ttag:`allowed date format strings <now>`.
  • docs/ref/templates/api.txt

    diff --git a/docs/ref/templates/api.txt b/docs/ref/templates/api.txt
    a b  
    724724Using an alternative template language
    727 .. versionadded 1.2
     727.. versionadded:: 1.2
    729729The Django ``Template`` and ``Loader`` classes implement a simple API for
    730730loading and rendering templates. By providing some simple wrapper classes that
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