Ticket #12871: comments2.diff

File comments2.diff, 2.6 KB (added by Scot Hacker, 15 years ago)

Changes as suggested

  • TabularUnified docs/ref/contrib/comments/index.txt

    252252    <input type="hidden" name="next" value="{% url my_comment_was_posted %}" />
     254Providing a comment form for authenticated users
     257If a user is already authenticated, it makes little sense to display name, email,
     258and URL fields, since these can already be retrieved from their login data and
     259profile. In addition, some sites will only accept comments from authenticated users.
     261To provide a comment form for authenticated users, you can manually provide the
     262additional fields expected by the Django comments framework. For example, assuming
     263comments are attached to the model "item"::
     265    {% if user.is_authenticated %}
     266        {% get_comment_form for item as form %}
     267        <form action="{% comment_form_target %}" method="POST">
     268        {% csrf_token %}
     269        {{ form.comment }}
     270        {{ form.honeypot }}
     271        {{ form.content_type }}
     272        {{ form.object_pk }}
     273        {{ form.timestamp }}
     274        {{ form.security_hash }}
     275        <input type="hidden" name="next" value="{% url item_view item.id %}" />
     276        <input type="submit" value="Add comment" id="id_submit" />
     277        </form>
     278    {% else %}
     279        <p>Please <a href="{% url auth_login %}">log in</a> to leave a comment.</p>
     280    {% endif %}
     282The {% csrf_token %} field accommodates the :ref:`Cross-Site Request Forgery Requirements
     283< ref-contrib-csrf>` in Django 1.2. The honeypot, content_type, object_pk, timestamp,
     284and security_hash fields are fields that would have been created automatically if you had
     285simply used {{form}} in your template, and are referred to in `Notes on the comment
     286form`_ below.
     288Note that we do not need to specify the user to be associated with comments submitted
     289by authenticated users. This is possible because the :ref:`Built-in Comment Models
     290< ref-contrib-comments-models>` that come with Django associate comments with
     291authenticated users by default.
     293In this example, the honeypot field will still be visible to the user; you'll need
     294to hide that field in your CSS::
     296    #id_honeypot {
     297        visibility:hidden;
     298    }
     300If you want to accept either anonymous or authenticated comments, replace the
     301contents of the "else" clause above with a standard comment form, and the right
     302thing will happen whether a user is logged in or not.
    254304.. _notes-on-the-comment-form:
    256306Notes on the comment form
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