Ticket #11745: 11745-2.patch

File 11745-2.patch, 8.2 KB (added by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago)
  • TabularUnified docs/releases/1.4.txt

    989989subclassing ``DjangoTestRunner`` and overriding its ``teardown_databases()``
     992Output of :djadmin:`manage.py help <help>`
     995:djadmin:`manage.py help <help>` now groups available commands by application.
     996If you depended on its output, for instance if you parsed it, you must update
     997your scripts. To obtain the list of all available management commands in a
     998script, you can use :djadmin:`manage.py help --commands <help>` instead.
    9921000Features deprecated in 1.4
  • TabularUnified docs/ref/django-admin.txt

    4747Getting runtime help
    50 .. django-admin-option:: --help
     50.. django-admin:: help
    52 Run ``django-admin.py help`` to display a list of all available commands.
    53 Run ``django-admin.py help <command>`` to display a description of the
    54 given command and a list of its available options.
     52Run ``django-admin.py help`` to display usage information and a list of the
     53commands provided by each application.
     55Run ``django-admin.py help --commands`` to display a list of all available
     58Run ``django-admin.py help <command>`` to display a description of the given
     59command and a list of its available options.
    5661App names
    6368Determining the version
    66 .. django-admin-option:: --version
     71.. django-admin:: version
    68 Run ``django-admin.py --version`` to display the current Django version.
     73Run ``django-admin.py version`` to display the current Django version.
    7075Examples of output::
  • TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/admin_scripts/tests.py

    173173        "Utility assertion: assert that the given message exists in the output"
    174174        self.assertTrue(msg in stream, "'%s' does not match actual output text '%s'" % (msg, stream))
     176    def assertNotInOutput(self, stream, msg):
     177        "Utility assertion: assert that the given message doesn't exist in the output"
     178        self.assertFalse(msg in stream, "'%s' matches actual output text '%s'" % (msg, stream))
    178182# This first series of test classes checks the environment processing
    11731177        self.remove_settings('settings.py')
    11751179    def test_version(self):
    1176         "--version is handled as a special case"
    1177         args = ['--version']
     1180        "version is handled as a special case"
     1181        args = ['version']
    11781182        out, err = self.run_manage(args)
    11791183        self.assertNoOutput(err)
    11801184        self.assertOutput(out, get_version())
     1186    def test_version_alternative(self):
     1187        "--version is equivalent to version"
     1188        args1, args2 = ['version'], ['--version']
     1189        self.assertEqual(self.run_manage(args1), self.run_manage(args2))
    11821191    def test_help(self):
    1183         "--help is handled as a special case"
    1184         args = ['--help']
     1192        "help is handled as a special case"
     1193        args = ['help']
    11851194        out, err = self.run_manage(args)
    11861195        self.assertOutput(out, "Usage: manage.py subcommand [options] [args]")
    11871196        self.assertOutput(out, "Type 'manage.py help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.")
     1197        self.assertOutput(out, '[django]')
     1198        self.assertOutput(out, 'startapp')
     1199        self.assertOutput(out, 'startproject')
    1189     def test_short_help(self):
    1190         "-h is handled as a short form of --help"
    1191         args = ['-h']
     1201    def test_help_commands(self):
     1202        "help --commands shows the list of all available commands"
     1203        args = ['help', '--commands']
    11921204        out, err = self.run_manage(args)
    1193         self.assertOutput(out, "Usage: manage.py subcommand [options] [args]")
    1194         self.assertOutput(out, "Type 'manage.py help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.")
     1205        self.assertNotInOutput(out, 'Usage:')
     1206        self.assertNotInOutput(out, 'Options:')
     1207        self.assertNotInOutput(out, '[django]')
     1208        self.assertOutput(out, 'startapp')
     1209        self.assertOutput(out, 'startproject')
     1210        self.assertNotInOutput(out, '\n\n')
     1212    def test_help_alternative(self):
     1213        "--help is equivalent to help"
     1214        args1, args2 = ['help'], ['--help']
     1215        self.assertEqual(self.run_manage(args1), self.run_manage(args2))
     1217    def test_help_short_altert(self):
     1218        "-h is handled as a short form of --help"
     1219        args1, args2 = ['--help'], ['-h']
     1220        self.assertEqual(self.run_manage(args1), self.run_manage(args2))
    11961222    def test_specific_help(self):
    11971223        "--help can be used on a specific command"
    11981224        args = ['sqlall', '--help']
  • TabularUnified django/core/management/__init__.py

     1import collections
    12import os
    23import sys
    34from optparse import OptionParser, NO_DEFAULT
    56import warnings
    78from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError, handle_default_options
     9from django.core.management.color import color_style
    810from django.utils.importlib import import_module
    1012# For backwards compatibility: get_version() used to be in this module.
    209211        self.argv = argv or sys.argv[:]
    210212        self.prog_name = os.path.basename(self.argv[0])
    212     def main_help_text(self):
     214    def main_help_text(self, commands_only=False):
    213215        """
    214216        Returns the script's main help text, as a string.
    215217        """
    216         usage = ['',"Type '%s help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand." % self.prog_name,'']
    217         usage.append('Available subcommands:')
    218         commands = get_commands().keys()
    219         commands.sort()
    220         for cmd in commands:
    221             usage.append('  %s' % cmd)
     218        if commands_only:
     219            usage = sorted(get_commands().keys())
     220        else:
     221            usage = [
     222                "",
     223                "Type '%s help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand." % self.prog_name,
     224                "",
     225                "Available subcommands:",
     226            ]
     227            commands_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
     228            for name, app in get_commands().iteritems():
     229                if app == 'django.core':
     230                    app = 'django'
     231                else:
     232                    app = app.rpartition('.')[-1]
     233                commands_dict[app].append(name)
     234            style = color_style()
     235            for app in sorted(commands_dict.keys()):
     236                usage.append("")
     237                usage.append(style.NOTICE("[%s]" % app))
     238                for name in sorted(commands_dict[app]):
     239                    usage.append("    %s" % name)
    222240        return '\n'.join(usage)
    224242    def fetch_command(self, subcommand):
    340358            subcommand = 'help' # Display help if no arguments were given.
    342360        if subcommand == 'help':
    343             if len(args) > 2:
    344                 self.fetch_command(args[2]).print_help(self.prog_name, args[2])
    345             else:
     361            if len(args) <= 2:
    346362                parser.print_lax_help()
    347363                sys.stdout.write(self.main_help_text() + '\n')
    348                 sys.exit(1)
     364            elif args[2] == '--commands':
     365                sys.stdout.write(self.main_help_text(commands_only=True) + '\n')
     366            else:
     367                self.fetch_command(args[2]).print_help(self.prog_name, args[2])
     368        elif subcommand == 'version':
     369            sys.stdout.write(parser.get_version() + '\n')
    349370        # Special-cases: We want 'django-admin.py --version' and
    350371        # 'django-admin.py --help' to work, for backwards compatibility.
    351372        elif self.argv[1:] == ['--version']:
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