Ticket #11680: 11680.diff

File 11680.diff, 1.2 KB (added by Jeff Ammons, 15 years ago)

Fix for docs

  • docs/howto/error-reporting.txt

    1313You need to keep track of errors that occur in deployed sites, so Django can be
    1414configured to email you details of those errors.
    16 Server errors
    17 -------------
    1916When :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``, Django will e-mail the users listed in the
    2017:setting:`ADMIN` setting whenever your code raises an unhandled exception and
    2118results in an internal server error (HTTP status code 500). This gives the
    3027To disable this behavior, just remove all entries from the :setting:`ADMINS`
     30Custom sender settings
     33If you would like to specify custom SMTP server settings to send these emails,
     34the following settings are available:
     35    * :setting:`EMAIL_HOST` is the SMTP server name or url.
     36    * :setting:`EMAIL_PORT` is the port on which SMTP is listening.
     37    * If your SMTP server requires authentication, it is necessary to specify
     38      both :setting:`EMAIL_HOST_USER` and :setting:`EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD` as
     39      well.
    3341404 errors
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