Ticket #11084: 11084-failing-tests.diff

File 11084-failing-tests.diff, 644 bytes (added by Michael Newman, 16 years ago)

(Contrived) failing test

  • TabularUnified tests/regressiontests/file_storage/models.py

    8282>>> p3.mugshot.closed
     85# If the file is unavailable
     86>>> path = p3.mugshot.path
     87>>> shutil.move(path, path + '2')
     88>>> p4 = Person.objects.get(name="Joan")
     89>>> shutil.move(path + '2', path)
    8591# Make sure that wrapping the file in a file still works
    8692>>> p3.mugshot.file.open()
    8793>>> p = Person.objects.create(name="Bob The Builder", mugshot=File(p3.mugshot.file))
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