Ticket #10411: update-fix-v2.diff
File update-fix-v2.diff, 16.3 KB (added by , 16 years ago) |
TabularUnified django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py
239 239 """ 240 240 from django.db.models.base import Model 241 241 for field, model, val in values_seq: 242 # FIXME: Some sort of db_prep_* is probably more appropriate here. 243 if field.rel and isinstance(val, Model): 244 val = val.pk 242 if hasattr(val, 'prepare_database_save'): 243 val = val.prepare_database_save(field) 244 else: 245 val = field.get_db_prep_save(val) 245 246 246 247 # Getting the placeholder for the field. 247 248 if hasattr(field, 'get_placeholder'): -
TabularUnified django/db/models/base.py
499 499 setattr(self, cachename, obj) 500 500 return getattr(self, cachename) 501 501 502 def prepare_database_save(self, unused): 503 return self.pk 502 504 503 505 504 506 ############################################ -
TabularUnified django/db/models/expressions.py
90 90 def __ror__(self, other): 91 91 return self._combine(other, self.OR, True) 92 92 93 def prepare_database_save(self, unused): 94 return self 95 93 96 class F(ExpressionNode): 94 97 """ 95 98 An expression representing the value of the given field. -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/db/backend/adaptor.py
8 8 self.srid = geom.srid 9 9 10 10 def __eq__(self, other): 11 return self.wkt == other.wkt and self.srid == other.srid 11 return self.wkt == other.wkt and self.srid == other.srid 12 12 13 13 def __str__(self): 14 14 return self.wkt 15 16 def prepare_database_save(self, unused): 17 return self -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/db/backend/postgis/adaptor.py
31 31 "Returns a properly quoted string for use in PostgreSQL/PostGIS." 32 32 # Want to use WKB, so wrap with psycopg2 Binary() to quote properly. 33 33 return "%s(%s, %s)" % (GEOM_FROM_WKB, Binary(self.wkb), self.srid or -1) 34 35 def prepare_database_save(self, unused): 36 return self -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/tests/geoapp/test_regress.py
1 import os, unittest 2 from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend 3 from django.contrib.gis.tests.utils import no_mysql, no_oracle, no_postgis 4 from models import City 5 6 class GeoRegressionTests(unittest.TestCase): 7 8 def test01_update(self): 9 "Testing GeoQuerySet.update(), see #10411." 10 pnt = City.objects.get(name='Pueblo').point 11 bak = pnt.clone() 12 pnt.y += 0.005 13 pnt.x += 0.005 14 15 City.objects.filter(name='Pueblo').update(point=pnt) 16 self.assertEqual(pnt, City.objects.get(name='Pueblo').point) 17 City.objects.filter(name='Pueblo').update(point=bak) 18 self.assertEqual(bak, City.objects.get(name='Pueblo').point) -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/tests/geoapp/tests.py
13 13 DISABLE = False 14 14 15 15 class GeoModelTest(unittest.TestCase): 16 16 17 17 def test01_initial_sql(self): 18 18 "Testing geographic initial SQL." 19 19 if DISABLE: return … … 21 21 # Oracle doesn't allow strings longer than 4000 characters 22 22 # in SQL files, and I'm stumped on how to use Oracle BFILE's 23 23 # in PLSQL, so we set up the larger geometries manually, rather 24 # than relying on the initial SQL. 24 # than relying on the initial SQL. 25 25 26 26 # Routine for returning the path to the data files. 27 27 data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sql') … … 65 65 new = Point(5, 23) 66 66 nullcity.point = new 67 67 68 # Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the 68 # Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the 69 69 # field after assignment, but before saving. 70 70 self.assertEqual(4326, nullcity.point.srid) 71 71 nullcity.save() … … 94 94 95 95 ns = State.objects.get(name='NullState') 96 96 self.assertEqual(ply, ns.poly) 97 97 98 98 # Testing the `ogr` and `srs` lazy-geometry properties. 99 99 if gdal.HAS_GDAL: 100 100 self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.ogr, gdal.OGRGeometry)) … … 120 120 qs = City.objects.all() 121 121 self.assertRaises(TypeError, qs.kml, 'name') 122 122 123 # The reference KML depends on the version of PostGIS used 123 # The reference KML depends on the version of PostGIS used 124 124 # (the output stopped including altitude in 1.3.3). 125 125 major, minor1, minor2 = SpatialBackend.version 126 126 ref_kml1 = '<Point><coordinates>-104.609252,38.255001,0</coordinates></Point>' … … 204 204 self.assertRaises(TypeError, Country.objects.make_line) 205 205 # Reference query: 206 206 # SELECT AsText(ST_MakeLine(geoapp_city.point)) FROM geoapp_city; 207 self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry('LINESTRING(-95.363151 29.763374,-96.801611 32.782057,-97.521157 34.464642,174.783117 -41.315268,-104.609252 38.255001,-95.23506 38.971823,-87.650175 41.850385,-123.305196 48.462611)', srid=4326),208 207 ref_line = GEOSGeometry('LINESTRING(-95.363151 29.763374,-96.801611 32.782057,-97.521157 34.464642,174.783117 -41.315268,-104.609252 38.255001,-95.23506 38.971823,-87.650175 41.850385,-123.305196 48.462611)', srid=4326) 208 self.assertEqual(ref_line, City.objects.make_line()) 209 209 210 210 def test09_disjoint(self): 211 211 "Testing the `disjoint` lookup type." … … 227 227 if DISABLE: return 228 228 # Getting Texas, yes we were a country -- once ;) 229 229 texas = Country.objects.get(name='Texas') 230 230 231 231 # Seeing what cities are in Texas, should get Houston and Dallas, 232 232 # and Oklahoma City because 'contained' only checks on the 233 233 # _bounding box_ of the Geometries. … … 288 288 # `ST_Intersects`, so contains is used instead. 289 289 nad_pnt = fromstr(nad_wkt, srid=nad_srid) 290 290 if SpatialBackend.oracle: 291 tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=nad_pnt) 291 tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=nad_pnt) 292 292 else: 293 293 tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__intersects=nad_pnt) 294 294 self.assertEqual('Texas', tx.name) 295 295 296 296 # Creating San Antonio. Remember the Alamo. 297 297 sa = City(name='San Antonio', point=nad_pnt) 298 298 sa.save() 299 299 300 300 # Now verifying that San Antonio was transformed correctly 301 301 sa = City.objects.get(name='San Antonio') 302 302 self.assertAlmostEqual(wgs_pnt.x, sa.point.x, 6) … … 321 321 # Puerto Rico should be NULL (it's a commonwealth unincorporated territory) 322 322 self.assertEqual(1, len(nullqs)) 323 323 self.assertEqual('Puerto Rico', nullqs[0].name) 324 324 325 325 # The valid states should be Colorado & Kansas 326 326 self.assertEqual(2, len(validqs)) 327 327 state_names = [s.name for s in validqs] … … 338 338 "Testing the 'left' and 'right' lookup types." 339 339 if DISABLE: return 340 340 # Left: A << B => true if xmax(A) < xmin(B) 341 # Right: A >> B => true if xmin(A) > xmax(B) 341 # Right: A >> B => true if xmin(A) > xmax(B) 342 342 # See: BOX2D_left() and BOX2D_right() in lwgeom_box2dfloat4.c in PostGIS source. 343 343 344 344 # Getting the borders for Colorado & Kansas 345 345 co_border = State.objects.get(name='Colorado').poly 346 346 ks_border = State.objects.get(name='Kansas').poly 347 347 348 348 # Note: Wellington has an 'X' value of 174, so it will not be considered 349 349 # to the left of CO. 350 350 351 351 # These cities should be strictly to the right of the CO border. 352 cities = ['Houston', 'Dallas', 'San Antonio', 'Oklahoma City', 352 cities = ['Houston', 'Dallas', 'San Antonio', 'Oklahoma City', 353 353 'Lawrence', 'Chicago', 'Wellington'] 354 354 qs = City.objects.filter(point__right=co_border) 355 355 self.assertEqual(7, len(qs)) … … 365 365 # to the left of CO. 366 366 vic = City.objects.get(point__left=co_border) 367 367 self.assertEqual('Victoria', vic.name) 368 368 369 369 cities = ['Pueblo', 'Victoria'] 370 370 qs = City.objects.filter(point__left=ks_border) 371 371 self.assertEqual(2, len(qs)) … … 383 383 def test15_relate(self): 384 384 "Testing the 'relate' lookup type." 385 385 if DISABLE: return 386 # To make things more interesting, we will have our Texas reference point in 386 # To make things more interesting, we will have our Texas reference point in 387 387 # different SRIDs. 388 388 pnt1 = fromstr('POINT (649287.0363174 4177429.4494686)', srid=2847) 389 389 pnt2 = fromstr('POINT(-98.4919715741052 29.4333344025053)', srid=4326) 390 390 391 # Not passing in a geometry as first param shoud 391 # Not passing in a geometry as first param shoud 392 392 # raise a type error when initializing the GeoQuerySet 393 393 self.assertRaises(TypeError, Country.objects.filter, mpoly__relate=(23, 'foo')) 394 394 # Making sure the right exception is raised for the given … … 440 440 # Using `field_name` keyword argument in one query and specifying an 441 441 # order in the other (which should not be used because this is 442 442 # an aggregate method on a spatial column) 443 u1 = qs.unionagg(field_name='point') 443 u1 = qs.unionagg(field_name='point') 444 444 u2 = qs.order_by('name').unionagg() 445 445 tol = 0.00001 446 446 if SpatialBackend.oracle: … … 458 458 Feature(name='Point', geom=Point(1, 1)).save() 459 459 Feature(name='LineString', geom=LineString((0, 0), (1, 1), (5, 5))).save() 460 460 Feature(name='Polygon', geom=Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0)))).save() 461 Feature(name='GeometryCollection', 462 geom=GeometryCollection(Point(2, 2), LineString((0, 0), (2, 2)), 461 Feature(name='GeometryCollection', 462 geom=GeometryCollection(Point(2, 2), LineString((0, 0), (2, 2)), 463 463 Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0))))).save() 464 464 465 465 f_1 = Feature.objects.get(name='Point') … … 474 474 f_4 = Feature.objects.get(name='GeometryCollection') 475 475 self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_4.geom, GeometryCollection)) 476 476 self.assertEqual(f_3.geom, f_4.geom[2]) 477 477 478 478 def test19_centroid(self): 479 479 "Testing the `centroid` GeoQuerySet method." 480 480 if DISABLE: return … … 494 494 'Texas' : fromstr('POINT (-103.002434 36.500397)', srid=4326), 495 495 } 496 496 elif SpatialBackend.postgis: 497 # Using GEOSGeometry to compute the reference point on surface values 497 # Using GEOSGeometry to compute the reference point on surface values 498 498 # -- since PostGIS also uses GEOS these should be the same. 499 499 ref = {'New Zealand' : Country.objects.get(name='New Zealand').mpoly.point_on_surface, 500 500 'Texas' : Country.objects.get(name='Texas').mpoly.point_on_surface … … 533 533 if DISABLE: return 534 534 # Both 'countries' only have two geometries. 535 535 for c in Country.objects.num_geom(): self.assertEqual(2, c.num_geom) 536 for c in City.objects.filter(point__isnull=False).num_geom(): 536 for c in City.objects.filter(point__isnull=False).num_geom(): 537 537 # Oracle will return 1 for the number of geometries on non-collections, 538 538 # whereas PostGIS will return None. 539 539 if SpatialBackend.postgis: self.assertEqual(None, c.num_geom) … … 566 566 # All transformation SQL will need to be performed on the 567 567 # _parent_ table. 568 568 qs = PennsylvaniaCity.objects.transform(32128) 569 569 570 570 self.assertEqual(1, qs.count()) 571 571 for pc in qs: self.assertEqual(32128, pc.point.srid) 572 572 573 573 from test_feeds import GeoFeedTest 574 from test_regress import GeoRegressionTests 574 575 from test_sitemaps import GeoSitemapTest 576 575 577 def suite(): 576 578 s = unittest.TestSuite() 577 579 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoModelTest)) 578 580 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoFeedTest)) 579 581 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoSitemapTest)) 582 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoRegressionTests)) 580 583 return s -
TabularUnified django/contrib/gis/tests/geoapp/tests_mysql.py
8 8 from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured 9 9 10 10 class GeoModelTest(unittest.TestCase): 11 11 12 12 def test01_initial_sql(self): 13 13 "Testing geographic initial SQL." 14 14 # Ensuring that data was loaded from initial SQL. … … 38 38 new = Point(5, 23) 39 39 nullcity.point = new 40 40 41 # Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the 41 # Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the 42 42 # field after assignment, but before saving. 43 43 self.assertEqual(4326, nullcity.point.srid) 44 44 nullcity.save() … … 67 67 68 68 ns = State.objects.get(name='NullState') 69 69 self.assertEqual(ply, ns.poly) 70 70 71 71 # Testing the `ogr` and `srs` lazy-geometry properties. 72 72 if gdal.HAS_GDAL: 73 73 self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.ogr, gdal.OGRGeometry)) … … 88 88 "Testing the 'contained', 'contains', and 'bbcontains' lookup types." 89 89 # Getting Texas, yes we were a country -- once ;) 90 90 texas = Country.objects.get(name='Texas') 91 91 92 92 # Seeing what cities are in Texas, should get Houston and Dallas, 93 93 # and Oklahoma City because MySQL 'within' only checks on the 94 94 # _bounding box_ of the Geometries. … … 146 146 f1 = Feature(name='Point', geom=Point(1, 1)) 147 147 f2 = Feature(name='LineString', geom=LineString((0, 0), (1, 1), (5, 5))) 148 148 f3 = Feature(name='Polygon', geom=Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0)))) 149 f4 = Feature(name='GeometryCollection', 150 geom=GeometryCollection(Point(2, 2), LineString((0, 0), (2, 2)), 149 f4 = Feature(name='GeometryCollection', 150 geom=GeometryCollection(Point(2, 2), LineString((0, 0), (2, 2)), 151 151 Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0))))) 152 152 f1.save() 153 153 f2.save() … … 166 166 f_4 = Feature.objects.get(name='GeometryCollection') 167 167 self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_4.geom, GeometryCollection)) 168 168 self.assertEqual(f_3.geom, f_4.geom[2]) 169 169 170 170 def test07_mysql_limitations(self): 171 171 "Testing that union(), kml(), gml() raise exceptions." 172 172 self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, City.objects.union, Point(5, 23), field_name='point') … … 174 174 self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, Country.objects.all().gml, field_name='mpoly') 175 175 176 176 from test_feeds import GeoFeedTest 177 from test_regress import GeoRegressionTests 177 178 from test_sitemaps import GeoSitemapTest 179 178 180 def suite(): 179 181 s = unittest.TestSuite() 180 182 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoModelTest)) 181 183 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoFeedTest)) 182 184 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoSitemapTest)) 185 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoRegressionTests)) 183 186 return s