Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#3923 closed (fixed)

[unicode] does not work well with unicode strings

Reported by: Malcolm Tredinnick Owned by: Malcolm Tredinnick
Component: Internationalization Version: dev
Severity: Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: yes Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
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In some cases we would like to write


using a unicode string that contains non-ASCII characters. Running over this causes an error because xgettext cannot work out the encoding of the string and errors out.

Not sure what the right solution is yet ( is deprecated in favour of xgettext, in theory).

Change History (17)

comment:1 by Malcolm Tredinnick, 18 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

comment:2 by Malcolm Tredinnick, 18 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I've done enough research of email archives and source code reading to convince myself this isn't solvable. The only acceptable solution is to ensure that msgid strings (the arguments to gettext() and friends) are ASCII. No non-ASCII characters at all. Part of the reason for this is because gettext does binary byte-wise comparisons when looking up messages in the catalog, so if the catalog value is, say, UTF-8 and the source file is something else, you're doomed.

This means that if somebody wants their original text to be in a language other than North American English, they need to use the translation infrastructure (it cannot be done with USE_I18N=False). A shame, but cannot be helped.

comment:3 by spacetaxi@…, 18 years ago

What about this possible solution?

Step 1: converts all non-ASCII characters in the msgid strings to HTML-entities, e.g. 'ä' gets replaced by 'ä'.
So the msgids will be clean ASCII strings containing HTML-entities instead of 8bit- or utf8-characters.

Step 2:
In Django, when a string is going to be translated, it first has to be converted in the same manner before gettext is called to retrieve the translated string.

This would allow the msgid strings to contain non-ASCII characters, as and Django would take care of converting them to their clean ASCII representation as HTML-entities. Wouldn't this work?

in reply to:  3 ; comment:4 by spacetaxi@…, 18 years ago

Replying to

This would allow the msgid strings to contain non-ASCII characters [...]

Sorry, the last sentence should read: "This would allow the strings, that are going to be translated, to contain non-ASCII characters [...]"

in reply to:  4 ; comment:5 by Michael Axiak <axiak@…>, 18 years ago

Replying to

Replying to

This would allow the msgid strings to contain non-ASCII characters [...]

Sorry, the last sentence should read: "This would allow the strings, that are going to be translated, to contain non-ASCII characters [...]"

From what I understand, regardless of what generates, the gettext library still needs to work at runtime. That is, it expects ASCII characters to do the byte comparisons. is only used to generate the appropriate files to help gettext do its work.

in reply to:  5 ; comment:6 by spacetaxi@…, 18 years ago

Replying to Michael Axiak <>:

From what I understand, regardless of what generates, the gettext library still needs to work at runtime. That is, it expects ASCII characters to do the byte comparisons. is only used to generate the appropriate files to help gettext do its work.

That's what I understand, too. That's the reason for "Step 2", which I've explained above. Django would have to convert these strings to plain ASCII on the fly (by replacing non-ASCII characters with their representation as HTML entities). So Django would do the same character conversion as

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Replying to

That's what I understand, too. That's the reason for "Step 2", which I've explained above. Django would have to convert these strings to plain ASCII on the fly (by replacing non-ASCII characters with their representation as HTML entities). So Django would do the same character conversion as

So you are suggesting changing gettext/ugettext? I could see that working...patch?


comment:8 by Michael Axiak <axiak@…>, 18 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: closedreopened

I'm interested in seeing what happens if we use smart_quote in the gettext wrappers.

comment:9 by Michael Axiak <axiak@…>, 18 years ago

Summary: does not work well with unicode strings[unicode] does not work well with unicode strings

Changing title to unicode.

While it's flagged as [unicode], I certainly don't think this should slow down the unicode branch. I'll write a patch against the unicode branch -- if it gets into trunk after unicode is merged, that should be fine.

comment:10 by Malcolm Tredinnick, 18 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: reopenedclosed

Please open another ticket if you're going to explore replacing all of the third-party gettext support tools. That's a much bigger and different issue than using existing well-debugged libraries that we don't have to maintain.

This ticket was, and remains, about the fact that all of the supporting infrastructure for extracting mesasge catalogs, compiling them into MO files and acessing them at runtime relies on msgids being in ASCII. At the moment, there isn't a viable alternative to switching away from those tools, hence the conclusion of the ticket. It's really "notabug", rather than "wontfix", but that's close enough.

If you want to totally change the way the i18n support works, then open another ticket please, because you are talking about replacing all of the gettext pieces that are supplied by existing tools (including message extraction), writing a lot of code and doing lots of timing tests to show that it isn't slower than the existing code.

By the way, step 1 in comment 3 is not a good idea. It breaks whatever translation memories people might be using with their tools to speed up the translation process. You are also asking people who are not software developers or web coders (i.e. translators) to understand all HTML entities (and since they aren't very comprehensive, also be able to look up random things like &#123D; to know what it means).

comment:11 by spacetaxi@…, 18 years ago

I've found a strange behaviour: is able to extract utf8-strings from *one* file! But as soon as there are *more than one* files to process, fails.

This problem has something to do with the way of xgettext being called: When a pot file already exists (e. g. if xgettext is called on the *second* file to be processed), xgettext is called with the "--omit-header" option... and will fail on utf8 encoded files. Without "--omit-header" the message extraction is working alright.

Maybe could be changed to regard this, so one could use utf8 encoded messages for translation?

Translation of utf8 encoded strings seems to work without problems...

by Evren Esat Özkan <sleytr@…>, 17 years ago

patch for to workaround ommit-headers bug in xgettext

in reply to:  11 ; comment:12 by Evren Esat Özkan <sleytr@…>, 17 years ago

Has patch: set
Needs tests: set
Resolution: wontfix
Status: closedreopened

I've attached a patch for to workaround this xgettext problem. Patch simply removes first 17 line from output of xgettext to clip headers.

Replying to

I've found a strange behaviour: is able to extract utf8-strings from *one* file! But as soon as there are *more than one* files to process, fails.

This problem has something to do with the way of xgettext being called: When a pot file already exists (e. g. if xgettext is called on the *second* file to be processed), xgettext is called with the "--omit-header" option... and will fail on utf8 encoded files. Without "--omit-header" the message extraction is working alright.

Maybe could be changed to regard this, so one could use utf8 encoded messages for translation?

Translation of utf8 encoded strings seems to work without problems...

in reply to:  12 ; comment:13 by Ramiro Morales, 17 years ago

Replying to Evren Esat Özkan <>:

I've attached a patch for to workaround this xgettext problem. Patch simply removes first 17 line
from output of xgettext to clip headers.

I don't know if the issue reported by spacetaxi@… on comment 11 (IMHO it shold have been reported on another different ticket) is still valid because a fix that solves this has been applied for strings extracted from Python source code files and templates on [5722].

Your patch means you are seeing the same behavior for extraction from JavaScript source files. I don't know if that's a real bug because I don't know if string literals on JavaScript can be UTF-8 encoded (otherwise this ticket should be closed) but in case it is I'd suggest taking an approach similar to the one implemented on that revision. Using fixed line stripping is doomed to fail at some point as shown by #4899

by Evren Esat Özkan <sleytr@…>, 17 years ago

copied same 2 line of codes which used for py files.

in reply to:  13 comment:14 by Evren Esat Özkan <sleytr@…>, 17 years ago

I tried non-ascii msgids in js files on Opera9.5, Firefox2 and IE6 and didn't see any problems, everything working properly.
I've uploaded a second patch according to your suggestion.


Replying to ramiro:

I don't know if the issue reported by spacetaxi@… on comment 11 (IMHO it shold have been reported on another different ticket) is still valid because a fix that solves this has been applied for strings extracted from Python source code files and templates on [5722].

Your patch means you are seeing the same behavior for extraction from JavaScript source files. I don't know if that's a real bug because I don't know if string literals on JavaScript can be UTF-8 encoded (otherwise this ticket should be closed) but in case it is I'd suggest taking an approach similar to the one implemented on that revision. Using fixed line stripping is doomed to fail at some point as shown by #4899

comment:15 by Malcolm Tredinnick, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Please open a new ticket to describe whatever problem these patches are trying to address.

The initial issue reported in this ticket was fixed a long time ago and let's not bring it back to life by reopening just for a related thing. New ticket for a new bug, please.

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