Opened 18 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
#3998 closed (wontfix)
single char wildcard search issue
Description ¶
I'm trying to implement a search feature in Django where a user can enter something like
and the search will return matches with or without punctuation, case insensitive
results: PC-3, pc3, BxPC3, Pc 3
I've figured out how to do this so I'm getting all of the results above, but the only thing that's missing is the "Pc 3" result. It seems that when I do an Oracle search using "_" as a single-char wildcard, it doesn't consider a "space" to match that wildcard.
The query that is generated:
The problem is the double backslash that's put into the query on line 4.
Here's some code snippets:
class Well(models.Model): box = models.ForeignKey(Box, edit_inline=models.TABULAR, num_in_admin=18) well_name = models.CharField(maxlength=20, core=True) cell_line = models.CharField(maxlength=250, null=True, blank=True)
def search(request): WellFormClass = forms.form_for_model(Well) WellFormClass.base_fields['box'].widget = widgets.HiddenInput() WellFormClass.base_fields['well_name'].widget = widgets.HiddenInput() if request.GET: query = request.GET.get("cell_line", "") # Do a "liberal" search first # Search for: PC-3 # Returned results: PC-3, pc3, BxPC3, pc 3 # replace any punctuation in the query with a '_' # *** for some reason ignoring the space? punc_trans = string.maketrans(' -:;', '____') modQuery1 = query.translate(punc_trans) # parse out any punctuation at all no_trans = string.maketrans('', '') modQuery2 = query.translate(no_trans, '-:; ') # now search for any of these combinations results = Well.objects.filter(Q(cell_line__icontains=query) | Q(cell_line__icontains=modQuery1) | Q(cell_line__icontains=modQuery2)).values("cell_line").distinct() results = list(results) return render_to_response('cryoInv/cell_line_search_results.html', {"results": results,"query": query}) else: form = WellFormClass() return render_to_response('cryoInv/search.html', {'form': form})
Change History (4)
comment:1 by , 18 years ago
Keywords: | boulder-oracle sql added |
Summary: | boulder-oracle single char wildcard search issue → [boulder-oracle] single char wildcard search issue |
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Accepted |
comment:2 by , 18 years ago
Keywords: | boulder-oracle removed |
Summary: | [boulder-oracle] single char wildcard search issue → single char wildcard search issue |
Version: | other branch → SVN |
comment:3 by , 18 years ago
I have a patch that provides a way to make regular LIKE queries without having the arguments escaped. I don't think it would be accepted in mainstream Django since it's too 'sql-ish', but if you are interested, let me know.
comment:4 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
Now that the regex field lookup is part of Django, I don't think that this is an issue any longer.
This is actually a generic Django problem, not a bug with the boulder-oracle-sprint branch. There is currently no way AFAIK to intentionally include wildcard characters in a query without having them automagically escaped by Django.