I get the following failures when running the database tests (runtests.py)
I am using SQLite3 with pysqlite2 v2.0.3 on OS X and Python 2.4
Got 12 errors:
'basic' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.id'
Line: 13
Expected: '1L\n'
Got: '1\n'
'custom_methods' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.get_articles_from_same_day_1()'
Line: 11
Expected: '[Beatles reunite]\n'
Got: '[]\n'
'custom_methods' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.get_articles_from_same_day_2()'
Line: 13
Expected: '[Beatles reunite]\n'
Got: '[]\n'
chuck:~/django/tests cthier$ python runtests.py
Got 12 errors:
'basic' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.id'
Line: 13
Expected: '1L\n'
Got: '1\n'
'custom_methods' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.get_articles_from_same_day_1()'
Line: 11
Expected: '[Beatles reunite]\n'
Got: '[]\n'
'custom_methods' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.get_articles_from_same_day_2()'
Line: 13
Expected: '[Beatles reunite]\n'
Got: '[]\n'
'custom_methods' model: API test failed
Code: 'b.get_articles_from_same_day_1()'
Line: 15
Expected: '[Area man programs in Python]\n'
Got: '[]\n'
'custom_methods' model: API test failed
Code: 'b.get_articles_from_same_day_2()'
Line: 17
Expected: '[Area man programs in Python]\n'
Got: '[]\n'
'lookup' model: API test failed
Code: 'articles.get_count()'
Line: 26
Expected: '4L\n'
Got: u'4\n'
'lookup' model: API test failed
Code: 'articles.get_count(pub_date__exact=datetime(2005, 7, 27))'
Line: 28
Expected: '2L\n'
Got: u'2\n'
'lookup' model: API test failed
Code: "articles.get_count(headline__startswith='Blah blah')"
Line: 30
Expected: '0L\n'
Got: u'0\n'
'many_to_one' model: API test failed
Code: 'a.reporter_id'
Line: 10
Expected: '1L\n'
Got: '1\n'
'many_to_one' model: API test failed
Code: 'r.first_name, r.last_name'
Line: 18
Expected: "('John', 'Smith')\n"
Got: "(u'John', u'Smith')\n"
'many_to_one' model: API test failed
Code: 'r.get_article_count()'
Line: 35
Expected: '2L\n'
Got: '2\n'
'one_to_one' model: API test failed
Code: 'p2.get_restaurant()'
Line: 20
Expected: "Traceback (most recent call last):\n ...\nRestaurantDoesNotExist: Restaurant does not exist for {'id__exact': 2L}\n"
Got: 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/Users/cthier/django/tests/doctest.py", line 1243, in __run\n compileflags, 1) in test.globs\n File "<doctest one_to_one[8]>", line 1, in ?\n p2.get_restaurant()\n File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/meta.py", line 87, in _curried\n return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() + morekwargs.items()))\n File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/meta.py", line 884, in method_get_related\n return getattr(rel_mod, method_name)(**kwargs)\n File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/meta.py", line 87, in _curried\n return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() + morekwargs.items()))\n File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/meta.py", line 1036, in function_get_object\n raise does_not_exist_exception, "%s does not exist for %s" % (opts.object_name, kwargs)\nRestaurantDoesNotExist: Restaurant does not exist for {\'id__exact\': 2}\n'
All the issues now are related to the fact the pg and mysql use longs for any integer field, but sqlite uses ints. I'm not really sure how to fix the fact that "1L" != "1", so perhaps we'll need to patch doctest to take that into account because the distinction doesn't seem too much of a big deal.