Django has textile, markdown and other markup languages as filters in the templates. But those filters can't do complex operations. For example we want such tags in our page content: {{{ [art id="34"] [art id="11"] }}} And we want them to become in the browser: {{{ - article title34
- article title11
}}} Something like BBcode but with the ability to respond do attributes passed in the tags. From some time I was using such tags in my PHP scripts. I called them “ContentBBcode". Now the time have come to djangoify the concept. === The Code – The Implementation === I've written the parser that finds and replaces ContentBBcode tags (CBC for short) with proper response, and I won't go to details about it. Put this code in a file and save it as (I saved it in the application folder in which I want to use it): {{{ import re import sys sys.path.append('wiki/cbcplugins/') def parse_cbc_tags(text): # double: [tag]something here[/tag] tags = re.findall( r'(?xs)\[\s*rk:([a-z]*)\s*(.*?)\](.*?)\[(?=\s*/rk)\s*/rk:(\1)\s*\]''', text, re.MULTILINE) parsed_double = {} for tag in tags: k = str(tag[0]).strip() v = tag[1] v = v.split(' ') vals = {} vals['attributes'] = {} for attr in v: attr = attr.split('=') val = attr[1] attr[1] = val[1:-1] vals['attributes'][attr[0]] = attr[1] vals['code'] = tag[2] vals['tag'] = '[rk:' + tag[0] + ' ' + tag[1] + ']' + tag[2] + '[/rk:' + tag[0] + ']' if k not in parsed_double: parsed_double[k] = list() parsed_double[k].append(vals) for plugin in parsed_double: try: exec 'from ' + plugin + ' import *' except: pass else: text = render(parsed_double[plugin], text) # single: [tag] tags = re.findall('\[rk:([a-z]*) ([a-zA-z0-9 =.,"\']*)\]', text) parsed = {} for tag in tags: k = str(tag[0]).strip() v = tag[1] v = v.split(' ') vals = {} vals['attributes'] = {} for attr in v: attr = attr.split('=') val = attr[1] attr[1] = val[1:-1] vals['attributes'][attr[0]] = attr[1] vals['tag'] = '[rk:' + tag[0] + ' ' + tag[1] + ']' if k not in parsed: parsed[k] = list() parsed[k].append(vals) for plugin in parsed: try: exec 'from ' + plugin + ' import *' except: pass else: text = render(parsed[plugin], text) return text }}} Note on the line: {{{ sys.path.append('wiki/cbcplugins/') }}} each tag for this parser is a python file ([art...] would need If don't put your plugins in PYTHONPATH then you need to append location of the plugin folder to PYTHONPATH. In my case wiki/ was my application folder and wiki/cbcplugins/ folder with plugins. Change the path to fit your needs. Now we will make a template filter out of it. Create '''templategas''' folder in your application folder and create empty '''''' file and '''''' file with the code: {{{ from project.aplication.cbcparser import * from django import template register = template.Library() def cbc(value): # Only one argument. return parse_cbc_tags(value) register.filter('cbc', cbc) }}} Where '''from project.aplication.cbcparser import *''' is the importing. In my case it is '''from import *''' And we are done. In a template in which you want to use it put {{{ {% load cbc %} }}} and then to parse a string you just use: {{{ {{ mystring|cbc }} }}} Now about the plugins. The parser tries to load them and if it succeeds it will call '''render''' function passing two variables – a dictionary with parsed data from the tag and the string. The tag should look like: {{{ [rk:tagname attr1="value1" attr2="value2"] }}} Where '''tagname''' is the name of the tag and name of the plugin filename ( A basic plugin code would look like this: {{{ def render(dic, text): for i in dic: text = text.replace(i['tag'], '

Article ID ' + i['attributes']['id'] + '

') return text }}} for a CBC: {{{ [rk:art id="value"] }}} '''dic''' is a dictionary which has few dictionaries in it. '''attributes''' has all the attributes (as dictionaries), '''tag''' is a string containing the tag code which we replace. '''attributes[ 'attrname' ]''' gives you value from given attribute from the tag ( '''attributes[ 'attr1' ]''' would give you '''value1'''). In the end the “rk:art" tag would become: {{{

Article ID *value*

}}} The parser supports also double tags: {{{ [rk:tagname attr="value"]code here[/rk:tagname] }}} They work the same as single-tags with one difference – the code between tags is also available in the plugin as '''dic[ 'code' ]'''. For example for a tag: {{{ [rk:codder lang="python"]a code here[/rk:codder] }}} We would create plugin: {{{ def render(dic, text): for i in dic: text = text.replace(i['tag'], ''+ i['attributes']['lang'] +'
' + i['code'] + '
') return text }}} === Usage === - as a wrappers for JavaScript and similar code/widgets - as a markup tags that need to get data from somewhere (database etc.) === Real Example === Now we will make a plugin for [ dp.syntaxhighlighter] – a javascript based code highlighter. We have our '''''' plugin but it doesn't do any usefull things. * Download the script archive and extract it to an empty folder * Copy '''Styles''' and '''Scripts''' folders to your django media folder (I've placed them in MEDIA_ROOT/syntax/) * You can open in a text editor one of examples to see how it works... It works like this: 1. First we have call to the CSS {{{ }}} 2. Then we place code for highlighting in textareas: {{{ }}} The ''' name="code" class="LANGNAME"''' part make the textarea to work. 3. After all textareas we load JS files for languages we use and one main one (shCore.js): {{{ }}} 4. At the end we initialize the script: {{{ }}} And thats all. Now how to make a plugin out of it? Like this: {{{ def render(dic, text): # w3c will kill us for this :) text = '' + text langs = {} for i in dic: text = text.replace(i['tag'], '') # what langs are used? langs[i['attributes']['lang']] = True # add the core JS text = text + '' # add only those lang-JS files that we realy need. For example i limit it to two if 'python' in langs: text = text + '' if 'xml' in langs: text = text + '' # the end, activate the code text = text + '' return text }}} * We changed paths to static files (JS and CSS). If you intend to use it often you could move CSS “injection" to HEAD in your template. * Next we replace all “codder" tags with the textarea with language we want to use * We make a dictionary which gathers all languages we use * Next we inject the main JS file and then those language specific JS files we really need * And at the end we add the initialization code. Now CBC like: {{{ [rk:codder lang="python"] for foo in bar: print foo [/rk:codder] }}} Will get highlighted. '''See a screenshot [ here]'''