= Django's bug tracker and wiki = Django is an open source project, run by volunteers - people just like you! We need your help to make Django as good as it can possibly be. Django is available under the [https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/LICENSE BSD license]. The source code repository is stored on [https://github.com/django/django GitHub]. == Getting involved == '''Much of Django's infrastructure is hosted on GitHub, or uses a GitHub login. To log a ticket, or add content to this wiki, [/github/login log in with a GitHub account].''' (You may also [https://www.djangoproject.com/accounts/register/ create a DjangoProject account] and [/login log in with that account].) Once you've logged in with your GitHub account, please read [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/internals/contributing/ our contribution guide]. This document describes how the Django community works, and the various ways you can contribute. If this document doesn't answer your questions, please [/newticket file a bug]! If you've read that document, and are looking for a way to contribute, why not try one of the following: * [/wiki/Reports Tickets]: View active tickets, make bug reports and contribute feature requests. **If your bug report is a security issue, DO NOT report it with a ticket. Please read our [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/bugs-and-features/#reporting-security-issues guide to reporting security issues]**. * [/query?status=!closed&easy=1 "Easy Pickings" Tickets]: Work on simple tickets to get familiar with Django's code base and the contribution process. * DjangoDesign: Are you a designer rather than a coder? We still want your input. Let us know how we can improve on Django's visual/UX design. == Django release process == The current branch under active development is **[https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/5.2/ Django 5.2]**. There is a [wiki:Version5.2Roadmap roadmap document] describing the process and timeline for this release. The current stable branch is **[https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/releases/5.1/ Django 5.1]**. See the [https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions supported versions table] for the current state of other versions.