= Django 1.2 Features = [[TOC()]] This page has the list of features currently being considered for inclusion in Django 1.2. See [wiki:Version1.2Roadmap] for information on the process and definition of terms. == Features under consideration == * Multi-database support (Alex Gaynor's GSoC project) * Improved/reworked CsrfProtection (see #9977, #10816) * i18n improvements (Marc Garcia's GSoC project) * #342 Read-only form fields * #373 Multi-part primary keys * #2443 Implement DurationFields * #3349, #6587 Better template tag loading * #3569 Implement Atom Publishing Protocol * #4604 Message Passing For Anonymous Users * #4656 Full serialization * #5833 Custom `FilterSpecs` * #6148 Add support for database schemas * #6460 Multilingual Content in the db * #6735 Class-based generic views * #6845 Model validation (Honza Kral's GSoC project) * #10871 Support for input arguments on admin actions. * #11402 exists() method on QuerySets * Add {% doctype %} and {% field %} template tags from http://github.com/simonw/django-html/ * Smarter {% if %} tag from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1350/ == Lieutenants and Committers == The lieutenants and committers for each feature will be decided when the feature list is formalized.