= Using Vim with Django = This page is intended to be used as a collection of hints for using the Vim editor with Django. == Vim Modeline == To insure that all developers are using a standard tab format (as long as they are using Vim), you can add a Vim modeline (special comment) to your files, to set people in the same mode for that file. Example: {{{ # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 }}} [http://py.vaults.ca/~x/python_and_vim.html Tab Setting Reference for Python and Vim] == [http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1318 SnippetsEmu] == The [http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1318 SnippetsEmu] plugin for Vim allows one to define abbreviations which can be expanded into larger blocks of text. The abbreviations can also contain place markers which can be 'jumped to' in a similar manner to the macros defined in TextMate on OS X. One can add specific abbreviations for models or templates based on file contents. Adding the following line to your ~/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim file (create it if you don't have it) will allow you to define abbreviations just for models: {{{ if getline(1) =~ 'from django.core import meta' "Your abbreviations here endif }}} The following is a collection of Django specific abbreviations for use with the plugin (using the default start and end tags: '<' and '>'): Models: {{{ Iabbr addmodel class <>(meta.Model):<>def __repr__(self):return "%s" % (<>,)class META:admin = meta.Admin() Iabbr mcf meta.CharField(maxlength=<>)<> Iabbr mff meta.FileField(upload_to=<>)<> Iabbr mfpf meta.FilePathField(path=<>, match=<".*">, recursive=)<> Iabbr mfloat meta.FloatField(max_digits=<>, decimal_places=<>)<> Iabbr mfk meta.ForeignKey(<>, edit_inline=)<> Iabbr m2m meta.ManyToManyField(<>)<> Iabbr o2o meta.OneToOneField(<>)<> }}} Templates: Templates should be used with different tag delimiters as they will no doubt contain (X)HTML which will confuse the plugin. Assuming start and end tags are '@': {{{ Iabbr fore {% for @entry@ in @list@ %}{{ @entry@.@@ }}@@{% endfor %}@@ }}} == XML.vim == The [http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=301 xml.vim] plugin is really useful for editing XML and HTML files. It makes tag completion easy and allows you to bounce between start and end tags. == Syntax for templates == Dave Hodder has contributed standard [http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1487 Vim syntax files]. If you are interested in rolling your own, this is a simple addition to let Vim deal with Django template syntax: Create the file: {{{$VIM/vimfiles/after/syntax/html.vim}}} with the following content: {{{ syn region djangotagmarkers start="{{" end="}}" syn region djangovariablemarkers start="{%" end="%}" command! -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link HiLink djangotagmarkers PreProc HiLink djangovariablemarkers PreProc delcommand HiLink }}} == Project.vim == The [http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=69 Project] plugin adds IDE file organisation functionality to Vim. Something like the following could be used to view a project's files. {{{ Django Project=/path/to/project CD=. filter="*.py" { __init__.py settings.py urls.py apps=apps { __init__.py app1=app1Dir { __init__.py views.py models=app1ModelsDir { __init__.py app1models.py } } app2=app2Dir { __init__.py views.py models=app2modelsDir { __init__.py app2Dir.py } } media=mediaDir { images=imagesDir { } } } }}} Such a structure can also be created by using the build in '\C' command which will recurse through the whole directory tree.