= Discussion about Thumbnail Contribution for Django = == Problem == The majority of applications that have images, probably use thumbnails in some capacity. There is no standard thumbnail capability in Django but there are a couple of different options out there that people have created. This page is an attempt to gather them in one place and discuss the best strategy for integrating one in Django. The original thread discussing this issue is here - [http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/322ec3bbb1a23ac1 Google Discussion] == Current Implementations == * Nesh's thumbnail is probably the most robust - [http://code.google.com/p/django-utils/wiki/Thumbnail Nesh's Thumbnail] * Here's a more simple filter from Django snippets - [http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/192/ Simple filter] == Design Considerations == Whichever solution is considered should have the following features: * Capability to define arbitrary thumbnail sizes in templates * Caching of the files to disk and possibly to memory Some key questions: * Do we want to create a new field or just expand the existing image field? == Other Notes ==