[url:http://www.snakesandrubies.com/event/ Snakes and Rubies] was a meeting in Chicago involving the Django team and David Heinemeier Hanson from Ruby on Rails, and had a presentation of both frameworks, and a questions and answers session. Jacob Kaplan-Moss has created some [url=http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2006/jan/05/snakesandrubies/]videos of the meeting[/url], and I don't mean to trample on his efforts, but for people who would like something quick to skim over, I've been working on a bit of a transcript. It's pretty close to word for word, excluding some hesitations and backtracking, and ever so minimally edited to make the slide references more understandable. * [wiki:SnakesAndRubiesTranscript/Introduction Introduction] * [wiki:SnakesAndRubiesTranscript/DjangoPresentation Django Presentation] Presentation about Django by Adrian.