The following code will provide template access to your project settings. For security, it won't pass any setting with SECRET or PASSWORD in it. Save as `` inside your project root (or anything you like, really) {{{ #!python # To use, add the following line to # TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ('my_project.context_processors.settings',) # # Remember, you need to use RequestContext instead of Context in your views: # from django.template import RequestContext # return render_to_response('my_app/my_template.html', {'some_var': 'foo'}, # context_instance=RequestContext(request)) from django.views.debug import get_safe_settings class SafeSettings: def __init__(self): self._settings = None def __getattr__(self, name): # Lazy load of settings. if self._settings is None: self._settings = get_safe_settings() # get_safe_settings only returns upper case settings, so let's not worry # about case sensitivity. name = name.upper() try: return self._settings[name] except KeyError: # This method should return the (computed) attribute value or raise # an AttributeError exception. raise AttributeError def settings(request): return {'settings': SafeSettings()} }}} -- code by !SmileyChris