= Resources for finding and evaluating re-usable apps = * [http://djangozen.com/plugins/ djangozen Apps] – A list of resuable [sic] Django applications. * [http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=django&submit=search Search PyPI] for Django-related packages * [wiki:CMSAppsComparison] – a feature comparison matrix for apps which provide content management system functionality * ForumAppsComparison – a feature comparison matrix for discussion forum apps * AutoCompleteSolutions – links to apps which provide !JavaScript auto-complete integration == These sites were down as of 2009-10-15 == * [http://djangopluggables.com/ Django Pluggables] – A directory of reusable applications written for the Django framework, organized by name and by recent code commits/changes. * [http://djapp.org/ djapp.org] – the catalog of Django applications = See also = * upcoming [http://djangodose.com/blog/2009/10/reusable-application-panel/ audio panel about re-usable apps] – you can [http://moderator.appspot.com/#15/e=ddb37&t=de2f5 submit questions]