= Removing the magic = The "magic-removal" branch aims to make several sweeping changes to the Django codebase, removing warts that Django has accumulated over the years. Most changes involve the database API and removing some of its unneeded magic, and other changes involve improving the framework's simplicity and usability. These changes will be integrated into the next Django release, 0.92. This document explains the changes in the branch. == How to get the branch == Play with it! The branch is available via Subversion at http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/branches/magic-removal . == Database changes you'll need to make == === Rename core database tables === We've renamed a bunch of the code Django tables. To upgrade, execute this SQL in your database: {{{ ALTER TABLE auth_groups RENAME TO auth_group; ALTER TABLE auth_groups_permissions RENAME TO auth_group_permissions; ALTER TABLE auth_messages RENAME TO auth_message; ALTER TABLE auth_permissions RENAME TO auth_permission; ALTER TABLE auth_users RENAME TO auth_user; ALTER TABLE auth_users_groups RENAME TO auth_user_groups; ALTER TABLE auth_users_user_permissions RENAME TO auth_user_user_permissions; ALTER TABLE content_types RENAME TO django_content_type; ALTER TABLE core_sessions RENAME TO django_session; ALTER TABLE django_flatpages RENAME TO django_flatpage; ALTER TABLE django_flatpages_sites RENAME TO django_flatpage_sites; ALTER TABLE django_redirects RENAME TO django_redirect; ALTER TABLE packages RENAME TO django_package; ALTER TABLE sites RENAME TO django_site; }}} === Database table-naming scheme has been changed === Database table names formerly were created by joining the app_label and module_name. Example: {{{polls_polls}}}. Because there's no longer any pluralization, database table names are now formed by joining the app_label and model name (singular). Example: {{{polls_poll}}}. As always, this behavior can be overridden on a per-model basis by specifying the {{{db_table}}} attribute in {{{class Meta}}} in your model. To upgrade, you'll either have to explicitly set {{{db_table}}} in your models or rename your database tables to fit the new naming scheme Django expects. == Code changes you'll need to make == === Model class and Field classes renamed/relocated === Change your models to import from {{{django.db.models}}} instead of {{{django.core.meta}}}. {{{ #!python from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) }}} === Interact directly with model classes, not with magic modules === Import the model class directly from the module in which it was defined. No more {{{django.models.*}}} magic. {{{ #!python from myproject.people.models import Person p = Person(first_name='John', last_name='Smith') p.save() }}} === Namespace simplification === See NamespaceSimplification for details. === Changes to model syntax === * {{{class META}}} should now be {{{class Meta}}}. The latter is easier on the eyes. * The following are no longer valid parameters to {{{class Meta}}} and should be removed: * {{{module_name}}} * {{{admin}}} (See "Moved admin options to 'class Admin'" below.) * {{{exceptions}}} (Just put your exceptions in the module that contains the models and access them normally.) * {{{module_constants}}} (Just put your constants in the module that contains the models and access them normally.) * {{{where_constraints}}} (Just use a custom manager. See "Custom managers, and multiple managers" below.) === Moved admin options to 'class Admin' === Instead of {{{admin=meta.Admin}}} in the {{{class META}}}, all admin options are in an inner {{{class Admin}}}. Old: {{{ #!python class Person(meta.Model): first_name = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) class META: admin = meta.Admin( list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name') ) }}} New: {{{ #!python class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) class Admin: list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name') }}} === Model methods no longer automatically have access to datetime and db modules === Formerly, each model method magically had access to the {{{datetime}}} module and to the variable {{{db}}}, which represents the current database connection. Now, those have to be imported explicitly. Old: {{{ #!python def some_method(self): print datetime.datetime.now() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE something;") }}} New: {{{ #!python import datetime from django.db import connection # ... def some_method(self): print datetime.datetime.now() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE something;") }}} === Access table-level DB API functions via model classes, not with magic modules === All "table-level" functions -- ways of retrieving records tablewide rather than performing instance-specific tasks -- are now accessed via a model class's {{{objects}}} attribute. They aren't direct methods of a model instance object because we want to keep the "table-wide" and "row-specific" namespaces separate. {{{ #!python from myproject.people.models import Person p_list = Person.objects.get_list() p = Person.objects.get_object() }}} This doesn't work from an instance. {{{ #!python p = Person.objects.get_object(pk=1) p.objects.get_list() # Raises AttributeError }}} === Override default manager name ("objects") === If a model already has an {{{objects}}} attribute, you'll need to specify an alternate name for the magic {{{objects}}}. {{{ #!python class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) objects = models.TextField() people = models.Manager() p = Person(first_name='Mary', last_name='Jones', objects='Hello there.') p.save() p.objects == 'Hello there.' Person.people.get_list() }}} === Custom managers, and multiple managers === You can create as many managers as you want. When necessary (such as on the admin), Django will use the first one defined, in order. If you define at least one custom manager, it will not get the default "objects" manager. {{{ #!python class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) people = models.Manager() fun_people = SomeOtherManager() }}} === Added a more powerful way of overriding model methods, removed hard-coded _pre_save(), _post_save(), etc. === Proper subclassing of methods now works, so you can subclass the automatic {{{save()}}} and {{{delete()}}} methods. This removes the need for the {{{_pre_save()}}}, {{{_post_save()}}}, {{{_pre_delete()}}} and {{{_post_delete()}}} hooks -- all of which have been removed. Example: {{{ #!python class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) def save(self): self.do_something() super(Person, self).save() # Call the "real" save() method. self.do_something_else() }}} You can even skip saving (as requested in #1014). {{{ #!python class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) def save(self): if datetime.date.today() > datetime.date(2005, 1, 1): super(Person, self).save() # Call the "real" save() method. else: # Don't save. pass }}} === Database connection relocated/renamed === For any code that uses the raw database connection, use {{{django.db.connection}}} instead of {{{django.core.db.db}}}. Old: {{{ #!python from django.core.db import db cursor = db.cursor() }}} New: {{{ #!python from django.db import connection cursor = connection.cursor() }}} Backend-specific functions, if you should need them, are available at {{{django.db.backend}}}. Old: {{{ #!python from django.core import db db.quote_name('foo') }}} New: {{{ #!python from django.db import backend backend.quote_name('foo') }}} Also, the various backend functionality has been split into three separate modules for each backend -- {{{base.py}}}, {{{creation.py}}} and {{{introspection.py}}}. This is purely for performance and memory savings, so that basic, everyday Django usage doesn't have to load the introspective functionality into memory. === Renamed !DoesNotExist exception === Instead of {{{people.PersonDoesNotExist}}}, it's {{{Person.DoesNotExist}}}. Old: {{{ #!python from django.models.myapp import people try: people.get_object(pk=1) except people.PersonDoesNotExist: print "Not there" }}} New: {{{ #!python from path.to.myapp.models import Person try: Person.objects.get_object(pk=1) except Person.DoesNotExist: print "Not there" }}} === Moved admin URLconf to shorten its path === You'll need to change your URLconf to {{{include}}} the new location. * Old: {{{django.contrib.admin.urls.admin}}} * New: {{{django.contrib.admin.urls}}} === get_object_or_404 and get_list_or_404 now take model classes, not modules === Old: {{{ #!python get_object_or_404(polls, pk=1) }}} New: {{{ #!python get_object_or_404(Poll, pk=1) }}} === Moved "auth" and "core" models to django.contrib === See http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/276d071a74543448/7d4b1c40c2d53393 * Old: {{{django.models.auth}}} * New: {{{django.contrib.auth.models}}} * Old: {{{django.models.core.sites}}} * New: {{{django.contrib.sites.models}}} * Old: {{{django.models.core.contenttypes}}} * New: {{{django.contrib.contenttypes.models}}} * Old: {{{django.models.core.packages}}} * New: {{{django.contrib.contenttypes.models}}} ("Packages" will most likely be removed in the future.) === Moved Session model and middleware from core to django.contrib === The location of the session middleware has changed. * Old: {{{django.middleware.sessions.SessionMiddleware}}} * New: {{{django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware}}} Make sure to update your {{{MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES}}} setting, if you're using sessions. Also, the {{{Session}}} model has moved from django/models/core.py to django/contrib/sessions/models.py. If you're accessing the {{{Session}}} model for some reason, note that location change. === Changed the parameters you pass to generic views === Because there's no longer a concept of {{{module_name}}}, the "info_dicts" passed to [http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/generic_views/ generic views] no longer accept {{{"app_label"}}} and {{{"module_name"}}}. Instead, pass the parameter {{{"model"}}}, which should be your model class. These examples assume models live in {{{myproject/blog/models.py}}}. Old: {{{ #!python info_dict = { 'app_label': 'blog', 'module_name': 'entries' } }}} New: {{{ #!python from myproject.blog.models import Entry info_dict = { 'model': Entry } }}} === Changed template names in generic views === Because there's no longer a concept of {{{module_name}}}, [http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/generic_views/ generic views] no longer create templates based on the {{{module_name}}}. Wherever they used {{{module_name}}}, they now use {{{model_name}}}, a lowercase version of the model name. Note that {{{app_label}}} remains the same. These examples assume models live in {{{myproject/blog/models.py}}}. * Old: {{{blog/entries_archive.html}}} * New: {{{blog/entry_archive.html}}} === Moved settings into an instance === To make it easier to switch settings in situations where you would need multiple different settings - for example when trying to use multiple django projects within one server context or when using Django apps within a bigger WSGI scenario - the settings were moved out of a dedicated module {{{django.conf.settings}}} into an instance in the {{{django.conf}}} module. So now you need to import the {{{settings}}} object and reference settings as attributes of that instance. Wrappers around the Django machinery can make use of this by exchanging the settings instance with a proxy instance that delegates attribute access to a per-thread or per-location global. * Old: {{{from django.conf.settings import LANGUAGE_CODE}}} * New: {{{from django.conf import settings}}} === Removed !SilentVariableFailure exception === Old behavior: Any exception that subclasses {{{django.core.template.SilentVariableFailure}}} fails silently in the template system. New behavior: Any exception that has a {{{silent_variable_failure}}} attribute fails silently in the template system. {{{django.core.template.SilentVariableFailure}}} no longer exists. == New functionality you can start using == === Models support properties === Unlike before, properties are supported on models. {{{ #!python from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) def _get_full_name(self): return "%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name) full_name = property(_get_full_name) }}} === You can override table-level functions === You can override any table-level functions, such as {{{get_list()}}} or {{{get_object()}}}. Do this by creating a custom {{{models.Manager}}} subclass and passing it to your model. {{{ #!python from django.db import models class PersonManager(models.Manager): def get_list(self, **kwargs): # Changes get_list() to hard-code a limit=10. kwargs['limit'] = 10 return models.Manager.get_list(self, **kwargs) # Call the "real" get_list() method. class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30) objects = PersonManager() }}} If a manager needs to access its associated class, it should use {{{self.klass}}}. Example: {{{ #!python class PersonManager(models.Manager): def get_fun_person(self): try: return self.get_object(fun__exact=True) except self.klass.DoesNotExist: print "Doesn't exist." }}} == Stuff that still needs to be done == === Automatic manipulators === '''Status: Mostly done, with some quirks left''' Old: {{{ #!python from django.models.myapp import people m1 = people.AddManipulator() m2 = people.ChangeManipulator(3) }}} New: {{{ #!python from path.to.myapp.models import Person m1 = Person.AddManipulator() m2 = Person.ChangeManipulator(3) }}} === Change subclassing syntax === '''Status: Not done yet''' === Database lookup API changes === '''Status: Not done yet''' See DescriptorFields, rjwittams' proposal on the API changes.