= NewbieMistakes = Please feel free to share the things that tripped you up when you started with Django. We'll try to improve Django's error handling to catch such mistakes in the future. == URLconf include() misbehaving == ==== Symptom ==== You're trying to get your URLconf files to work, but getting cryptic errors about how there is no module 'index' (where 'index' is some function you are trying to assign as a view), or module 'foo' has no attribute 'urlpatterns'. ==== Probable cause ==== You may have tried to load your view files using include() in the URLconf file (in tutorial 3, this is myproject/settings/urls/main.py). The include() call assumes that the file it's loading is also a URLconf file. ==== Solution ==== Remove the include(). Just give the module and function name (e.g., {{{'myproject.apps.polls.views.polls.index'}}}) as a string, with no include() around it. == Blank object names == ==== Symptom ==== The automatic admin interface is showing nothing (or a single {{{ }}}) in the "Select [object_type] to change" view. ==== Probable cause ==== You may have forgotten to create a {{{__repr__()}}} function for your model. Django calls {{{__repr__()}}} to find out how to display objects in the admin interface. ==== Solution ==== Add a {{{__repr__()}}} function to all your models. Make it a habit so it becomes automatic. == Integer & NULLS == ==== Problem ==== When you have a Field: current_zip = meta.IntegerField(maxlength=5,blank=True) django will create a not nullable field in the DB. However leaving the field blank (in admin/web) django will try and insert a NULL value in the DB. ==== Solution ==== Add null=True: current_zip = meta.IntegerField(maxlength=5,null=True,blank=True)