{{{ #!python # File: README """ A simple middleware component that lets you use a single Django instance to server multiple distinct hosts. IMPORTANT!! Make sure this is the FIRST entry in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES Revision log: v1.2 - 10th January 2012 (Cal Leeming - cal.leeming@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk) * Added 'LoadingTime' response header (tells us how long the request took to process) * Added 'MultiHost' response header (tells us if multihost was used or not) * Added 'HOST_MIDDLEWARE_URLCONF_MAP' example * Cleaned up code slightly """ }}} {{{ #!python # File: settings.py HOST_MIDDLEWARE_URLCONF_MAP = { # Control Panel "www.example.com": "webapp.sites.example.urls", } }}} {{{ #!python # File: multihost.py from django.conf import settings from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers class MultiHostMiddleware: def process_request(self, request): try: request.META["LoadingStart"] = time.time() host = request.META["HTTP_HOST"] if host[-3:] == ":80": host = host[:-3] # ignore default port number, if present if settings.HOST_MIDDLEWARE_URLCONF_MAP.has_key(host): request.urlconf = settings.HOST_MIDDLEWARE_URLCONF_MAP[host] request.META["MultiHost"] = str(request.urlconf) else: request.META["MultiHost"] = str(settings.ROOT_URLCONF) except KeyError: pass # use default urlconf (settings.ROOT_URLCONF) def process_response(self, request, response): if request.META.has_key('MultiHost'): response['MultiHost'] = request.META.get("MultiHost") if request.META.has_key('LoadingStart'): _loading_time = time.time() - int(request.META["LoadingStart"]) response['LoadingTime'] = "%.2fs" % ( _loading_time, ) if getattr(request, "urlconf", None): patch_vary_headers(response, ('Host',)) return response }}}