= Django model syntax change = As of [549], Django's model syntax has changed. If you're using models that use old (pre-[549]) syntax, you'll need to convert them according to the these instructions. [http://www.djangoproject.com/screencasts/model_syntax_change/ See the screencast]. == What changed == * Fields are now attributes of the model class, rather than members of a {{{fields}}} list. * Meta information (anything that's NOT a field, such as {{{ordering}}}, {{{admin}}}, {{{unique_together}}}, etc.) now goes in an inner class, called {{{META}}} (note the all caps). This class doesn't have a parent class. * To manually specify a field's database column name, use {{{db_column}}} as an argument to {{{*Field()}}}. * When instantiating an object, you can now pass in many-to-one related object instances. Example: {{{p = polls.get_object(pk=1); choice = choices.Choice(poll=p, choice="Hello", votes=0)}}}. Note that {{{choices.choice(poll_id=p.id, ...)}}} still works. * Each field is required to have an explicit name -- even {{{ForeignKey}}}s, {{{ManyToManyField}}}s and {{{OneToOneFields}}}. This solves the problem of "How do I refer to my field from within admin.fields?" * {{{rel_name}}} is no longer used for {{{ForeignKey}}}s. If your model has more than one {{{ForeignKey}}} to the same foreign model, differentiate the fields using the field name, not {{{rel_name}}}. See [http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/m2o_recursive2/ Relating a model to another model more than once] for an example. * {{{rel_name}}} is no longer used for {{{ManyToManyField}}}s. If your model has more than one {{{ManyToManyField}}} to the same foreign model, differentiate the fields using the field name, not {{{rel_name}}}. Also, give both of the {{{ManyToManyField}}}s a {{{singular}}} attribute, which defines the name of the related object in singular format. (This is an obscure case, but it's included here for completeness.) * Syntax for subclassing models ({{{add_fields}}}, {{{remove_fields}}}) has changed. See {{{tests/testapp/models/subclassing.py}}} for examples. == Examples == === Old syntax example === {{{ #!python class Foo(meta.Model): fields = ( meta.CharField('first_name', "The person's first name", maxlength=30), meta.CharField('last_name', maxlength=30), meta.ForeignKey(Bar), meta.ManyToManyField(Sites), ) ordering = ('-bar_id',) admin = meta.Admin( fields = ( (None, {'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'bar_id', 'sites')}), ), ) def __repr__(self): return self.first_name }}} === New syntax example === {{{ #!python class Foo(meta.Model): first_name = meta.CharField("The person's first name", maxlength=30) last_name = meta.CharField(maxlength=30) bar = meta.ForeignKey(Bar) sites = meta.ManyToManyField(Sites) class META: ordering = ('-bar',) admin = meta.Admin( fields = ( (None, {'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'bar', 'sites')}), ), ) def __repr__(self): return self.first_name }}} Notes: * {{{bar}}} and {{{sites}}} now have explicit names, and {{{admin.fields}}} was changed to use {{{bar}}} instead of {{{bar_id}}}. * {{{ordering}}} was also changed to use the explicit name {{{bar}}} instead of {{{bar_id}}}. {{{bar_id}}} isn't used anywhere anymore; always use the explicit field name as defined in the model. * {{{"sites"}}} is the explicit field name for the {{{Sites}}} many-to-many relationship. Previously, Django calculated this automatically by using the {{{module_name}}} of the related model by default, or {{{rel_name}}} if it was given. * The {{{verbose_name}}} is now an optional first argument to {{{Field}}}s. For {{{ForeignKey}}}s, {{{ManyToManyField}}}s and {{{OneToOneField}}}s, use a named argument: {{{verbose_name="foo"}}}. * Don't forget to remove the commas after each {{{Field}}}, because they're class attributes instead of tuple elements now. * Custom methods (such as {{{__repr__()}}} here) still go at the class level. They haven't changed. User-contributed notes: * {{{module_constants}}} no longer works, even in {{{class META}}}. Use {{{import}}} statements where needed instead.