= A Mindmap Cheat Sheet for the Generic Views API = I used this Mindmap to wrap my mind around Django's Generic Views as described in Adrian Holovaty's and Jacob Kaplan Moss's online [http://www.djangobook.com/en/beta/chapter09/ The Django Book (chapter 9)]. Now I use it as a reference. Prerequisites: Mindjet [http://www.mindjet.com/us/download/mindmanager_viewers/index.php?s=2 MindManager Viewer] (free) for OSX or Windows. * Linux users: Check [http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Import_and_export_to_other_applications#Direct_MindManager_X5_to_FreeMind_conversion this url] for a way to convert [http://www.mindjet.com/us/download/mindmanager_viewers/index.php?s=2 MindManager Viewer] files into [http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page FreeMind's] file format. As a teaser (for those who have never used a mindmap or without Mindmanager Viewer), I've attached a PDF snapshot of the cheatsheet largely collapsed. (See under "Attachments", below.) The snapshot shows the outline of Chapter 9 of The Django Book, with peeks at the APIs for "list_detail.object_list." and "date_based." without expanding into full detail. The actual mindmap is "live" with expandable branches, like a visual outline. For the full "live" reference mindmap, download a free Mindmanager Viewer and use it to explore the mindmap, Djeneric Views (Django).mmap.zip. (See under "Attachments", below.) Enjoy. ===================================== I used the Mindsystems ThemeReader to create a MindManager mind map and then used the MindManager Viewer to see the mind map. The combination worked like a charm. The Mindsystems ThemeReader even has a 21 day evaluation period so that you can try the software for free and produce as many MindManager mind maps as you like. Mindsystems ThemeReader is only $39! MindManager Viewer and Mindsystems ThemeReader make a great combination. You can find the Mindsystems ThemeReader for the MindManager Viewer at this link: [http://www.mindsystems.com.au/products/themereader/] The Mindsystems ThemeReader uses advanced thematic extraction technology to create a thematic signature of the documents major and minor themes. It them imports the information into a MindManager mind map. However, you can use the free MindManager Viewer to read the new thematic mind map of your document. You even get a Synopsis and Detailed Summary of the document right within the mind map. And you can locate any paragraph that has a theme in it simply by clicking on the Notes attachment to the theme node. Enjoy your own personal mind maps with the MindManager Viewer and Minsystems ThemeReader now! ============================