= Little, easy improvements = Here's a list of various improvements that we'd like to make to Django. Some are trivial, some are a bit more substantial, but all are easy enough to be a quick project for people who want to get involved with Django development. If you don't feel like a python coder you can always help with [query:status!=closed&needs_docs=1&order=priority documentation needing patches] or, between coding and documenting, you can give a hand with the [query:status!=closed&needs_tests=1&order=priority patches needing tests], or [query:status!=closed&needs_better_patch=1&order=priority patches that need some other improvement]. As you see, there are lots of things you can do to improve Django and get you involved with it! To sign up, just edit this page and put your name (and, optionally, your e-mail address) next to the to-do item. == Open == ||Project||Description||Taker?||Status|| ||Test one of the [wiki:ActiveBranches active branches]||Branches are large or experimental features that are not yet ready for general use. If you see one you like, testing is a great way to help get finished and included in Django.||||perennial|| ||#2407||Test the CGI Handler|| ||Needs testing|| ||#2998||django.utils.dateformat.py uses untranslated text|| || || ||#3346||Document that Admin search_fields can be from related models|| || || ||#834||authentication documentation should document the viewfuncs in django.views.auth.login|| || || ||#2873|| Replace "ellington" references in django.conf.urls.registration with django ones|| || || ||#2762||Implement "copyright" element into Rss2.0 framework (and appropriate elements in Atom etc)|| Jonathan (dot) Buchanan (at gmail dot com) || Patch added to ticket || == Finished == ||Project||Description||Taker?||Status|| ||Unit tests for default template filters||Every template filter (see {{{django/core/template/defaultfilters.py}}}) should have unit tests in {{{tests/othertests/templates.py}}}. Most do not have tests.||Luke Plant, L.Plant.98@cantab.net||Done in [1811]|| ||Unit tests for default template tags||Every template tag (see {{{django/template/defaulttags.py}}}) should have unit tests in {{{tests/othertests/templates.py}}}. Some are missing.||Nick Efford, nick (at) efford.net||Mostly done in [1944] and completed by others since then|| ||Copy-friendly traceback on error pages||The debug error pages should provide an extra traceback solely for copying and pasting. The current traceback is really cool but doesn't lend itself to easy copy-and-paste for, say, the pastebin.||Joao Paulo Farias, jpaulofarias at gmail dot com || Done, see #1420 || ||Terminal colors in django-admin||The django-admin.py utility would be friendlier and slicker if it used terminal colors.||Scott Lees|| Done in [2585] (was #1491) || ||Tab-completion actions for django-admin||django-admin.py would be much cooler if it would tab complete actions and models.||paolo || Done #1240 || ||Quick Copy to pastebin||Create a one click link for users to send the "copy friendly errors" to http://django.pastebin.com with the input fields filled in with the traceback, ready for the user to hit "submit" || Dirk Datzert, dummy at habmalnefrage dot de || #2437 ||