= Django and AJAX = This middleware is another attemp to simplify using AJAX with Dajngo based on JSON-RPC specification (http://json-rpc.org/). It inspired by Java Struts2 JSON-plugin by Musachy Barroso (http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/json-plugin.html) and SimpleJSONRPCServer by David McNab (http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/JSON-RPC). = Basic configuration = * jsonrpcserver.py must be on your PYTHONPATH. * Put class 'jsonrpcserver.JSONRPCServerMiddleware' to Django middleware list in settings.py: {{{ #!python MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware', "jsonrpcserver.JSONRPCServerMiddleware", ) }}} * Add 'jsonrpc_urlpatterns' to 'urls.py' with 'urlpatterns' syntax: {{{ #!python from django.conf.urls.defaults import * urlpatterns = patterns('', #standard django url configuration here #... ) jsonrpc_urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^myapp/json_rpc_service/$', 'myapp.newapp.json_rpc_views'), (r'^myapp/json_rpc_geoservice/$', 'myapp.geo.views'), ) }}} note: 'myapp.newapp.json_rpc_views' IS NOT A FUNCTION, BUT A MODULE, that contains exposed JSON-RPC functions. = Optional Django settings = * JSONRPC_URLPATTERNS_NAME: Default value: 'jsonrpc_urlpatterns'. Name of the variable in 'urls.py',that contains JSON-RPC URL patterns. URL pattern must have Django syntax, but they must contain MODULES NAMES, NOT FUNCTION NAMES as second element in tuple for patterns function. * JSONRPC_SERIALIZER: Default value: JSONSerializer class - thin wrapper over django.utils.simplejson. Name of the JSON serializer class, that must have methods 'serialize' and 'deserialize' * JSONRPC_JSONFY_AT_ALL_COSTS: Default value: False. Boolean flag, that determines whether JSON encoder should throwing an error or returning a str() representation of unsupportable python object. See implementation of AugmentedJSONEncoder class. = Usage = * Write exposed function im module, listed in jsonrpc_urlpatterns: {{{ #!python from jsonrpcserver import jsonrpc_function @jsonrpc_function def my_python_method(par1, par2): return par1 + par2 ... }}} * use from JS client (e.g. dojo): {{{ #!python var service = new dojo.rpc.JsonService({ "serviceType": "JSON-RPC", "serviceURL": "/myapp/json_rpc_service/" }); service.callRemote("my_python_method", ["string1", "string2"]) .addCallback(...); }}} = Example = See example here: http://alx3apps.appspot.com/jsonrpc_example/. = Other = Written by alx3 (alx3apps(at)gmail(dot)com). You can use this code under the terms of BSD licence (like Django project).