= old news :-) = * 18/07/08 v 0.52 released (see [wiki:goflow:changelog changelog]) * a new branch, ''refactoring'', prepares the future v 0.6. * 08/06/08 v 0.5 released: * applications models are now clearly separated from goflow engine: generic relations are used, no need of the ''wfinstance'' attribute in your "workflow-able" models. * 21/05/08 Le [wiki:GoFlow_DocFr Guide utilisateur] est en cours d'écriture (english version soon) * 28/04/08 project hosted on [http://code.google.com/p/goflow/ google code] * 20/03/08 workflow simulation without coding. * 12/03/08 rev 14 refactoring: split models (static/dynamic) * svn: [https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/goflow/] * 2007-10-08: timeout management, auto applications, mail notification * goflow data model(graphviz): [http://bp2.blogger.com/_fds3UHcJUQQ/R-jbkomKU6I/AAAAAAAAADk/EJIAmn31kjc/s1600-h/workflow.png workflow (static part)] | [http://bp0.blogger.com/_fds3UHcJUQQ/R-jbzImKU7I/AAAAAAAAADs/0Xpe-fWtsGo/s1600-h/instances.png instances (dynamic part)]