= !GeoDjango 1.1 = [[TOC(GeoDjango1.1)]] This document is to outline the roadmap for the features and fixes that will go into !GeoDjango as a part of the 1.1 release. This is meant to be a living document, so feel free to edit -- but please no vandalization or flaming. == Process == The `gis-1.1` mercurial branch is deprecated as all features spanning multiple tickets and/or branches have now been merged into trunk. Please use SVN trunk to get the latest features for !GeoDjango in 1.1. ~~All development will be taking place in the `gis-1.1` repository hosted at the [http://geodjango.org/hg/gis-1.1/ GeoDjango Mercurial] page. The `gis-1.1` repository is synchronized with SVN trunk, as well as, Russell Keith Magee's [http://github.com/freakboy3742/django/tree/aggregation aggregation git repository], and may also include various patches from tickets before they are checked into trunk (e.g., for !SpatiaLite support). Because of the dynamic nature of this repository, it is not recommended for production use.~~ Informal discussion will take place on IRC (in the `#geodjango` channel on !FreeNode network), and more lengthy discussion (like any feature proposals) should take place on the newly created [http://groups.google.com/group/geodjango GeoDjango mailing list]. == New Features == === Geographic Aggregates === * Now in trunk as of r9748. * Add new PostGIS aggregates: `Collect` and `Polygonize` * Done: Add `Extent`, `MakeLine`, and `Union` spatial aggregates. * Done: Add support for `Extent` on Oracle === Geographic `F()` Expressions === * #10159: Fix `F()` expressions to work on geographic fields. === SQLite (!SpatiaLite) Support === * Contact: [http://groups.google.com/group/geodjango/browse_thread/thread/4b85fc5f0a4dc97e Matthew D. Hancher] * Main Tickets: #9686 * Related Tickets: #6064, #9628, #9633 === `django.contrib.gis.serializers` === * Punted to 1.2 because Django's serialization module will be refactored this summer. === `GeoQuerySet` Methods === * ~~Add `in_place` option for `GeoQuerySet` methods.~~ * Declined to add this option * New `GeoQuerySet` Method(s) * `snap_to_grid()` (#9745) * `geojson()` (Hobu implemented at one point..) * Requests? == Maintenance == === Admin === Contact: Dane Springmeyer * #8972: Add ability to delete selected vector features [punted to 1.2] * #9278: Geographic Admin doesn't show vector overlay when LANGUAGE_BIDI is set * #9299: Zoom too far in with `PointField`s in the admin * #9694: Fix admin bug for Ubuntu 8.10/Apache 2.2.9 * #9806: Fix `GeometryField` in admin [punted to 1.2] * #9620: `AppCache` issues with `SpatialRefSys` and `GeometryColumns` models (to be seen in admin) === Refactor GEOS and GDAL interfaces === * Goals: clean up cruft, modularize better, move tests into modules, docstring & comment cleanup ==== GEOS ==== * Already modularized * #9557: no error message when using old GDAL and trying to get GEOJSON * #9877: Pythonic, list-like interface to GEOS geometries. * Contact: [http://groups.google.com/group/geodjango/browse_thread/thread/1fc3621cd25b5367 Aryeh Leib Taurog] * Merged into gis-1.1 in [http://geodjango.org/hg/gis-1.1/rev/466bece04a15 r466bec]; will be backported to trunk after further tweaks and community testing. * #10222: Add support for `line_merge` ==== GDAL ==== * ~~#9806~~: (for fixing `OGRGeomType`) * #9855: Simplify `SpatialReference` intiialization with `SetFromUserInput` ([http://geodjango.org/hg/gis-1.1/rev/edd876f3bc87 already fixed] in mercurial) * #10368: Add expand_to_include method to gdal Envelope * #10380: Envelope should allow min_x == max_x and/or min_y == max_y === Google Maps === * Documentation! * #9204: Add `GIcon` * #9955: Support for multiple maps. * #10072: Add `draggable` option for `GMarker`. * ~~General code cleanup; may trim up template path (`'templates/gis/google/js/google-map.js'.replace('/js', '')`)~~ === Oracle === * #9794: SQL works on 10 but not on 11 -- bug in Oracle or !GeoDjango? === Miscellaneous === * #9858: Add `TEMPLATE_POSTGIS` setting * #9437: Database connection is closed prior to first HTTP request when deploying via FastCGI == Mercurial Intro == Fortunately, you will only need to learn a subset of Mercurial's features to participate -- and most of them are very similar to what you would do in SVN. This section is a brief guide of the mercurial commands you'll need to work with the `gis-1.1` repository. === Installation === For those with setup tools and a command-line: {{{ $ easy_install mercurial }}} However, there are also [http://mercurial.berkwood.com/ Mercurial binary packages for Windows and Mac OS X]. === Getting a Copy === Here's how to get a copy of the repository -- unlike SVN, you get every changeset when you "clone" a repository: {{{ $ hg clone http://geodjango.org/hg/gis-1.1/ }}} === Making Patches === After cloning, work with the code as necessary. Once modified, you create a patch as follows: {{{ $ hg diff > my_patch.diff }}} However, if you've made your own changes (e.g., checked in your own local revisions with `hg ci`) then you will need to send me a diff to the latest pulled revision from the repository. In other words, something like: {{{ $ hg diff -r 49 }}} === Updating (Pulling) === To get the latest changes (analagous to `svn update`), you pull the new changesets and then update the repository with the following commands: {{{ $ hg pull $ hg update }}} Or, if you're lazy you can do it in one command: {{{ $ hg pull -u }}}