= Django Forum Apps Comparison = '''Important:''' This page is obsolete since [http://djangopackages.com/ djangopackages.com] started hosting "grid" pages for comparing Django apps. Please add any information about Django forum apps on the [http://djangopackages.com/grids/g/forums/ Forums grid]. Also, please migrate any missing information from this page to the grid. Fully migrated data should be removed from this page. Background about this page: Yvan Seth's blog entry [http://yvan.seth.id.au/Entries/Technology/Code/Django_Forum_Software.html Django Forum Software] from December 2007 listed a few well-known discussion forum applications for Django back then. This page continued on the same tracks and tried to gather a comparison of essential features in those applications. [[BR]] {{{ #!html
Features evaluated
Feature Description
demo If the application has a public demo site, a link and login/password are given.
guest-post Visitors can post messages without registration.
notify An administrator can be notified by E-mail and/or SMS about new messages. Note that this feature should be trivial to add to most apps with signals and external code only.
pre-moderate It's possible to hide new messages until they are approved by an administrator.
post-moderate The app provides a user interface for removing messages.
comment Any Django model instance can have a message thread attached to it.
forum The app provides the concept of a forum inside which message threads are grouped.
title Individual messages can have their own titles.
modify Users can modify messages.
msg-history When message are modified, everyone can see the change history.
private Users can send private messages to other users.
}}} [[BR]] {{{ #!html
Summary of major Django forum/discussion apps and their support for the above features
Application Author(s) License demo guest-post notify pre-moderate post-moderate comment forum title modify msg-history private
Askbot Evgeny Fadeev GNU GPL Support forum no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes no
contrib.comments Django authors ? ? yes no? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
DjangoBB Alexey Afinogenov, Sergey Maranchuk BSD Forum in use no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
comment-utils James Bennett BSD ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
django-threadedcomments Eric Florenzano BSD Here yes yes yes yes yes no no yes no no
django-forum Ross Poulton BSD Soon no yes no yes * no yes no no no no
counterpoint Collin Grady MIT no no no no yes no yes ? yes no no
Django Forum Jonathan Buchanan ? ? no no no yes no yes no ? ? ?
snapboard Bo Shi, JW Mayfield BSD Forum in use no no no yes no yes * no yes yes yes
MyghtyBoard Piotr Malinski GNU GPL Forum in use yes * yes * no yes not yet yes no yes no no
Sphene Herbert Poul BSD anonymous yes, with CAPTCHA* reg * no* kind of* no yes yes yes no no
Zyons(dead link) Ian Holsman? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
PyBB Grigoriy Petukhov BSD Support forum no no no yes no yes no yes no no
Django-ForumBR Italo Maia Apache Forum in use no yes no yes no yes yes yes no yes
django-simpleforum James Pells GNU GPL no? no no no yes no yes yes no no no
django-mptt-comments Øyvind Saltvik BSD no yes no no no ? no yes no no no
Dinette Usware Technologies BSD, GBL The Usware Forum no ? ? ? ? yes ? ? ? ?
LBForum vicalloy BSD LBForum no no no yes * no yes yes no no no
Column headings and * symbols reveal verbose descriptions when the mouse pointer hovers over them.
}}} [[BR]] This page was originally created by [http://djangopeople.net/akaihola/ akaihola]. There was a [http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/56a6b62aba0c8766 django-users thread] about this page. === Comments === [http://djangopeople.net/insin Jonathan Buchanan]: django-discussion is not actively maintained or developed at this time (parts of it were extracted into [http://code.google.com/p/django-mptt/ Django MPTT]) – [http://code.google.com/p/django-threadedcomments django-threadedcomments] looks like a more complete and feature-rich implementation of the type of functionality it provided, so I've removed discussion and put threadedcomments in its place. The link to the threadedcomments demo doesn't work === To do === Ideas for making the [http://djangopackages.com/grids/g/forums/ djangopackages.com forum grid] better: * add column for supported Django versions/revisions/branches * add "import" column, e.g.: import existing phpBB2 forum data === Links === * The [http://djangopackages.com/grids/g/forums/ djangopackages.com forum grid] has replaced this page * [ReusableAppResources other resources] for finding and evaluating re-usable apps * similar [wiki:CMSAppsComparison comparison of content management apps]