= Documentation sprint, April 12 - 13, 2008 = We're having a mini-sprint to refactor the documentation this weekend. If you want to help out, join us in #django-sprint. == TODO == Well, a lot. See [http://tinyurl.com/68k7cb the notes on contributing to the docsprint]. However, here are some specific things that can be done ''now'' (i.e. aren't dependent on other folks work: * Replace all images ({{{.. image::}}} and {{{.. figure::}}} directives) with local image files -- right now they use absolute URLs to Django's media server. Images should be put in in {{{_static}}} directory next to the document they're used in. For an example, see {{{internals/contributing.txt}}} and the associated {{{internals/_static}}} directory. * Add correct Sphinx markup to {{{intro/}}} directory. * Write {{{intro/install.txt}}}. It should be based on {{{topics/install}}}, but much much simpler -- geared towards folks just getting started. Python 2.5, sqlite should be the focus. * Finish applying {{{django-admin}}} and {{{django-admin-option}}} markup in {{{ref/django-admin.txt}}}. * ('''HUGE'''): break up model documentation (currently all in {{{topics/db/models}}} and {{{ref/models/querysets}}} into all the various outlined documents in {{{ref/models}}} and {{{topics/db}}}. * ('''QUITE LARGE'''): break up forms documentation from {{{topics/forms/index}}} into the outlined content in {{{topics/forms}}} and {{{ref/forms}}}. * Fix up generic views: adapt Chapter 9 of the Django Book (consider this TODO item my permission and license) into {{{topics/generic-views}}}; remove the intro material from {{{ref/generic-views}}} and just leave the overall reference. * Add [http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/para.html#glossary glossary] directives for "important" terms. A very small starting list can be found [http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/contributing/#commonly-used-terms in the contributing documentation], but there's many more candidates for glossary. * Start looking at the generated index (look in {{{_build/html/genindex.html}}} after running a build) and improving it by adding [http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/para.html#index-generating-markup index directives] where appropriate. * Fill in empty documents with content (most will just be moved from other places). Currently empty files: {{{ ./howto/newforms-migration.txt ./howto/split-models.txt ./howto/standalone-templates.txt ./howto/url-best-practices.txt ./obsolete/pagination.txt ./topics/db/managers.txt ./topics/db/queries.txt ./topics/db/sql.txt ./topics/http/auth.txt ./topics/http/generic-views.txt }}} * Find code blocks and make sure they're [http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/code.html syntax highlighted] correctly. If you choose to do any of these items, remove it from above and add your name/IRC handle below. Oh, one other thing: * Add more items to this TODO list. == Who's doing what == Please indicate what you're working on below so that we can easily keep track. * jacobkm -- hacking on the build system * ~~cramm -- adding cross-ref targets at the top of documents still missing it.~~ * ~~jcd -- annotating ref/settings with targets.~~ * ~~knmurphy -- moving over topics/templates to ref/templates/builtins and annotating with templatetag/templatefilter directives~~ * ~~yml -- annotating ref/request-response~~ * jezdez -- adding module specific markup and description units to contrib/* * ~~knmurphy -- moving topics/middleware into ref/middleware~~ * ~~jacobkm -- refactoring faq/ to have correct links~~ * SimonW -- refactoring template docs in to smaller files * jcd -- adding :setting: xrefs through documentation * knmurphy -- moving ref/django-admin.txt to ./howto/custom-management-commands.txt